Source code for buildtest.executors.setup

This module is responsible for setup of executors defined in buildtest
configuration. The BuildExecutor class initializes the executors and chooses the
executor class (LocalExecutor, LSFExecutor, SlurmExecutor, CobaltExecutor) to call depending
on executor name.

import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
import shutil
import sys
import time

from rich.table import Column, Table

from import BuilderBase
from buildtest.defaults import BUILDTEST_EXECUTOR_DIR, console
from buildtest.exceptions import BuildTestError, ExecutorError
from buildtest.executors.base import BaseExecutor
from buildtest.executors.cobalt import CobaltExecutor
from buildtest.executors.container import ContainerExecutor
from buildtest.executors.local import LocalExecutor
from buildtest.executors.lsf import LSFExecutor
from buildtest.executors.pbs import PBSExecutor, TorqueExecutor
from buildtest.executors.slurm import SlurmExecutor
from import get_module_commands
from buildtest.utils.file import create_dir, write_file
from import deep_get

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BuildExecutor: """A BuildExecutor is responsible for initialing executors from buildtest configuration file which provides a list of executors. This class keeps track of all executors and provides the following methods: - **setup**: This method will write executor's ```` that is sourced in each test upon calling executor. - **run**: Responsible for invoking executor's **run** method based on builder object which is of type BuilderBase. - **poll**: This is responsible for invoking ``poll`` method for corresponding executor from the builder object by checking job state """ def __init__( self, site_config, account=None, maxpendtime=None, pollinterval=None, timeout=None, max_jobs=None, ): """Initialize executors, meaning that we provide the buildtest configuration that are validated, and can instantiate each executor to be available. Args: site_config (buildtest.config.SiteConfiguration): instance of SiteConfiguration class that has the buildtest configuration account (str, optional): pass account name to charge batch jobs. maxpendtime (int, optional): maximum pend time in second until job is cancelled. pollinterval (int, optional): Number of seconds to wait until polling batch jobs max_jobs (int, optional): Maximum number of jobs to run at a time. """ # stores a list of builders objects = set() # default poll interval if not specified default_interval = 30 self.configuration = site_config self.pollinterval = ( pollinterval or deep_get( self.configuration.target_config, "executors", "defaults", "pollinterval", ) or default_interval ) self._completed = set() self._pending_jobs = set() self.executors = {} logger.debug("Getting Executors from buildtest settings") executor_types = { "local": LocalExecutor, "slurm": SlurmExecutor, "lsf": LSFExecutor, "pbs": PBSExecutor, "torque": TorqueExecutor, "cobalt": CobaltExecutor, "container": ContainerExecutor, } for executor_type, executor_cls in executor_types.items(): valid_executors = self.configuration.valid_executors.get(executor_type, {}) for name, executor_settings in valid_executors.items(): self.executors[name] = executor_cls( name=name, account=account, settings=executor_settings.get("setting"), site_configs=self.configuration, maxpendtime=maxpendtime, timeout=timeout, ) self.max_jobs = max_jobs or self.configuration.target_config.get("max_jobs") self.setup()
[docs] def __str__(self): return "[buildtest-executor]"
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "[buildtest-executor]"
[docs] def names(self): """Return a list of executor names""" return list(self.executors.keys())
[docs] def get(self, name): """Given the name of an executor return the executor object which is of subclass of `BaseExecutor`""" return self.executors.get(name)
[docs] def get_validbuilders(self): """Return a list of valid builders that were run""" return [builder for builder in if builder.is_complete()]
[docs] def _choose_executor(self, builder): """Choose executor is called at the onset of a run and poll stage. Given a builder object we retrieve the executor property ``builder.executor`` of the builder and check if there is an executor object and of type `BaseExecutor`. Args: builder (buildtest.buildsystem.base.BuilderBase): An instance object of BuilderBase type """ # Get the executor by name, and add the builder to it executor = self.get(builder.executor) if not isinstance(executor, BaseExecutor): raise ExecutorError( f"{executor} is not a valid executor because it is not of type BaseExecutor class." ) return executor
