Installing buildtest


You need the following packages to get started.

  • Python >= 3.6

Cloning buildtest

To get started, clone the buildtest repository in your local machine as follows:

$ git clone

If you prefer the SSH method, make sure your GitHub account is configured properly, for more details see Connecting to GitHub with SSH

Once your account is configured you can clone the repository as follows:

$ git clone

If you prefer the latest code release, please pull the devel branch:

$ git clone -b devel

Or you may switch to the devel branch if you already cloned it:

$ git checkout devel

Installing buildtest

To install buildtest run the following:

# for site installed python
$ pip install --user .

# for virtual environment, local install
$ pip install .

You may want to create an isolated python environment of choice depending on your preference you can use any of the following

Development Dependencies (Optional)

If you plan to contribute back to buildtest, you will need to install additional dependencies found in the requirements file in docs/requirements.txt as follows:

$ pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

Usage (buildtest --help)

Once you are setup, you can run buildtest --help for more details on how to use buildtest. Shown below is the output

$ buildtest --help
usage: buildtest [options] [COMMANDS]

buildtest is a HPC testing framework for building and executingtests. Buildtest comes with a set of json-schemas used to write test configuration (Buildspecs) in YAML to generate test scripts.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
                        Enable debugging messages.

   build                          Options for building test scripts
   buildspec                      Command options for buildspecs
   report                         Show report for test results  
   schema                         Commands for viewing buildtest schemas
   config                         Buildtest Configuration Menu  



buildtest commands make use of sub-commands (i.e buildtest <subcommand>). For more details on any subcommand run:

$ buildtest <subcommand> --help

If you have got this far, please go to the next section on Configuring buildtest