import logging
import re
import time
from buildtest.scheduler.job import Job
from buildtest.utils.command import BuildTestCommand
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SlurmJob(Job):
"""The SlurmJob class models a Slurm Job ID with helper methods to perform operation against an active slurm job. The SlurmJob class
can poll job to get updated job state, gather job data upon completion of test and cancel job if necessary. We can also retrieve job
state and determine if job is running, pending, suspended, or cancelled. Jobs are polled via `sacct <>`_
command which can retrieve pending, running and complete jobs.
def __init__(self, jobID, slurm_cmds, cluster=None):
self.cluster = cluster
self.slurm_cmds = slurm_cmds
def is_pending(self):
"""If job is pending return ``True`` otherwise return ``False``. Slurm Job state for pending
is ``PENDING``."""
return self._state == "PENDING"
def is_running(self):
"""If job is running return ``True`` otherwise return ``False``. Slurm will report ``RUNNING``
for job state."""
return self._state == "RUNNING"
def is_suspended(self):
"""If job is suspended return ``True`` otherwise return ``False``. Slurm will report ``SUSPENDED``
for job state."""
return self._state == "SUSPENDED"
def is_cancelled(self):
"""If job is cancelled return ``True`` otherwise return ``False``. Slurm will report ``CANCELLED``
for job state."""
return self._state == "CANCELLED"
def is_complete(self):
"""If job is complete return ``True`` otherwise return ``False``. Slurm will report ``COMPLETED``
for job state."""
return self._state in ["COMPLETED", "FAILED", "TIMEOUT", "OUT_OF_MEMORY"]
def is_failed(self):
"""If job failed return ``True`` otherwise return ``False``. Slurm will report ``FAILED``
for job state."""
return self._state == "FAILED"
def is_out_of_memory(self):
"""If job is out of memory return ``True`` otherwise return ``False``. Slurm will report ``OUT_OF_MEMORY``
for job state."""
return self._state == "OUT_OF_MEMORY"
def is_timeout(self):
"""If job timed out return ``True`` otherwise return ``False``. Slurm will report ``TIMEOUT``
for job state."""
return self._state == "TIMEOUT"
def complete(self):
"""This method is used for gathering job result we assume job is complete if it's
in any of the following state: ``COMPLETED``, ``FAILED``, ``OUT_OF_MEMORY``, ``TIMEOUT``
return any(
def state(self):
"""Return job state"""
return self._state
def workdir(self):
"""Return job work directory"""
return self._workdir
def cancel(self):
"""Cancel job by running ``scancel <jobid>``. If job is specified to a slurm
cluster we cancel job using ``scancel <jobid> --clusters=<cluster>``. This method
is called if job exceeds `maxpendtime`."""
query = f"{self.slurm_cmds['scancel']} {self.jobid}"
if self.cluster:
query = (
f"{self.slurm_cmds['scancel']} {self.jobid} --clusters={self.cluster}"
cmd = BuildTestCommand(query)
logger.debug(f"Cancelling Job: {self.jobid} by running: {query}")
self._state = "CANCELLED"
def poll(self):
"""This method will poll job via ``sacct`` command to get updated job state by running the
following command: ``sacct -j <jobid> -o State -n -X -P``
Slurm will report the job state that can be parsed. Shown below is an example job
that is ``PENDING`` state
.. code-block:: console
$ sacct -j 46641229 -o State -n -X -P
query = f"{self.slurm_cmds['sacct']} -j {self.jobid} -o State -n -X -P"
if self.cluster:
query += f" --clusters={self.cluster}"
# there is a delay when test is run until slurm can query job via 'sacct'. This is relevant when using
# 1 sec pollinterval. The sacct query will not return the job state so we sleep and try until we get value
while True:
cmd = BuildTestCommand(query)
logger.debug(f"Querying JobID: '{self.jobid}' by running: '{query}'")
output = cmd.get_output()
self._state = "".join(output).rstrip()
if self._state:
logger.debug(f"JobID: '{self.jobid}' Job State: {self._state}")
f"Unable to get job state for JobID: '{self.jobid}' so trying again"
if self.is_running() and not self.starttime:
self.starttime = time.time()
def get_output_and_error_files(self):
"""This method will extract file paths to StdOut and StdErr using ``scontrol show job <jobid>`` command that will
be used to set output and error file.