[docs] def setup(self): """This method creates directory ``var/executors/<executor-name>`` for every executor defined in buildtest configuration and write scripts `` if the field ``before_script`` is specified in executor section. This method is called after executors are initialized in the class **__init__** method. """ for executor_name in self.names(): create_dir(os.path.join(BUILDTEST_EXECUTOR_DIR, executor_name)) # if before_script field defined in executor section write content to var/executors/<executor>/ file = os.path.join( BUILDTEST_EXECUTOR_DIR, executor_name, "" ) module_cmds = get_module_commands( self.executors[executor_name]._settings.get("module") ) content = ["#!/bin/bash"] if module_cmds: content += module_cmds content.append( self.executors[executor_name]._settings.get("before_script") or "" ) content = "\n".join(content) write_file(file, content)
[docs] def select_builders_to_run(self, builders): """This method will return list of builders that need to run. We need to check any builders that have a job dependency and make sure the dependent jobs are finished prior to running builder. The return method will be a list of builders to run. """ run_builders = set() testnames = { builder for builder in} # This section must be executed sequentially if job dependency are found for # any test. Test will be executed async but when checking if test is complete via # .is_complete() we need the builders to be processed to get updated state. for builder in builders: if not builder.recipe.get("needs"): console.print( f"[green]{builder} does not have any dependencies adding test to queue" ) run_builders.add(builder) continue builder.dependency = False # for name in builder.recipe["needs"]: # if element in needs is a string then we check if job is complete if isinstance(name, str): if name not in list(testnames.keys()): continue if testnames[name].is_pending(): builder.dependency = True console.print( f"[blue]{builder}[/blue] [red]Skipping job because it has job dependency on {testnames[name]} which is in state {testnames[name].state()} [/red]" ) break else: testname = list(name.keys())[0] if testname not in testnames.keys(): continue if testnames[testname].is_pending(): builder.dependency = True console.print( f"[blue]{builder}[/blue] [red]Skipping job because it has job dependency on {testnames[testname]} [/red]" ) break if "state" in name[testname]: match_state = ( name[testname]["state"] == testnames[testname].metadata["result"]["state"] ) if not match_state: if testnames[testname].is_pending(): builder.dependency = True console.print( f"[blue]{builder}[/blue] skipping test because it depends on {testnames[testname]} to have state: {name[testname]['state']} but actual value is {testnames[testname].metadata['result']['state']}" ) break # if there is no match but in 'state' property but job is not pending then we cancel job else: builder.failed() builder.dependency = True console.print( f"[red]{builder} is cancelled because it depends on {testnames[testname]} to have state: {name[testname]['state']} but actual value is {testnames[testname].metadata['result']['state']}" ) if "returncode" in name[testname]: rc = [] if isinstance(name[testname]["returncode"], int): rc.append(name[testname]["returncode"]) else: rc = name[testname]["returncode"] no_match = ( testnames[testname].metadata["result"]["returncode"] not in rc ) if no_match: if testnames[testname].is_pending(): console.print( f"[red]{builder} is cancelled because it expects one of these returncode {rc} from {testnames[testname]} but test has {testnames[testname].metadata['result']['returncode']} " ) builder.dependency = True # if test is not complete we check if test returncode with value specified in needs property for corresponding test else: builder.dependency = True builder.failed() continue if builder.dependency: continue run_builders.add(builder) builders = [] for builder in run_builders: if builder.is_pending(): builders.append(builder) # console.print(f"In this iteration we will run the following tests: {builders}", ) return builders
[docs] def run(self, builders): """This method is responsible for running the build script for each builder async and gather the results. We setup a pool of worker settings by invoking ``multiprocessing.pool.Pool`` and use `multiprocessing.pool.Pool.apply_sync() <>`_ method for running test async which returns an object of type `multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult <>`_ which holds the result. Next we wait for results to arrive using `multiprocessing.pool.AsyncResult.get() <>`_ method in a infinite loop until all test results are retrieved. The return type is the same builder object which is added to list of valid builders that is returned at end of method. """ for builder in builders: executor = self._choose_executor(builder) executor.add_builder(builder) num_workers = self.configuration.target_config.get("poolsize") or os.cpu_count() # in case user specifies more process than available CPU count use the min of the two numbers num_workers = min(num_workers, os.cpu_count()) pool = mp.Pool(num_workers) console.print(f"Spawning {num_workers} processes for processing builders") count = 0 try: while True: count += 1 console.rule(f"Iteration {count}") active_builders = [ builder for builder in if builder.is_pending() ] run_builders = self.select_builders_to_run(active_builders) # if max_jobs property is set then reduce the number of jobs to run to max_jobs if self.max_jobs: run_builders = run_builders[: self.max_jobs] if not run_builders: raise BuildTestError("Unable to run tests") run_table = Table( Column("Builder", overflow="fold", style="red"), title="Builders Eligible to Run", header_style="blue", ) for builder in run_builders: run_table.add_row(f"{str(builder)}") console.print(run_table) results = [] for builder in run_builders: executor = self._choose_executor(builder) results.append(pool.apply_async(, args=(builder,))) for result in results: task = result.get() if isinstance(task, BuilderBase): pending_jobs = [ builder for builder in if builder.is_batch_job() and builder.is_running() ] self.poll(pending_jobs) # remove any failed jobs from list # for builder in # if builder.is_failed(): # # set Terminate to True if no builders are pending or running terminate = not any( builder.is_pending() or builder.is_running() for builder in ) if terminate: break except KeyboardInterrupt: console.print("[red]Terminating workers due to exception") self._cleanup_when_exception() # close the worker pool by preventing any more tasks from being submitted pool.close() # terminate all worker processes pool.join() sys.exit() # close the worker pool by preventing any more tasks from being submitted pool.close() # terminate all worker processes pool.join()
[docs] def poll(self, pending_jobs): """Poll all until all jobs are complete. At each poll interval, we poll each builder job state. If job is complete or failed we remove job from pending queue. In each interval we sleep and poll jobs until there is no pending jobs.""" jobs = pending_jobs # poll until all pending jobs are complete while jobs: print(f"Polling Jobs in {self.pollinterval} seconds") time.sleep(self.pollinterval) # for every pending job poll job and mark if job is finished or cancelled for job in jobs: # get executor instance for corresponding builder. This would be one of the following: SlurmExecutor, PBSExecutor, LSFExecutor, CobaltExecutor executor = self.get(job.executor) executor.poll(job) self._print_job_details(jobs) jobs = [ builder for builder in jobs if builder.job.is_running() or builder.job.is_pending() or builder.job.is_suspended() ]
[docs] def _print_job_details(self, active_jobs): """Print pending jobs in table format during each poll step args: active_jobs (list): List of builders whose jobs are pending, suspended or running completed_jobs (list): List of builders whose jobs are completed """ table_columns = [ "builder", "executor", "jobid", "jobstate", "runtime", "elapsedtime", "pendtime", ] pend_count = len( [ builder for builder in active_jobs if builder.job.is_pending() or builder.job.is_suspended() ] ) run_count = len( [builder for builder in active_jobs if builder.job.is_running()] ) complete_count = len( [builder for builder in active_jobs if builder.job.is_complete()] ) pending_jobs_table = Table( title=f"Pending and Suspended Jobs ({pend_count})", header_style="blue" ) running_jobs_table = Table( title=f"Running Jobs ({run_count})", header_style="blue" ) completed_jobs_table = Table( title=f"Completed Jobs ({complete_count})", header_style="blue" ) for column in table_columns: pending_jobs_table.add_column(column, overflow="fold") running_jobs_table.add_column(column, overflow="fold") completed_jobs_table.add_column(column, overflow="fold") for builder in active_jobs: if builder.job.is_pending() or builder.job.is_suspended(): pending_jobs_table.add_row( f"[blue]{str(builder)}", f"[green]{builder.executor}", f"[red]{builder.job.get()}", f"[cyan]{builder.job.state()}", f"[magenta]{str(builder.timer.duration())}", f"[yellow]{str(builder.job.elapsedtime)}", f"[yellow]{str(builder.job.pendtime)}", ) if builder.job.is_running(): running_jobs_table.add_row( f"[blue]{str(builder)}", f"[green]{builder.executor}", f"[red]{builder.job.get()}", f"[cyan]{builder.job.state()}", f"[magenta]{str(builder.timer.duration())}", f"[yellow]{str(builder.job.elapsedtime)}", f"[yellow]{str(builder.job.pendtime)}", ) if builder.job.is_complete(): completed_jobs_table.add_row( f"[blue]{str(builder)}", f"[green]{builder.executor}", f"[red]{builder.job.get()}", f"[cyan]{builder.job.state()}", f"[magenta]{str(builder.metadata['result']['runtime'])}", f"[yellow]{str(builder.job.elapsedtime)}", f"[yellow]{str(builder.job.pendtime)}", ) # only print table if there are rows in table if pending_jobs_table.row_count: console.print(pending_jobs_table) if running_jobs_table.row_count: console.print(running_jobs_table) if completed_jobs_table.row_count: console.print(completed_jobs_table)
[docs] def _cleanup_when_exception(self): """This method is invoked by cleaning up any builders that are when exception is raised""" for builder in console.print( f"[blue]{builder}[/blue]: [red]Removing test directory: {builder.test_root}" ) try: shutil.rmtree(builder.test_root) except OSError as err: console.print( f"[blue]{builder}[/blue]: [red]Unable to delete test directory {builder.test_root} with error: {err.strerror}" ) continue if builder.is_batch_job(): console.print( f"[blue]{builder}[/blue]: [red]Cancelling Job {builder.job.get()}" ) builder.job.cancel()