Source code for buildtest.scheduler.cobalt

import logging
import time

from buildtest.scheduler.job import Job
from buildtest.utils.command import BuildTestCommand

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CobaltJob(Job): """The ``CobaltJob`` class performs operation on cobalt job upon job submission such as polling job, gather job record, cancel job. We also retrieve job state and determine if job is pending, running, complete, suspended. """ def __init__(self, jobID, cobalt_cmds): super().__init__(jobID) self._outfile = str(jobID) + ".output" self._errfile = str(jobID) + ".error" self._cobaltlog = str(jobID) + ".cobaltlog" self.cobalt_cmds = cobalt_cmds
[docs] def is_pending(self): """Return ``True`` if job is pending otherwise returns ``False``. When cobalt recieves job it is in ``starting`` followed by ``queued`` state. We check if job is in either state. """ return self._state in ["queued", "starting"]
[docs] def is_running(self): """Return ``True`` if job is running otherwise returns ``False``. Cobalt job state for running job is is marked as ``running``""" return self._state == "running"
[docs] def is_complete(self): """Return ``True`` if job is complete otherwise returns ``False``. Cobalt job state for completed job job is marked as ``exiting``""" return self._state == "exiting"
[docs] def is_suspended(self): """Return ``True`` if job is suspended otherwise returns ``False``. Cobalt job state for suspended is marked as ``user_hold``""" return self._state == "user_hold"
[docs] def is_cancelled(self): """Return ``True`` if job is cancelled otherwise returns ``False``. Job state is ``cancelled`` which is set by class ``cancel`` method """ return self._state == "cancelled"
[docs] def cobalt_log(self): """Return job cobalt.log file""" return self._cobaltlog
[docs] def poll(self): """Poll job by running ``qstat -l --header State <jobid>`` which retrieves job state.""" # get Job State by running 'qstat -l --header <jobid>' query = f"{self.cobalt_cmds['qstat']} -l --header State {self.jobid}" logger.debug(f"Getting Job State for '{self.jobid}' by running: '{query}'") cmd = BuildTestCommand(query) cmd.execute() output = cmd.get_output() output = " ".join(output).strip() # Output in format State: <state> so we need to get value of state job_state = output.partition(":")[2].strip() if job_state: self._state = job_state logger.debug(f"Job ID: '{self.jobid}' Job State: {self._state}") if self.is_running() and not self.starttime: self.starttime = time.time()
[docs] def retrieve_jobdata(self): """Gather Job state by running **qstat -lf <jobid>** which retrieves all fields. The output is in text format which is parsed into key/value pair and stored in a dictionary. This method will return a dict containing the job record .. code-block:: console $ qstat -lf 347106 JobID: 347106 JobName : hold_job User : shahzebsiddiqui WallTime : 00:10:00 QueuedTime : 00:13:14 RunTime : N/A TimeRemaining : N/A """ # 'qstat -lf <jobid>' will get all fields of Job. qstat_cmd = f"{self.cobalt_cmds['qstat']} -lf {self.jobid}" logger.debug(f"Executing command: {qstat_cmd}") cmd = BuildTestCommand(qstat_cmd) cmd.execute() output = cmd.get_output() job_record = {} # The output if in format KEY: VALUE so we store all records in a dictionary for line in output: key, sep, value = line.partition(":") key = key.strip() value = value.strip() job_record[key] = value self._jobdata = job_record
[docs] def cancel(self): """Cancel job by running ``qdel <jobid>``. This method is called if job timer exceeds ``maxpendtime`` if job is pending. """ query = f"{self.cobalt_cmds['qdel']} {self.jobid}" logger.debug(f"Cancelling job {self.jobid} by running: {query}") cmd = BuildTestCommand(query) cmd.execute() self._state = "cancelled"