.. code-block:: console
siddiq90@login07> scontrol show job 23608796
JobId=23608796 JobName=perlmutter-gpu.slurm
UserId=siddiq90(92503) GroupId=siddiq90(92503) MCS_label=N/A
Priority=69119 Nice=0 Account=nstaff_g QOS=gpu_debug
JobState=PENDING Reason=Priority Dependency=(null)
Requeue=0 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=1 Reboot=0 ExitCode=0:0
RunTime=00:00:00 TimeLimit=00:05:00 TimeMin=N/A
SubmitTime=2024-03-28T12:36:05 EligibleTime=2024-03-28T12:36:05
StartTime=2024-03-28T12:36:14 EndTime=2024-03-28T12:41:14 Deadline=N/A
SuspendTime=None SecsPreSuspend=0 LastSchedEval=2024-03-28T12:36:12 Scheduler=Backfill:*
Partition=gpu_ss11 AllocNode:Sid=login07:1529462
ReqNodeList=(null) ExcNodeList=(null)
NumNodes=1-1 NumCPUs=4 NumTasks=4 CPUs/Task=1 ReqB:S:C:T=0:0:*:*
Socks/Node=* NtasksPerN:B:S:C=4:0:*:* CoreSpec=*
MinCPUsNode=4 MinMemoryNode=0 MinTmpDiskNode=0
Features=gpu&a100 DelayBoot=00:00:00
OverSubscribe=NO Contiguous=0 Licenses=u1:1 Network=(null)
query = f"{self.slurm_cmds['scontrol']} show job {self.jobid}"
if self.cluster:
query += f" --clusters={self.cluster}"
cmd = BuildTestCommand(query)
logger.debug(f"Querying JobID: '{self.jobid}' by running: '{query}'")
content = " ".join(cmd.get_output())
logger.debug(f"Output of scontrol show job {self.jobid}:\n{content}")
pattern = r"StdOut=(?P<stdout>.+)"
match =, content)
f"Extracting StdOut file by applying regular expression: {pattern}"
if match:
self._outfile ="stdout")
logger.error(f"Unable to extract StdOut file from output: {content}")
pattern = r"StdErr=(?P<stderr>.+)"
match =, content)
f"Extracting StdOut file by applying regular expression: {pattern}"
if match:
self._errfile ="stderr")
logger.error(f"Unable to extract StdErr file from error: {content}")
logger.debug(f"Output File: {self._outfile}")
logger.debug(f"Error File: {self._errfile}")
def retrieve_jobdata(self):
"""This method will get job record which is called after job completion. We use `sacct` to gather
job record and return the job record as a dictionary. The command we run is
``sacct -j <jobid> -X -n -P -o <field1>,<field2>,...,<fieldN>``. We retrieve the following
format fields from job record:
- "Account"
- "AllocNodes"
- "AllocTRES"
- "ConsumedEnergyRaw"
- "CPUTimeRaw"
- "Elapsed"
- "ElapsedRaw"
- "End"
- "ExitCode"
- "JobID"
- "JobName"
- "NNodes"
- "QOS"
- "ReqMem"
- "ReqNodes"
- "Start"
- "State"
- "Submit"
- "UID"
- "User"
- "WorkDir"
The output of sacct is parseable using the pipe symbol (**|**) and stored into a dict
.. code-block:: console
$ sacct -j 42909266 -X -n -P -o Account,AllocNodes,AllocTRES,ConsumedEnergyRaw,CPUTimeRaw,Elapsed,End,ExitCode,JobID,JobName,NCPUS,NNodes,QOS,ReqMem,ReqNodes,Start,State,Submit,UID,User,WorkDir --clusters=cori
We retrieve ExitCode and WorkDir via sacct command to get returncode. Slurm will write output and error file in WorkDir location. We
run the following command below and parse the output. The ExitCode is in form ``<exitcode>:<signal>`` which is colon
separated list. For more details on Slurm Exit code see
.. code-block:: console
$ sacct -j 46294283 --clusters=cori -X -n -P -o ExitCode,Workdir
sacct_fields = [
query = (
f"{self.slurm_cmds['sacct']} -j {self.jobid} -X -n -P -o ExitCode,Workdir"
if self.cluster:
query += f" --clusters={self.cluster}"
cmd = BuildTestCommand(query)
f"Querying JobID: '{self.jobid}' ExitCode and Workdir by running: '{query}'"
out = "".join(cmd.get_output()).rstrip()
exitcode, workdir = out.split("|")
# Exit Code field is in format <ExitCode>:<Signal> for now we care only about first number
self._exitcode = int(exitcode.split(":")[0])
self._workdir = workdir
logger.debug(f"JobID: '{self.jobid}' finished with exitcode: {self._exitcode}")
query = f"{self.slurm_cmds['sacct']} -j {self.jobid} -X -n -P -o {','.join(sacct_fields)}"
# to query jobs from another cluster we must add -M <cluster> to sacct
if self.cluster:
query += f" --clusters={self.cluster}"
logger.debug(f"Gather slurm job data by running: {query}")
cmd = BuildTestCommand(query)
out = "".join(cmd.get_output())
# split by | since
out = out.split("|")
job_data = {}
for field, value in zip(sacct_fields, out):
job_data[field] = value
self._jobdata = job_data