Compiler Schema

The compiler schema is used for compilation of programs, currently we support single source file compilation. In order to use the compiler schema you must set type: compiler in your sub-schema. See compiler schema docs

Compilation Examples

We assume the reader has basic understanding of Global Schema validation. Shown below is the schema definition for compiler schema:

"$id": "compiler-v1.0.schema.json",
"$schema": "",
"title": "compiler schema version 1.0",
"description": "The compiler schema is of ``type: compiler`` in sub-schema which is used for compiling and running programs",
"type": "object",
"required": ["type", "build", "executor"],
"additionalProperties": false,

The required fields for compiler schema are type, build, and executor. The compiler schema is a JSON object defined by "type": "object" which is similar to the script schema.

Shown below are 6 test examples performing Hello World compilation with C, C++, and Fortran using GNU compiler

version: "1.0"
    type: compiler
    description: "Hello World Fortran Compilation"
    executor: local.bash
    tags: [tutorials, compile]
      source: "src/hello.f90"
      name: gnu
      fflags: -Wall

    type: compiler
    description: "Hello World C Compilation"
    executor: local.bash
    tags: [tutorials, compile]
      source: "src/hello.c"
      name: gnu
      cflags: -Wall

    type: compiler
    description: "Hello World C++ Compilation"
    executor: local.bash
    tags: [tutorials, compile]
      source: "src/hello.cpp"
      name: gnu
      cxxflags: -Wall

    type: compiler
    description: Example by using cc to set C compiler
    executor: local.bash
    tags: [tutorials, compile]
      source: "src/hello.c"
      name: gnu
      cc: gcc

    type: compiler
    description: Example by using fc to set Fortran compiler
    executor: local.bash
    tags: [tutorials, compile]
      source: "src/hello.f90"
      name: gnu
      fc: gfortran

    type: compiler
    description: Example by using cxx to set C++ compiler
    executor: local.bash
    tags: [tutorials, compile]
      source: "src/hello.cpp"
      name: gnu
      cxx: g++

The tests hello_f, hello_c and hello_cplusplus rely on buildtest to detect compiler wrappers while tests cc_example, fc_example, cxx_example rely on user to specify compiler wrappers manually.

The compiler object is start of compilation section, the required keys are source and name. The source key requires an input program for compilation, this can be a file relative to buildspec file or an absolute path. In this example our source examples are in src directory. The name field informs buildtest to auto-detect compiler wrappers (cc, fc, cxx).

The compilation pattern buildtest utilizes is the following:

# C example
$cc $cppflags $cflags -o <executable> $SOURCE $ldflags

# Fortran example
$cxx $cppflags $cxxflags -o <executable> $SOURCE $ldflags

# Fortran example
$fc $cppflags $fflags -o <executable> $SOURCE $ldflags

If you specify cc, fc and cxx field attributes you are responsible for selecting the correct compiler wrapper. You can use cflags, cxxflags and fflags field to pass compiler options to C, C++ and Fortran compilers.

Shown below is an example build for the buildspec example

$ buildtest build -b tutorials/compilers/gnu_hello.yml 

| Stage: Discovering Buildspecs |

Discovered Buildspecs:

| Stage: Parsing Buildspecs |
 schemafile                | validstate   | buildspec
 compiler-v1.0.schema.json | True         | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/gnu_hello.yml

| Stage: Building Test |

 name            | id       | type     | executor   | tags                     | testpath
 hello_f         | 3e4017b8 | compiler | local.bash | ['tutorials', 'compile'] | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/tests/local.bash/gnu_hello/hello_f/3/stage/
 hello_c         | 33ba91d2 | compiler | local.bash | ['tutorials', 'compile'] | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/tests/local.bash/gnu_hello/hello_c/3/stage/
 hello_cplusplus | b7ffc06c | compiler | local.bash | ['tutorials', 'compile'] | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/tests/local.bash/gnu_hello/hello_cplusplus/3/stage/
 cc_example      | e565abb3 | compiler | local.bash | ['tutorials', 'compile'] | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/tests/local.bash/gnu_hello/cc_example/3/stage/
 fc_example      | cf7c3505 | compiler | local.bash | ['tutorials', 'compile'] | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/tests/local.bash/gnu_hello/fc_example/3/stage/
 cxx_example     | 6dcf90b8 | compiler | local.bash | ['tutorials', 'compile'] | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/tests/local.bash/gnu_hello/cxx_example/3/stage/

