Buildtest Command Reference
buildtest is a HPC testing framework for building and running tests.
usage: buildtest [options] [COMMANDS]
Named Arguments
- -V, --version
show program’s version number and exit
- -c, --configfile
Specify Path to Configuration File
- -d, --debug
Stream log messages to stdout
Default: False
- -l, --loglevel
Filter log messages based on logging level
Default: “DEBUG”
- --editor
Possible choices: vi, vim, emacs, nano
Select your preferred editor when opening files.
- --view-log
Show content of last log
Default: False
- --logpath
Print full path to last log file
Default: False
- --print-log
Print content of last log without pagination
Default: False
- --color
Print output of table with the selected color.
- --no-color
Disable colored output
Default: False
- --helpcolor
Print available color options in a table format.
Default: False
- -r, --report
Specify path to test report file
- --listopts
List all options for buildtest
Default: False
- --verbose
Enable verbose output
Default: False
Possible choices: build, bd, buildspec, bc, config, cg, report, rt, inspect, it, path, p, history, hy, schema, cdash, cd, clean, debugreport, debug, stats, info, show, commands, cmds, docs, tutorial-examples, unittests, test, stylecheck, style
build (bd)
Build and Run test
buildtest build [-h] [-b BUILDSPEC] [-x EXCLUDE] [-n NAME] [-e EXECUTOR]
[-xt EXCLUDE_TAGS] [-t TAGS] [--rerun] [-f FILTER]
[--helpfilter] [-et {local,batch}] [--module-purge]
[--maxpendtime MAXPENDTIME] [--pollinterval POLLINTERVAL]
[--procs PROCS [PROCS ...]] [--nodes NODES [NODES ...]]
[--display {output,test}] [--dry-run] [--limit LIMIT]
[--max-jobs MAX_JOBS] [--profile PROFILE] [--remove-stagedir]
[--rebuild REBUILD] [--retry RETRY]
[--save-profile SAVE_PROFILE] [--strict] [--testdir TESTDIR]
[--timeout TIMEOUT] [--validate]
[--write-config-file WRITE_CONFIG_FILE]
Select buildspec file to run based on file, tag, executor
- -b, --buildspec
Specify a buildspec (file or directory) to build. A buildspec must end in ‘.yml’ extension.
- -x, --exclude
Exclude one or more buildspecs (file or directory) from processing. A buildspec must end in ‘.yml’ extension.
- -n, --name
Specify a name of test to run
- -e, --executor
Discover buildspecs by executor name found in buildspec cache
- -xt, --exclude-tags
Exclude tests by one or more tagnames found in buildspec cache
- -t, --tags
Discover buildspecs by tags found in buildspec cache
- --rerun
Rerun last successful buildtest build command.
Default: False
Filter tests after selection
- -f, --filter
Filter buildspec based on tags, type, or maintainers. Usage: –filter key1=val1,val2;key2=val3;key3=val4,val5
- --helpfilter
Show available filter fields used with –filter option
Default: False
- -et, --executor-type
Possible choices: local, batch
Filter tests by executor type (local, batch)
Module Selection option
- --module-purge
Run ‘module purge’ before running any test
Default: False
- -m, --modules
Specify a list of modules to load during test execution, to specify multiple modules each one must be comma separated for instance if you want to load ‘gcc’ and ‘python’ module you can do ‘-m gcc,python’
- -u, --unload-modules
Specify a list of modules to unload during test execution
Batch Submission options
- --account
Specify project account used to charge batch jobs (applicable for batch jobs only)
- --maxpendtime
Specify Maximum Pending Time (sec) for job before cancelling job. This only applies for batch job submission.
- --pollinterval
Specify Poll Interval (sec) for polling batch jobs
- --procs
Specify number of processes to run tests (only applicable with batch jobs). Multiple values can be specified comma separated.
- --nodes
Specify number of nodes to run tests (only applicable with batch jobs). Multiple values can be specified comma separated.
