license Documentation Status codecov regressiontest


This documentation was rebuilt on Mar 07, 2023 and is intended for version 1.3.

If you are working off the latest release please see for documentation. If you are working off the devel branch then please refer to which references the devel branch.


buildtest is a testing framework to help HPC sites write test for their system as part of their routine acceptance and regression testing. Buildtest provides a YAML interface to write tests which buildtest can validate and then use to generate shell scripts that run on your HPC system. The test template (YAML) is called a buildspec which can define one or more test instances and is validated by a json schema. Buildtest supports the following batch schedulers: IBM Spectrum LSF, Slurm, PBS and Cobalt. We publish the schema documentation, json schemas, and schema examples at which is useful when you are writing buildspecs.

To get started with buildtest, please see Installing buildtest and Getting Started Guide.

A spin-off project called lmodule is a Python API for Lmod. The buildtest module features were deprecated and moved to lmodule with the main objective is to automate module load testing. For more details on lmodule see


buildtest is released under the MIT license

Indices and tables