Source code for buildtest.cli.cdash

import base64
import hashlib
import json
import os.path
import re
import sys
import tempfile
import webbrowser
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import zlib
from datetime import datetime
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urljoin
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen

import requests
import yaml

from buildtest.defaults import BUILD_REPORT, console
from buildtest.utils.file import is_file, resolve_path
from import deep_get

[docs] def cdash_cmd(args, default_configuration=None, open_browser=True, report_file=None): """This method is entry point for ``buildtest cdash`` command which implements uploading results to CDASH server and command line interface to open CDASH project. Args: args (dict): Parsed arguments from `ArgumentParser.parse_args <>`_ default_configuration (buildtest.config.SiteConfiguration, optional): The loaded default configuration which is an instance of SiteConfiguration class open_browser (bool, optional): boolean to control if we open page in web browser using ` <>`_. This is enabled by default, but can be turned off especially when running regression test where we don't want to see the page """ # Shown below is an example cdash setting in configuration file # cdash: # url: # project: buildtest # site: laptop configuration = default_configuration if not configuration.target_config: sys.exit("Unable to load a configuration file") cdash_config = deep_get(configuration.target_config, "cdash") if not cdash_config: sys.exit( f"We found no 'cdash' setting set in configuration file: {configuration.file}. Please specify 'cdash' setting in order to use 'buildtest cdash' command" ) if args.cdash == "view": view_cdash_project( cdash_config=cdash_config, config_file=configuration.file, open_browser=open_browser, ) if args.cdash == "upload": upload_test_cdash( build_name=args.buildname, configuration=configuration,, report_file=report_file,, )
[docs] def view_cdash_project(cdash_config, config_file, open_browser=None): """Open CDASH project in browser which can be done by running ``buildtest cdash view``. Args: cdash_config (dict): Loaded CDASH configuration from configuration file config_file (str): Path to configuration file open_browser (bool, optional): Determine whether to open file in browser. This option is useful for regression check since we dont want to open file during a run """ url = cdash_config["url"] project = cdash_config["project"] target_url = urljoin(url, f"index.php?project={project}") console.print("Opening URL:", target_url) # check for url via requests, it can raise an exception if its invalid URL in that case we print a message try: r = requests.get(target_url) except requests.ConnectionError as err: print(err) print( "\nShown below is the CDASH settings from configuration file:", config_file ) print(yaml.dump(cdash_config, indent=2)) sys.exit(f"Invalid URL: {target_url}") # A 200 status code is valid URL, if its not found we exit before opening page in browser if not r.status_code == 200: sys.exit("Invalid URL") if open_browser:
[docs] def upload_test_cdash( build_name, configuration, site=None, report_file=None, open_browser=None ): """This method is responsible for reading report file and pushing results to CDASH server. User can specify cdash settings in configuration file or pass them in command line. The command ``buildtest cdash upload`` will upload results to CDASH. Shown below is an example output. In this example **demo** is the build name that shows up in CDASH result. .. code-block:: console (buildtest)  ~/Documents/github/buildtest/ [buildtest_build*] buildtest cdash upload -o demo Reading report file: /Users/siddiq90/Documents/github/buildtest/var/report.json Uploading 1 tests Build Name: demo site: generic MD5SUM: 02049fc1dad67acdeac79a4ffc24e553 You can view the results at: Args: build_name (str): build name that shows up in CDASH configuration (buildtest.config.SiteConfiguration): Instance of SiteConfiguration class that contains the configuration file site (str, optional): Site name that shows up in CDASH report (str, optional): Path to report file when uploading results. This is specified via ``buildtest cdash upload -r`` command open_browser (str, optional): Open CDASH report in web browser. This is specified via ``buildtest cdash upload --open`` command """ cdash_url = configuration.target_config["cdash"]["url"] site_name = site or configuration.target_config["cdash"]["site"] project_name = configuration.target_config["cdash"]["project"] if not build_name: sys.exit("Please specify a