All extra options
- --display
Possible choices: output, test
Display content of output/error or test
- --dry-run
Show a list of tests that will potentially be run without actually running them.
Default: False
- --limit
Limit number of tests that can be run.
- --max-jobs
Maximum number of jobs that can be run concurrently.
- --profile
Specify a profile to load from configuration file
- --remove-stagedir
Remove stage directory after job completion.
Default: False
- --rebuild
Rebuild test X number of times. Must be a positive number between [1-50]
- --retry
Retry failed jobs
Default: 1
- --save-profile
Save buildtest command options into a profile and update configuration file
- --strict
Enable strict mode for test by setting ‘set -eo pipefail’ in test script
Default: False
- --testdir
Specify a custom test directory where to write tests. This overrides configuration file and default location.
- --timeout
Specify test timeout in number of seconds
- --validate
Validate given buildspecs and control behavior of buildtest build to stop execution after parsing the YAML files.
Default: False
- --write-config-file
Specify path to configuration file to write changes when saving profile
buildspec (bc)
Buildspec Interface
buildtest buildspec [-h] ...
Buildspec Interface subcommands
Possible choices: edit-file, ef, edit-test, et, find, f, maintainers, m, show, s, show-fail, sf, summary, sm, validate, val
edit-file (ef)
Edit buildspec file based on filename
buildtest buildspec edit-file [-h] [file ...]
Positional Arguments
- file
Edit buildspec file in editor
edit-test (et)
Edit buildspec file based on test name
buildtest buildspec edit-test [-h] [name ...]
Positional Arguments
- name
Show content of buildspec based on test name
find (f)
Query information from buildspecs cache
buildtest buildspec find [-h] [-c COUNT] [-n] [--pager] [--row-count]
[--terse] [-b] [-e] [--group-by-tags]
[--group-by-executor] [-p] [-t] [--filter FILTER]
[--format FORMAT] [--filterfields] [--formatfields]
[--helpfilter] [--helpformat] [-q] [-r]
Positional Arguments
Possible choices: invalid
Named Arguments
- -c, --count
Retrieve limited number of rows that get printed
- -n, --no-header
Do not print header columns in terse output (–terse)
Default: False
- --pager
Enable PAGING when viewing result
Default: False
- --row-count
Display number of rows from query shown in table
Default: False
- --terse
Print output in machine readable format
Default: False
query options to retrieve from buildspec cache
- -b, --buildspec
Get all buildspec files from cache
Default: False
- -e, --executors
Get all unique executors from buildspecs
Default: False
- --group-by-tags
Group tests by tag name
Default: False
- --group-by-executor
Group tests by executor name
Default: False
- -p, --paths
Print all root buildspec paths
Default: False
- -t, --tags
List all available tags
Default: False
filter and format options
- --filter
Filter buildspec cache with filter fields in format –filter key1=val1,key2=val2
- --format
Format buildspec cache with format fields in format –format field1,field2,…
- --filterfields
Print raw filter fields for –filter option for filtering buildspec cache output
Default: False
- --formatfields
Print raw format fields for –format option for formatting buildspec cache output
Default: False
- --helpfilter
Show filter fields for –filter option for filtering buildspec cache output
Default: False
- --helpformat
Show format fields for –format option for formatting buildspec cache output
Default: False
All extra options
- -q, --quiet
Don’t print output of buildspec cache when rebuilding cache
Default: False
- -r, --rebuild
Rebuild buildspec cache and find all buildspecs again
Default: False
- -d, --directory
Specify root buildspecs (directory) path to load buildspecs into buildspec cache.
- -f, --file
Specify buildspec file to load into buildspec cache.
Show invalid buildspecs
buildtest buildspec find invalid [-h] [--row-count] [--terse] [--pager] [-e]
Named Arguments
- --row-count
Display number of rows from query shown in table
Default: False
- --terse
Print output in machine readable format
Default: False
- --pager
Enable PAGING when viewing result
Default: False
- -e, --error
Show error messages
Default: False
maintainers (m)
Query maintainers from buildspecs cache
buildtest buildspec maintainers [-h] [-c COUNT] [-n] [--pager] [--row-count]
[--terse] [-b]
{find} ...