| Stage: Running Test  |
 name            | id       | executor   | status   |   returncode | testpath
 hello_f         | 3e4017b8 | local.bash | PASS     |            0 | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/tests/local.bash/gnu_hello/hello_f/3/stage/
 hello_c         | 33ba91d2 | local.bash | PASS     |            0 | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/tests/local.bash/gnu_hello/hello_c/3/stage/
 hello_cplusplus | b7ffc06c | local.bash | PASS     |            0 | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/tests/local.bash/gnu_hello/hello_cplusplus/3/stage/
 cc_example      | e565abb3 | local.bash | PASS     |            0 | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/tests/local.bash/gnu_hello/cc_example/3/stage/
 fc_example      | cf7c3505 | local.bash | PASS     |            0 | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/tests/local.bash/gnu_hello/fc_example/3/stage/
 cxx_example     | 6dcf90b8 | local.bash | PASS     |            0 | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/tests/local.bash/gnu_hello/cxx_example/3/stage/

| Stage: Test Summary  |
Executed 6 tests
Passed Tests: 6/6 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/6 Percentage: 0.000%

The generated test for test name hello_f is the following:

source /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/executors/local.bash/
gfortran -Wall -o hello.f90.exe src/hello.f90
source /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/executors/local.bash/

buildtest will fill in the compilation line based on compilation pattern. buildtest, will detect the file extensions and perform a lookup to find the programming language, and finally generate the appropriate C, C++, or Fortran compilation based on language detected.

buildtest detects the programming language and it finds .f90 file extension and infers it must be Fortran program, hence gfortran was selected. The executable name is generated by adding .exe to end of source file name so we get hello.f90.exe. Finally, we run the executable.

File Extension Language Table

Shown below is the file extension table for your reference

File Extension Language Mapping


File Extension




.cc .cxx .cpp .c++


.f90 .F90 .f95 .f .F .FOR .for .FTN .ftn

Passing Arguments

If you want to pass options to executable command use the args key. Shown below is an example test

version: "1.0"
    type: compiler
    description: Passing arguments example
    executor: local.bash
    tags: [tutorials, compile]
      source: "src/argc.c"
      name: gnu
      cflags: -Wall
      args: "1 2 3"

The exec_args will pass options to the executable, use this if your binary requires input arguments. Shown below is a generated test:

gcc -Wall -o argc.c.exe /global/u1/s/siddiq90/tutorials/examples/serial/src/argc.c
./argc.c.exe 1 2 3

OpenMP Example

Here is an example OpenMP reduction test that runs on 1 node using 32 tasks on a haswell node:

version: "1.0"
    type: compiler
    executor: slurm.debug
    sbatch: ["-N 1", "--ntasks-per-node 32", "-C haswell", "-t 1"]
      - "module load PrgEnv-gnu"
      OMP_PROC_BIND: spread
      OMP_PLACES: cores
      source: src/reduction.c
      name: gnu
      cflags: -fopenmp
    tags: [openmp]

In this example, we use the SlurmExecutor slurm.debug, the source file is src/reduction.c that is relative to buildspec file. The environment variables are defined using env section. To enable openmp flag, for GNU compilers we pass -fopenmp to C compiler. Finally we classify this test using tags key which is set to openmp.

The generated test looks as follows:

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node 32
#SBATCH -C haswell
#SBATCH -t 1
export OMP_PROC_BIND=spread
export OMP_PLACES=cores
module load PrgEnv-gnu
gcc -fopenmp -o reduction.c.exe /global/u1/s/siddiq90/buildtest-cori/apps/openmp/src/reduction.c

MPI Example

In this example we run a MPI Laplace code using 4 process on a KNL node using the module PrgEnv-intel. The executable is launched using srun, that is set via launcher field. The source code src/laplace_mpi.c must be run with 4 process, for this test we allocate 1 node with 4 tasks.

