Buildtest Tutorial on Perlmutter

This tutorial will be conducted on the Perlmutter system. If you need account access please obtain a user account.


Once you have a NERSC account, you can connect to any NERSC system. terminal client and ssh into perlmutter as follows:

ssh <user>

To get started please load the python module since you will need python 3.8 or higher to use buildtest. This can be done by running:

module load python

Next, you should Install buildtest by cloning the repository into your HOME directory:

git clone $HOME/buildtest


Please make sure you create a python virtual environment before you proceed with this tutorial.

Once you have buildtest setup, please clone the following repository into your home directory:

git clone $HOME/buildtest-nersc

You will need to set the environment variable BUILDTEST_CONFIGFILE which will point to the configuration file required to use buildtest on Perlmutter.

export BUILDTEST_CONFIGFILE=$HOME/buildtest-nersc/config.yml

Once you are done, please navigate back to the root of buildtest by running:


The exercise can be found in directory buildtest/perlmutter_tutorial where you will have several exercises to complete. You can navigate to this directory by running:

cd $BUILDTEST_ROOT/perlmutter_tutorial

If you get stuck on any exercise, you can see the solution to each exercise in file “.solution.txt”


For exercise 2 and 3, you can check the solution by running the shell script bash

Exercise 1: Performing Status Check

In this exercise, you will check the version of Lmod using the environment variable LMOD_VERSION and specify the the output using a regular expression. We will run the test with an invalid regular expression and see if test FAIL and rerun test until it PASS. Shown below is the example buildspec and please fix the highlighting lines in the test

    type: FIXME
    executors: 'perlmutter.local.bash'
    run: echo $LMOD_VERSION


  • Run the test by running buildtest build -b $BUILDTEST_ROOT/perlmutter_tutorial/ex1/module_version.yml and you will notice failure in validation

  • Validate the buildspec using buildtest buildspec validate to determine the error

  • Fix the buildspec and rerun buildtest buildspec validate until we have a valid buildspec.

  • Add a regular expression on stdout stream and make sure test fails

  • Check output of test via buildtest inspect query

  • Update regular expression to match output with value of $LMOD_VERSION reported in test and rerun test until it passes.

Exercise 2: Querying Buildspec Cache

In this exercise you will learn how to use the Buildspecs Interface. Let’s build the cache by running the following:

buildtest buildspec find --directory $HOME/buildtest-nersc/buildspecs --rebuild -q


  1. Find all tags

  2. List all filters and format fields

  3. Format tables via fields name, description

  4. Filter buildspecs by tag e4s

  5. List all invalid buildspecs

  6. Validate all buildspecs by tag e4s

  7. Show content of test hello_world_openmp

Exercise 3: Query Test Report

In this exercise you will learn how to query test report. This can be done by running buildtest report.

Before you start, please run the following command:

buildtest bd -b $HOME/buildtest-nersc/buildspecs/apps/spack/


  1. List all filters and format fields

  2. Query all tests by returncode 0

  3. Query all tests by tag e4s

  4. Print the total count of all failed tests

Let’s upload the tests to CDASH by running the following:

buildtest cdash upload $USER-buildtest-tutorial

Buildtest cdash integration via buildtest cdash upload allows buildtest to push test results to CDASH server. The test results are captured in report file typically shown via buildtest report. CDASH allows one to easily process the test results in web-interface.

If you were successful in running above command, you should see a link to CDASH server with link to test results, please click on the link to view your test results and briefly analyze the test results. Shown below is an example output

   buildtest cdash upload $USER-buildtest-tutorial
Reading report file:  /Users/siddiq90/Documents/github/buildtest/var/report.json
Uploading 110 tests
Build Name:  siddiq90-buildtest-tutorial
site:  generic
MD5SUM: a589c72bcdabdab9038600a2789e429f
You can view the results at:

Exercise 4: Specifying Performance Checks

In this exercise, you will be running the STREAM benchmark and use comparison operators to determine if test will pass based on the performance results. Shown below is the stream test that we will be using for this exercise

    type: script
    executor: perlmutter.local.bash
    description: Run stream test
    run: |
      gcc -openmp -o stream stream.c
        type: float
          exp: 'Copy:\s+(\S+)\s+.*'
          stream: stdout
          item: 1
        type: float
          exp: 'Scale:\s+(\S+)\s+.*'
          stream: stdout
          item: 1


  • Run the stream test by running buildtest build -b $BUILDTEST_ROOT/perlmutter_tutorial/ex4/stream.yml

  • Check the output of metrics copy and scale by running buildtest inspect query -o stream_test

  • Use the assert_ge: Greater Equal check with metric copy and scale. Specify a reference value 50000 for metric copy and scale*

  • Run the same test and examine output

  • Next try different reference value such as 5000 and rerun test and see output

Exercise 5: Running a Batch Job

In this exercise, you will submit a batch job that will run hostname in the slurm cluster. Shown below is the example buildspec

    description: run hostname on perlmutter
    type: script
    executor: 'perlmutter.slurm.debug'
    tags: ["queues","jobs"]
    sbatch: ["-t 5", "-n 1", "-N 1", "-C cpu"]
    run: hostname

Take note that the test will run on executor perlmutter.slurm.debug which corresponds to the slurm debug queue on Perlmutter. The sbatch options specify the batch directives for running the job.

In this exercise you are requested to do the following:


  • Run the test with poll interval for 10 sec $BUILDTEST_ROOT/perlmutter_tutorial/ex5/hostname.yml and take note of output, you should see job is submitted to batch scheduler. Refer to buildtest build --help for list of complete options

  • Check the output of test via buildtest inspect query

  • Update the test to make use of Multiple Executors and run test on both regular and debug queue and rerun the test.

  • Rerun same test and you should see two test runs for hostname_perlmutter one for each executor.

If you have completed this exercise, you should expect the following output from buildtest build.

                                                                Test Summary
┃ builder                               ┃ executor                    ┃ status ┃ checks (ReturnCode, Regex, Runtime) ┃ returncode ┃ runtime  ┃
│ hostname_perlmutter/80e317c1          │ perlmutter.slurm.regular    │ PASS   │ N/A N/A N/A                         │ 0          │ 45.324512│
│ hostname_perlmutter/b1d7b318          │ perlmutter.slurm.debug      │ PASS   │ N/A N/A N/A                         │ 0          │ 75.54278 │