Named Arguments
- -c, --count
Retrieve limited number of rows that get printed
- -n, --no-header
Do not print header columns in terse output (–terse)
Default: False
- --pager
Enable PAGING when viewing result
Default: False
- --row-count
Display number of rows from query shown in table
Default: False
- --terse
Print output in machine readable format
Default: False
- -b, --breakdown
Breakdown of buildspecs by maintainers
Default: False
Find buildspecs based on maintainer name
buildtest buildspec maintainers find [-h] name
Positional Arguments
- name
Find buildspec based on maintainer name
show (s)
Show content of buildspec file
buildtest buildspec show [-h] [--theme Color Themes] [name ...]
Positional Arguments
- name
Show content of buildspec based on test name
Named Arguments
- --theme
Possible choices: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn, bw, borland, coffee, colorful, default, dracula, emacs, friendly_grayscale, friendly, fruity, github-dark, gruvbox-dark, gruvbox-light, igor, inkpot, lightbulb, lilypond, lovelace, manni, material, monokai, murphy, native, nord-darker, nord, one-dark, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash, rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, staroffice, stata-dark, stata-light, tango, trac, vim, vs, xcode, zenburn
Specify a color theme, Pygments style to use when displaying output. See for available themese
show-fail (sf)
Show content of buildspec file for all failed tests
buildtest buildspec show-fail [-h] [--theme Color Themes] [name ...]
Positional Arguments
- name
Show content of buildspec based on failed test name
Named Arguments
- --theme
Possible choices: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn, bw, borland, coffee, colorful, default, dracula, emacs, friendly_grayscale, friendly, fruity, github-dark, gruvbox-dark, gruvbox-light, igor, inkpot, lightbulb, lilypond, lovelace, manni, material, monokai, murphy, native, nord-darker, nord, one-dark, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash, rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, staroffice, stata-dark, stata-light, tango, trac, vim, vs, xcode, zenburn
Specify a color theme, Pygments style to use when displaying output. See for available themese
summary (sm)
Print summary of buildspec cache
buildtest buildspec summary [-h] [--pager]
Named Arguments
- --pager
Enable PAGING when viewing result
Default: False
validate (val)
Validate buildspecs with JSON Schema
buildtest buildspec validate [-h] [-b BUILDSPEC] [-x EXCLUDE] [-e EXECUTOR]
[-t TAG] [-n NAME]
Named Arguments
- -b, --buildspec
Specify path to buildspec (file, or directory) to validate
- -x, --exclude
Specify path to buildspec to exclude (file or directory) during validation
- -e, --executor
Specify buildspecs by executor name to validate
- -t, --tag
Specify buildspecs by tag name to validate
- -n, --name
Specify buildspecs by name to validate
config (cg)
Query buildtest configuration
buildtest config [-h] ...
Query information from buildtest configuration file
Possible choices: edit, e, path, p, systems, validate, val, view, v, profiles, prof, executors, ex, compilers, co
edit (e)
Open configuration file in editor
buildtest config edit [-h] ...
Query information about edit
path (p)
Show path to configuration file
buildtest config path [-h] ...
Query information about path
List all available systems
buildtest config systems [-h] ...
Query information about systems
validate (val)
Validate buildtest settings file with schema.
buildtest config validate [-h] ...
Query information about validate
view (v)
View configuration file
buildtest config view [-h] [--pager] [--theme Color Themes] ...