The name field is a required field, buildtest uses this field to select the appropriate subclass, when you set name: intel buildtest will select the IntelCompiler subclass which sets the cc, fc and cxx variables automatically. If you want to specify your compiler variables you can use cc, fc and cxx fields and buildtest will honor your options.

version: "1.0"
    type: compiler
    description: Laplace MPI code in C
    sbatch: ["-C knl", "-N 1", "-n 4"]
    executor: slurm.debug
    tags: ["mpi"]
      - "module load PrgEnv-intel"
      name: intel
      source: src/laplace_mpi.c
      cflags: -O3
      launcher: srun -n 4

The generated test is as follows:

#SBATCH -C knl
#SBATCH -n 4
module load PrgEnv-intel
icc -O3 -o laplace_mpi.c.exe /global/u1/s/siddiq90/buildtest-cori/apps/mpi/src/laplace_mpi.c
srun -n 4 ./laplace_mpi.c.exe

Shown below is a sample build for this buildspec:

$ buildtest build -b mpi/laplace_mpi.yml
Prefix: /global/u1/s/siddiq90/cache
Buildspec Search Path: ['/global/u1/s/siddiq90/buildtest/tutorials']
Test Directory: /global/u1/s/siddiq90/cache/tests

| Stage: Discovered Buildspecs  |


| Stage: Building Test |

 Name        | Schema File               | Test Path                                                    | Buildspec
 laplace_mpi | compiler-v1.0.schema.json | /global/u1/s/siddiq90/cache/tests/laplace_mpi/ | /global/u1/s/siddiq90/buildtest-cori/apps/mpi/laplace_mpi.yml

| Stage: Running Test  |

[laplace_mpi] job dispatched to scheduler
[laplace_mpi] acquiring job id in 2 seconds
 name        | executor    | status   |   returncode | testpath
 laplace_mpi | slurm.debug | N/A      |            0 | /global/u1/s/siddiq90/cache/tests/laplace_mpi/

Polling Jobs in 10 seconds
[laplace_mpi]: JobID 33306420 in COMPLETED state

Polling Jobs in 10 seconds

| Stage: Final Results after Polling all Jobs |

 name        | executor    | status   |   returncode | testpath
 laplace_mpi | slurm.debug | PASS     |            0 | /global/u1/s/siddiq90/cache/tests/laplace_mpi/

| Stage: Test Summary  |

Executed 1 tests
Passed Tests: 1/1 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/1 Percentage: 0.000%

OpenACC Examples

Next, we will make use of an OpenACC vector addition example shown below is an example test

version: "1.0"
    type: compiler
    description: Vector Addition example with GNU compiler
    tags: [tutorials, compile]
    executor: local.bash
      name: gnu
      source: src/vecAdd.c
      cflags: -fopenacc
      ldflags: -lm
        stream: stdout
        exp: "^final result: 1.000000$"

To compile OpenACC program with gnu compiler we must use -fopenacc flag, this program requires linking with math library so we can specify linker flags (ldflags) using ldflags: -lm.

The output of this test will generate a single line output as follows:

final result: 1.000000

The status field with regex is used for checking output stream using stream: stdout and exp key to specify regular expression to use. If we are to build this test, you will notice the run section will have a Status of PASS

$ buildtest build -b tutorials/compilers/vecadd.yml 

| Stage: Discovering Buildspecs |

Discovered Buildspecs:

| Stage: Parsing Buildspecs |
 schemafile                | validstate   | buildspec
 compiler-v1.0.schema.json | True         | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/vecadd.yml

| Stage: Building Test |

 name       | id       | type     | executor   | tags                     | testpath
 vecadd_gnu | 1a0f6265 | compiler | local.bash | ['tutorials', 'compile'] | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/tests/local.bash/vecadd/vecadd_gnu/3/stage/

| Stage: Running Test  |
 name       | id       | executor   | status   |   returncode | testpath
 vecadd_gnu | 1a0f6265 | local.bash | PASS     |            0 | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/tests/local.bash/vecadd/vecadd_gnu/3/stage/

| Stage: Test Summary  |
Executed 1 tests
Passed Tests: 0/1 Percentage: 0.000%
Failed Tests: 1/1 Percentage: 100.000%