buildname") try: requests.get(cdash_url) except requests.ConnectionError: print( "\nShown below is the CDASH settings from configuration file:", configuration.file, ) print(yaml.dump(configuration.target_config["cdash"], indent=2)) console.print_exception() raise requests.ConnectionError upload_url = urljoin(cdash_url, f"submit.php?project={project_name}") r = requests.get(upload_url) # output of text property is the following: # '<cdash version="3.0.3">\n <status>OK</status>\n <message></message>\n <md5>d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e</md5>\n</cdash>\n' if not"<status>OK</status>", r.text): console.print("[red]Malformed XML, please check if project exist on CDASH!") sys.exit(f"Invalid URL: {upload_url}") # For best CDash results, builds names should be consistent (ie not change every time). input_datetime_format = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" output_datetime_format = "%Y%m%d-%H%M" build_starttime = None build_endtime = None tests = [] abspath_report_file = resolve_path(report_file) or BUILD_REPORT if not is_file(abspath_report_file): sys.exit( f"Unable to find report file: {abspath_report_file} please build a test via buildtest build" ) print("Reading report file: ", abspath_report_file) with open(abspath_report_file) as json_file: buildtest_data = json.load(json_file) for buildspec in buildtest_data.keys(): for test_name in buildtest_data[buildspec].keys(): for test_data in buildtest_data[buildspec][test_name]: # test_data = tests_data[0] test = {} # test["name"] = test_name + "/" + test_data["id"] test["name"] = test_name test["id"] = test_data["id"] state = test_data["state"] if state == "PASS": test["status"] = "passed" elif state == "FAIL": test["status"] = "failed" else: print( "Unrecognized state {0} for test {1}; marking it as failed".format( state, test_name ) ) test["status"] = "failed" test["description"] = test_data["description"] test["summary"] = test_data["summary"] test["command"] = test_data["command"] test["testpath"] = test_data["testpath"] test["test_content"] = test_data["test_content"] test["output"] = test_data["output"] test["runtime"] = test_data["runtime"] test["returncode"] = test_data["returncode"] test["full_id"] = test_data["full_id"] test["user"] = test_data["user"] test["hostname"] = test_data["hostname"] test["schemafile"] = test_data["schemafile"] test["tags"] = test_data["tags"] test["executor"] = test_data["executor"] test["compiler"] = test_data["compiler"] test["starttime"] = test_data["starttime"] test["endtime"] = test_data["endtime"] test["build_script"] = test_data["build_script"] test["logpath"] = test_data["logpath"] test["buildenv"] = test_data["buildenv"] test["job"] = json.dumps(test_data["job"], indent=2, sort_keys=True) # extra preformatted output fields test["buildspec_content"] = test_data["buildspec_content"] test["error"] = test_data["error"] test["test_content"] = test_data["test_content"] test["buildscript_content"] = test_data["buildscript_content"] # metrics property must be converted to string inorder to push to cdash test["metrics"] = json.dumps( test_data["metrics"], indent=2, sort_keys=True ) # tags == labels test["tags"] = test_data["tags"] test["testroot"] = test_data["testroot"] test["stagedir"] = test_data["stagedir"] test["outfile"] = test_data["outfile"] test["errfile"] = test_data["errfile"] # test start and end time. starttime = test_data["starttime"] test_starttime_datetime = datetime.strptime( starttime, input_datetime_format ) endtime = test_data["endtime"] test_endtime_datetime = datetime.strptime( endtime, input_datetime_format ) if not build_starttime or build_starttime > test_starttime_datetime: build_starttime = test_starttime_datetime if not build_endtime or build_endtime < test_endtime_datetime: build_endtime = test_endtime_datetime tests.append(test) # remove ANSI escape characters from output and error field to avoid issues with CDASH upload. See ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") ansi_escape.sub("", test["output"]) ansi_escape.sub("", test["error"]) # need to encode in ASCII characters for example any uniccoded characters will cause CDASH upload to fail test["output"] = test["output"].encode("ascii", "ignore").decode() test["error"] = test["error"].encode("ascii", "ignore").decode() console.print(f"Uploading {len(tests)} tests") build_stamp = build_starttime.strftime(output_datetime_format) build_stamp += "-Experimental" tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".xml") site_element = ET.Element( "Site", Name=site_name, BuildName=build_name, BuildStamp=build_stamp ) testing_element = ET.SubElement(site_element, "Testing") ET.SubElement(testing_element, "StartTestTime").text = str( round(datetime.timestamp(build_starttime)) ) ET.SubElement(testing_element, "EndTestTime").text = str( round(datetime.timestamp(build_endtime)) ) for test in tests: test_element = ET.SubElement(testing_element, "Test", Status=test["status"]) # ET.SubElement(test_element, "id").text = test["id"] ET.SubElement(test_element, "Name").text = test["name"] ET.SubElement(test_element, "Description").text = test["description"] ET.SubElement(test_element, "FullCommandLine").text = test["command"] results_element = ET.SubElement(test_element, "Results") runtime_measurement = ET.SubElement( results_element, "NamedMeasurement", type="numeric/double", name="Execution Time", ) ET.SubElement(runtime_measurement, "Value").text = str(test["runtime"]) testid_measurement = ET.SubElement( results_element, "NamedMeasurement", type="text/string", name="Test ID" ) ET.SubElement(testid_measurement, "Value").text = test["full_id"] returncode_measurement = ET.SubElement( results_element, "NamedMeasurement", type="numeric/double", name="Return Code", ) ET.SubElement(returncode_measurement, "Value").text = str(test["returncode"]) for field in [ "user", "id", "hostname", "description", "command", "executor", "tags", "testroot", "stagedir", "build_script", "testpath", "outfile", "errfile", "buildenv", "starttime", "endtime", "logpath", "compiler", "schemafile", ]: measurement = ET.SubElement( results_element, "NamedMeasurement", type="text/string", name=field ) ET.SubElement(measurement, "Value").text = test[field] summary_content = ET.SubElement( results_element, "NamedMeasurement", type="text/preformatted", name="Summary", ) ET.SubElement(summary_content, "Value").text = test["summary"] error_content = ET.SubElement( results_element, "NamedMeasurement", type="text/preformatted", name="Error" ) ET.SubElement(error_content, "Value").text = test["error"] buildspec_content = ET.SubElement( results_element, "NamedMeasurement", type="text/preformatted", name="Buildspec Content", ) ET.SubElement(buildspec_content, "Value").text = test["buildspec_content"] test_content = ET.SubElement( results_element, "NamedMeasurement", type="text/preformatted", name="Test Content", ) ET.SubElement(test_content, "Value").text = test["test_content"] build_script_content = ET.SubElement( results_element, "NamedMeasurement", type="text/preformatted", name="Build Script Content", ) ET.SubElement(build_script_content, "Value").text = test["buildscript_content"] output_measurement = ET.SubElement(results_element, "Measurement") base64_zlib_output = base64.b64encode( zlib.compress(bytes("".join(test["output"]), "ascii")) ).decode("ascii") ET.SubElement( output_measurement, "Value", encoding="base64", compression="gzip" ).text = base64_zlib_output metrics = ET.SubElement( results_element, "NamedMeasurement", type="text/preformatted", name="Metrics", ) ET.SubElement(metrics, "Value").text = test["metrics"] job = ET.SubElement( results_element, "NamedMeasurement", type="text/preformatted", name="Job" ) ET.SubElement(job, "Value").text = test["job"] gitlab_job_url = os.getenv("CI_JOB_URL") if gitlab_job_url is not None: gitlab_link_measurement = ET.SubElement( results_element, "NamedMeasurement", type="text/link", name="View GitLab CI results", ) ET.SubElement(gitlab_link_measurement, "Value").text = gitlab_job_url # Report tags as labels labels_element = ET.SubElement(test_element, "Labels") for tag in test["tags"].split(" "): ET.SubElement(labels_element, "Label").text = tag xml_tree = ET.ElementTree(site_element) xml_tree.write( # Compute md5 checksum for the contents of this file. with open( as fd: md5sum = hashlib.md5("utf-8")).hexdigest() buildid_regexp = re.compile("<buildId>([0-9]+)</buildId>") with open(, "rb") as fd: params_dict = { "build": build_name, "site": site_name, "stamp": build_stamp, "MD5": md5sum, } console.print("[red]Build Name: ", build_name) console.print("[green]site: ", site_name) console.print("[blue]MD5SUM:", md5sum) encoded_params = urlencode(params_dict) url = "{0}&{1}".format(upload_url, encoded_params) hdrs = {"Content-Type": "text/xml", "Content-Length": os.path.getsize(} request = Request(url, data=fd, method="PUT", headers=hdrs) with urlopen(request) as response: resp_value = if isinstance(resp_value, bytes): resp_value = resp_value.decode("utf-8") match = if match: buildid = url_view = urljoin(cdash_url, f"viewTest.php?buildid={buildid}") console.print(f"You can view the results at: {url_view}") if open_browser: tf.close()
# os.remove(filename)