Named Arguments
- --pager
Enable PAGING when viewing result
Default: False
- --theme
Possible choices: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn, bw, borland, coffee, colorful, default, dracula, emacs, friendly_grayscale, friendly, fruity, github-dark, gruvbox-dark, gruvbox-light, igor, inkpot, lightbulb, lilypond, lovelace, manni, material, monokai, murphy, native, nord-darker, nord, one-dark, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash, rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, staroffice, stata-dark, stata-light, tango, trac, vim, vs, xcode, zenburn
Specify a color theme, Pygments style to use when displaying output. See for available themese
Query information about view
profiles (prof)
Query profile from buildtest configuration
buildtest config profiles [-h] ...
Query information about profiles
Possible choices: list, ls, remove, rm
list (ls)
List all profiles
buildtest config profiles list [-h] [--theme Color Themes] [-y]
Named Arguments
- --theme
Possible choices: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn, bw, borland, coffee, colorful, default, dracula, emacs, friendly_grayscale, friendly, fruity, github-dark, gruvbox-dark, gruvbox-light, igor, inkpot, lightbulb, lilypond, lovelace, manni, material, monokai, murphy, native, nord-darker, nord, one-dark, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash, rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, staroffice, stata-dark, stata-light, tango, trac, vim, vs, xcode, zenburn
Specify a color theme, Pygments style to use when displaying output. See for available themese
- -y, --yaml
List Profile details in YAML Format
Default: False
remove (rm)
Remove a profile from configuration
buildtest config profiles remove [-h] [profile_name ...]
Positional Arguments
- profile_name
Specify profile name to remove
executors (ex)
Query executors from buildtest configuration
buildtest config executors [-h] ...
Query information about executors
Possible choices: list, ls, remove, rm
list (ls)
List all executors
buildtest config executors list [-h] [-j | -y | -d | -i | -a]
Named Arguments
- -j, --json
View executor in JSON format
Default: False
- -y, --yaml
View executors in YAML format
Default: False
- -d, --disabled
Show disabled executors
Default: False
- -i, --invalid
Show invalid executors
Default: False
- -a, --all
Show all executors
Default: False
remove (rm)
Remove executor from configuration
buildtest config executors remove [-h] [executor_names ...]
Positional Arguments
- executor_names
Specify an executor name to remove
compilers (co)
Search compilers
buildtest config compilers [-h] ...
Query information about compilers
Possible choices: list, test, find, remove, rm
List compilers
buildtest config compilers list [-h] [-j | -y]
Named Arguments
- -j, --json
List compiler details in JSON format
Default: False
- -y, --yaml
List compiler details in YAML format
Default: False
Test each compiler instance by performing module load test
buildtest config compilers test [-h] [compiler_names ...]
Positional Arguments
- compiler_names
Specify compiler name to test
Find compilers
buildtest config compilers find [-h] [--file FILE] [-d] [-u]
Named Arguments
- --file
Write configuration file to a new file
- -d, --detailed
Display detailed output when finding compilers
Default: False
- -u, --update
Update configuration file with new compilers
Default: False
- -m, --modulepath
Specify a list of directories to search for modules via MODULEPATH to detect compilers
remove (rm)
Remove compilers
buildtest config compilers remove [-h] [compiler_names ...]
Positional Arguments
- compiler_names
Specify compiler name to remove
report (rt)
Query test report
buildtest report [-h] [--pager] [--row-count] [--terse] [-n] [-c COUNT]
[--filter FILTER] [--helpfilter] [--filterfields]
[--helpformat] [--formatfields] [--latest] [--oldest]
[-s START] [-e END] [-f | -p] [--format FORMAT | -d]
Named Arguments
- --pager
Enable PAGING when viewing result
Default: False
- --row-count
Display number of rows from query shown in table
Default: False
- --terse
Print output in machine readable format
Default: False
- -n, --no-header
Do not print header columns in terse output (–terse)
Default: False
- -c, --count
Retrieve limited number of rows that get printed
- -f, --fail
Retrieve all FAIL tests
Default: False
- -p, --pass
Retrieve all PASS tests
Default: False
- --format
Format field for printing purposes. Fields must be separated by commas (e.g., –format field1,field2,…).