The regular expression is performed using, for example if we can change the exp field as follows:

exp: "^final result: 0.99$"

Next if we re-run test we will notice the Status is FAIL even though we have a Return Code of 0:

| Stage: Running Test  |

 name       | executor   | status   |   returncode | testpath
 vecadd_gnu | local.bash | FAIL     |            0 | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/tests/local.bash/vecadd/vecadd_gnu/

In the next example, we extend the previous buildspec test to run at Cori GPU machine using Slurm scheduler. We use the executor slurm.gpu where our executor is defined as follows:

  description: submit jobs to GPU partition
  options: ["-C gpu"]
  cluster: escori

In order to submit job to the Cori GPU cluster we must use sbatch -C gpu -M escori which is what slurm.gpu executor is doing.

In this example we make use of module field to load modules into the test, for this test we load the modules cuda and gcc/8.1.1-openacc-gcc-8-branch-20190215. This test will launch job via srun and check job state code is COMPLETED.

version: "1.0"
    type: compiler
    description: Vector Addition example with GNU compiler
    executor: slurm.gpu
    sbatch: ["-G 1", "-t 5", "-N 1"]
      - "module load cuda"
      - "module load gcc/8.1.1-openacc-gcc-8-branch-20190215"
      name: gnu
      source: src/vecAdd.c
      cflags: -fopenacc
      ldflags: -lm
      launcher: srun
      slurm_job_state: COMPLETED

buildtest will generate the following test, buildtest will add the #SBATCH directives followed by module commands. The executable is run via srun because we specify the launcher field.

#SBATCH -t 5
module load cuda
module load gcc/8.1.1-openacc-gcc-8-branch-20190215
gcc -fopenacc -o vecAdd.c.exe /global/u1/s/siddiq90/buildtest-cori/apps/openacc/src/vecAdd.c -lm
srun ./vecAdd.c.exe

In this next example, we build same test using hpcsdk compiler by NVIDIA that recently acquired PGI compiler. At Cori, we must load hpcsdk and cuda module in order to use the hpcsdk compiler. The name is a required field however buildtest will ignore since we specify cc field. NVIDIA changed their compiler names instead of pgcc we must use nvc with flag -acc to offload to GPU. For CoriGPU we must use srun to acquire GPU access hence launcher field is set to srun.

version: "1.0"
    type: compiler
    description: Vector Addition example with hpcsdk (pgi) compiler
    executor: slurm.gpu
    sbatch: ["-G 1", "-t 5", "-N 1"]
      - "module load hpcsdk"
      - "module load cuda"
      name: pgi
      cc: nvc
      source: src/vecAdd.c
      cflags: -acc
      ldflags: -lm
      launcher: srun

Pre/Post sections for build and run section

The compiler schema comes with pre_build, post_build, pre_run and post_run fields where you can insert commands before and after build or run section. The build section is where we compile code, and run section is where compiled binary is executed.

Shown below is an example buildspec with pre/post section.

version: "1.0"
    type: compiler
    description: example using pre_build, post_build, pre_run, post_run example
    executor: local.bash
    tags: [tutorials, compile]
    pre_build: |
      echo "This is a pre-build section"
      gcc --version
      source: "src/hello.c"
      name: gnu
      cflags: -Wall
    post_build: |
      echo "This is post-build section"
    pre_run: |
      echo "This is pre-run section"
      export FOO=BAR
    post_run: |
      echo "This is post-run section"

The format of the test structure is the following:

#!{shebang path} -- defaults to #!/bin/bash depends on executor name (local.bash,
{job directives} -- sbatch or bsub field
{environment variables} -- env field
{variable declaration} -- vars field
{module commands} -- modules field

{pre build commands} -- pre_build field
{compile program} -- build field
{post build commands} -- post_build field

{pre run commands} -- pre_run field
{run executable} -- run field
{post run commands} -- post_run field

The generated test for this buildspec is the following:

echo "This is a pre-build section"
gcc --version

gcc -Wall -o hello.c.exe /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/src/hello.c
echo "This is post-build section"

echo "This is pre-run section"
export FOO=BAR

echo "This is post-run section"