Source code for buildtest.scheduler.lsf

import json
import logging
import time

from buildtest.scheduler.job import Job
from buildtest.utils.command import BuildTestCommand

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class LSFJob(Job): def __init__(self, jobID, lsf_cmds): super().__init__(jobID) self.lsf_cmds = lsf_cmds
[docs] def is_pending(self): """Check if Job is pending which is reported by LSF as ``PEND``. Return ``True`` if there is a match otherwise returns ``False``""" return self._state == "PEND"
[docs] def is_running(self): """Check if Job is running which is reported by LSF as ``RUN``. Return ``True`` if there is a match otherwise returns ``False``""" return self._state == "RUN"
[docs] def is_complete(self): """Check if Job is complete which is in ``DONE`` state. Return ``True`` if there is a match otherwise return ``False``""" return self._state == "DONE"
[docs] def is_suspended(self): """Check if Job is in suspended state which could be in any of the following states: [``PSUSP``, ``USUSP``, ``SSUSP``]. We return ``True`` if job is in one of the states otherwise return ``False`` """ return self._state in ["PSUSP", "USUSP", "SSUSP"]
[docs] def is_failed(self): """Check if Job failed. We return ``True`` if job is in ``EXIT`` state otherwise return ``False``""" return self._state == "EXIT"
[docs] def poll(self): """Given a job id we poll the LSF Job by retrieving its job state, output file, error file and exit code. We run the following commands to retrieve following states - Job State: ``bjobs -noheader -o 'stat' <JOBID>`` - Exit Code: ``bjobs -noheader -o 'EXIT_CODE' <JOBID>'`` """ # get job state query = f"{self.lsf_cmds['bjobs']} -noheader -o 'stat' {self.jobid}" logger.debug(query) logger.debug( f"Extracting Job State for job: {self.jobid} by running '{query}'" ) cmd = BuildTestCommand(query) cmd.execute() job_state = cmd.get_output() self._state = "".join(job_state).rstrip() logger.debug(f"Job State: {self._state}") query = f"{self.lsf_cmds['bjobs']} -noheader -o 'EXIT_CODE' {self.jobid} " logger.debug( f"Extracting EXIT CODE for job: {self.jobid} by running '{query}'" ) cmd = BuildTestCommand(query) cmd.execute() output = "".join(cmd.get_output()).rstrip() # for 0 or negative exit code output is in form "-" otherwise set value retrieved by bjobs try: self._exitcode = int(output) except ValueError: self._exitcode = 0 logger.debug(f"Exit Code: {self._exitcode}") # if job is running and the start time is not recorded then we record the start time if self.is_running() and not self.starttime: self.starttime = time.time()
[docs] def get_output_and_error_files(self): """This method will extract output and error file for a given jobID by running the following commands: ``bjobs -noheader -o 'output_file' <JOBID>`` and ``bjobs -noheader -o 'error_file' <JOBID>`` .. code-block:: console $ bjobs -noheader -o 'output_file' 70910 hold_job.out .. code-block:: console $ bjobs -noheader -o 'error_file' 70910 hold_job.err """ # get path to output file query = f"{self.lsf_cmds['bjobs']} -noheader -o 'output_file' {self.jobid} " logger.debug( f"Extracting OUTPUT FILE for job: {self.jobid} by running '{query}'" ) cmd = BuildTestCommand(query) cmd.execute() self._outfile = "".join(cmd.get_output()).rstrip() logger.debug(f"Output File: {self._outfile}") # get path to error file query = f"{self.lsf_cmds['bjobs']} -noheader -o 'error_file' {self.jobid} " logger.debug( f"Extracting ERROR FILE for job: {self.jobid} by running '{query}'" ) cmd = BuildTestCommand(query) cmd.execute() self._errfile = "".join(cmd.get_output()).rstrip() logger.debug(f"Error File: {self._errfile}")
[docs] def retrieve_jobdata(self): """We will gather job record at onset of job completion by running ``bjobs -o '<format1> <format2>' <jobid> -json``. T Shown below is the output format and we retrieve the job records defined in **RECORDS** property .. code-block:: console $ bjobs -o 'job_name stat user user_group queue proj_name pids exit_code from_host exec_host submit_time start_time finish_time nthreads exec_home exec_cwd output_file error_file' 58652 -json { "COMMAND":"bjobs", "JOBS":1, "RECORDS":[ { "JOB_NAME":"hold_job", "STAT":"PSUSP", "USER":"shahzebsiddiqui", "USER_GROUP":"GEN014ECPCI", "QUEUE":"batch", "PROJ_NAME":"GEN014ECPCI", "PIDS":"", "EXIT_CODE":"", "FROM_HOST":"login1", "EXEC_HOST":"", "SUBMIT_TIME":"May 28 12:45", "START_TIME":"", "FINISH_TIME":"", "NTHREADS":"", "EXEC_HOME":"", "EXEC_CWD":"", "OUTPUT_FILE":"hold_job.out", "ERROR_FILE":"hold_job.err" } ] } """ self.get_output_and_error_files() format_fields = [ "job_name", "stat", "user", "user_group", "queue", "proj_name", "pids", "exit_code", "from_host", "exec_host", "submit_time", "start_time", "finish_time", "nthreads", "exec_home", "exec_cwd", "output_file", "error_file", ] query = f"{self.lsf_cmds['bjobs']} -o '{' '.join(format_fields)}' {self.jobid} -json" logger.debug(f"Gather LSF job: {self.jobid} data by running: {query}") cmd = BuildTestCommand(query) cmd.execute() out = cmd.get_output() out = "".join(out).rstrip() out = json.loads(out) logger.debug(json.dumps(out, indent=2)) job_data = {} records = out["RECORDS"][0] for field, value in records.items(): job_data[field] = value self._jobdata = job_data
[docs] def cancel(self): """Cancel LSF Job by running ``bkill <jobid>``. This method is called if job pending time exceeds `maxpendtime` limit during poll stage.""" query = f"{self.lsf_cmds['bkill']} {self.jobid}" logger.debug(f"Cancelling job {self.jobid} by running: {query}") cmd = BuildTestCommand(query) cmd.execute()