- -d, --detailed
Print a detailed summary of the test results
Default: False
Fetch test results from the report file and print them in table format
Possible choices: clear, c, list, ls, path, p, summary, sm
- --filter
Filter report by filter fields. The filter fields must be in key=value format and multiple fields can be comma separated (e.g., –filter key1=val1,key2=val2). For a list of filter fields, run –helpfilter.
- --helpfilter
List available filter fields to be used with –filter option
Default: False
- --filterfields
Print raw filter fields for –filter option to filter the report
Default: False
- --helpformat
List available format fields to be used with –format option
Default: False
- --formatfields
Print raw format fields for –format option to format the report
Default: False
- --latest
Retrieve latest record of a particular test
Default: False
- --oldest
Retrieve oldest record of a particular test
Default: False
- -s, --start
Filter test by starttime
- -e, --end
Filter test by endtime
clear (c)
Remove all report files
buildtest report clear [-h]
list (ls)
List all report files
buildtest report list [-h]
path (p)
Print full path to the report file being used
buildtest report path [-h]
summary (sm)
Summarize test report
buildtest report summary [-h] [--pager] [--detailed]
Named Arguments
- --pager
Enable PAGING when viewing result
Default: False
- --detailed, -d
Enable a more detailed report
Default: False
inspect (it)
Inspect a test
buildtest inspect [-h] ...
Inspect Test result based on Test ID or Test Name
Possible choices: buildspec, b, name, n, query, q, list, ls
buildspec (b)
Inspect a test based on buildspec
buildtest inspect buildspec [-h] [--pager] [-a] [buildspec ...]
Positional Arguments
- buildspec
List of buildspecs to query
Named Arguments
- --pager
Enable PAGING when viewing result
Default: False
- -a, --all
Fetch all records for a given test
Default: False
name (n)
Specify name of test
buildtest inspect name [-h] [--pager] [name ...]
Positional Arguments
- name
Name of test
Named Arguments
- --pager
Enable PAGING when viewing result
Default: False
query (q)
Query fields from record
buildtest inspect query [-h] [--pager] [--theme Color Themes] [-b] [-be] [-e]
[-o] [-t]
[name ...]
Positional Arguments
- name
Name of builder to query in report file
Named Arguments
- --pager
Enable PAGING when viewing result
Default: False
- --theme
Possible choices: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn, bw, borland, coffee, colorful, default, dracula, emacs, friendly_grayscale, friendly, fruity, github-dark, gruvbox-dark, gruvbox-light, igor, inkpot, lightbulb, lilypond, lovelace, manni, material, monokai, murphy, native, nord-darker, nord, one-dark, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash, rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, staroffice, stata-dark, stata-light, tango, trac, vim, vs, xcode, zenburn
Specify a color theme, Pygments style to use when displaying output. See for available themese
- -b, --buildscript
Print build script
Default: False
- -be, --buildenv
Print content of build env
Default: False
- -e, --error
Print error file
Default: False
- -o, --output
Print output file
Default: False
- -t, --testpath
Print content of testpath
Default: False
list (ls)
List all test names, ids, and corresponding buildspecs
buildtest inspect list [-h] [--pager] [--row-count] [--terse] [-n] [-b]
Named Arguments
- --pager
Enable PAGING when viewing result
Default: False
- --row-count
Display number of rows from query shown in table
Default: False
- --terse
Print output in machine readable format
Default: False
- -n, --no-header
Do not print header columns in terse output (–terse)
Default: False
- -b, --builder
List test in builder format
Default: False
path (p)
Show path attributes for a given test
buildtest path [-h] [-be | -t | -o | -e | -b | -s] name
Positional Arguments
- name
Name of test
Named Arguments
- -be, --buildenv
Show path to build environment
Default: False
- -t, --testpath
Show path to test script
Default: False
- -o, --outfile
Show path to output file
Default: False
- -e, --errfile
Show path to error file
Default: False
- -b, --buildscript
Show path to build script
Default: False
- -s, --stagedir
Show path to stage directory
Default: False
history (hy)
Query build history
buildtest history [-h] ...
Query build history file
Possible choices: list, query
List a summary of all builds
buildtest history list [-h] [--pager] [--row-count] [--terse] [-n]
Named Arguments
- --pager
Enable PAGING when viewing result
Default: False
- --row-count
Display number of rows from query shown in table
Default: False
- --terse
Print output in machine readable format
Default: False
- -n, --no-header
Do not print header columns in terse output (–terse)
Default: False
Query information for a particular build
buildtest history query [-h] [--pager] [-l] [-o] id
Positional Arguments
- id
Select a build ID
Named Arguments
- --pager
Enable PAGING when viewing result
Default: False
- -l, --log
Display logfile for corresponding build id
Default: False
- -o, --output
View raw output from buildtest build command
Default: False
List schema contents and examples
buildtest schema [-h] [-e] [-j] [-n Schema Name]
Named Arguments
- -e, --example
Show schema examples
Default: False
- -j, --json
Display json schema file
Default: False
- -n, --name
Possible choices: global.schema.json, definitions.schema.json, settings.schema.json, spack.schema.json, script.schema.json
show schema by name (e.g., script)
Upload test to CDASH server
buildtest cdash [-h] ...
buildtest CDASH integration
Possible choices: view, upload
Open CDASH project in web browser
buildtest cdash view [-h]
Upload test results to CDASH server
buildtest cdash upload [-h] [--site SITE] [-o] buildname
Positional Arguments
- buildname
Specify Build Name reported in CDASH
Named Arguments
- --site
Specify site name reported in CDASH
- -o, --open
Open CDASH report in browser
Default: False
Change directory to root of test given a test name
buildtest cd [-h] test
Positional Arguments
- test
Change directory to root of test for last run of test.
Remove all generate files from buildtest including test directory, log files, report file, buildspec cache, history files
buildtest clean [-h] [-y]
Named Arguments
- -y, --yes
Confirm yes for all prompts
Default: False
debugreport (debug)
Display system information and additional information for debugging purposes.
buildtest debugreport [-h]
Show test statistics for given test
buildtest stats [-h] name
Positional Arguments
- name
Name of test
Show details regarding current buildtest setup
buildtest info [-h]
buildtest command guide
buildtest show [-h]
Positional Arguments
- command
Possible choices: bd, build, bc, buildspec, cdash, cg, config, hy, history, it, inspect, path, rt, report, schema, style, stylecheck, test, unittests
Show help message for command.
commands (cmds)
List all buildtest commands
buildtest commands [-h] [-a]
Named Arguments
- -a, --with-aliases
Return all buildtest commands including command aliases
Default: False
buildtest docs [-h]
buildtest tutorial-examples [-h] [-d] [-w] [--failfast] {aws,spack}
Positional Arguments
- examples
Possible choices: aws, spack
Select which tutorial examples to build
Named Arguments
- -d, --dryrun
Just print commands that will be generated without running them
Default: False
- -w, --write
Write the content of each command to file
Default: False
- --failfast
Stop on first failure
Default: False
unittests (test)
buildtest unittests [-h] [-c] [-p PYTESTOPTS] [-s SOURCEFILES]
Named Arguments
- -c, --coverage
Enable coverage when running regression test
Default: False
- -p, --pytestopts
Specify option to pytest
- -s, --sourcefiles
Specify path to file or directory when running regression test
stylecheck (style)
buildtest stylecheck [-h] [--no-black] [--no-isort] [--no-pyflakes] [-a]
Named Arguments
- --no-black
Don’t run black style check
Default: False
- --no-isort
Don’t run isort style check
Default: False
- --no-pyflakes
Don’t run pyflakes check
Default: False
- -a, --apply
Apply style checks to codebase.
Default: False
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Copyright (c) 2021-2024, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy), Shahzeb Siddiqui, and Vanessa Sochat. All rights reserved.