Introspection Operation

Config Options (buildtest config --help)

$ buildtest config --help
usage: buildtest [options] [COMMANDS] config [-h] {view,edit,validate,summary} ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  buildtest configuration

    view                View Buildtest Configuration File
    edit                Edit Buildtest Configuration File
    validate            Validate buildtest settings file with schema.
    summary             Provide summary of buildtest settings.

The buildtest config command allows user to see view or edit your buildtest settings file (settings.yml). To see content of your buildtest settings run:

buildtest config view

Shown below is an example output.

$ buildtest config view
       description: submit jobs on local machine using bash shell
       shell: bash
       description: submit jobs on local machine using sh shell
       shell: sh
       description: submit jobs on local machine using python shell
       shell: python
   editor: vi
       - /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest-cori

Likewise, you can edit the file by running:

buildtest config edit

To check if your buildtest settings is valid, run buildtest config validate. This will validate your settings.yml with the schema settings.schema.json. The output will be the following.

$ buildtest config validate
/Users/siddiq90/.buildtest/config.yml is valid

If there is an error during validation, the output from jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError will be displayed in terminal. For example the error below indicates there was an error on editor key in config object which expects the editor to be one of the enum types [vi, vim, nano, emacs]:

$ buildtest config validate
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/siddiq90/.local/share/virtualenvs/buildtest-1gHVG2Pd/bin/buildtest", line 11, in <module>
    load_entry_point('buildtest', 'console_scripts', 'buildtest')()
  File "/Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/buildtest/", line 32, in main
  File "/Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/buildtest/", line 71, in check_settings
    validate(instance=user_schema, schema=config_schema)
  File "/Users/siddiq90/.local/share/virtualenvs/buildtest-1gHVG2Pd/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 899, in validate
    raise error
jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: 'gedit' is not one of ['vi', 'vim', 'nano', 'emacs']

Failed validating 'enum' in schema['properties']['config']['properties']['editor']:
    {'default': 'vim',
     'enum': ['vi', 'vim', 'nano', 'emacs'],
     'type': 'string'}

On instance['config']['editor']:

You can get a summary of buildtest using buildtest config summary, this will display information from several sources into one single command along.

$ buildtest config summary
buildtest version:  0.8.0
 buildtest Path: /Users/siddiq90/.local/share/virtualenvs/buildtest-1gHVG2Pd/bin/buildtest
 Machine Details
 Operating System:  Darwin 19.5.0 
 Hostname:  DOE-7086392.local
 Machine:  x86_64
 Processor:  i386
 Python Path /Users/siddiq90/.local/share/virtualenvs/buildtest-1gHVG2Pd/bin/python
 Python Version: 3.7.3
 User: siddiq90
 Buildtest Settings
 Buildtest Settings: /Users/siddiq90/.buildtest/config.yml
 Buildtest Settings is  VALID
 Executors:  ['local.bash', '', 'local.python']
 Buildtest Repositories:
 Repo File: /Users/siddiq90/.buildtest/repo.yaml
 Active Repos: ['buildtesters/tutorials']
 Repo Paths: ['/private/tmp/']
 Buildspec Cache File: /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/var/buildspec.cache
 Number of buildspecs:  13
 Number of Tests: 27
 Tests:  ['systemd_default_target', '_bin_sh_shell', '_bin_bash_shell', 'bash_shell', 'sh_shell', 'shell_options', 'environment_variables', 'variables', 'selinux_disable', 'exit1_fail', 'exit1_pass', 'returncode_mismatch', 'wrongexecutor', 'circle_area', 'skip', 'unskipped', 'vecadd_gnu', 'hello_f', 'hello_c', 'hello_cplusplus', 'hello_f', 'hello_c', 'hello_cplusplus', 'cc_example', 'fc_example', 'cxx_example', 'executable_arguments']
 Buildtest Schemas
 Available Schemas: ['script-v1.0.schema.json', 'compiler-v1.0.schema.json', 'global.schema.json', 'settings.schema.json']
 Supported Sub-Schemas
 script-v1.0.schema.json : /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/buildtest/schemas/script/script-v1.0.schema.json
 Examples Directory for schema:  /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/buildtest/schemas/script/examples
 compiler-v1.0.schema.json : /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/buildtest/schemas/compiler/compiler-v1.0.schema.json
 Examples Directory for schema:  /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/buildtest/schemas/compiler/examples

Access to buildtest schemas

The buildtest schema command can show you list of available schemas just run the command with no options and it will show all the json schemas buildtest supports.

$ buildtest schema 

Shown below is the command usage of buildtest schema

$ buildtest schema --help
usage: buildtest [options] [COMMANDS] schema [-h] [-n Schema Name] [-e] [-j]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n Schema Name, --name Schema Name
                        show schema by name (e.g., script)
  -e, --example         Show schema examples that are validated by corresponding schemafile
  -j, --json            Display json schema file

The json schemas are hosted on the web at buildtest provides a means to display the json schema from the buildtest interface. Note that buildtest will show the schemas provided in buildtest repo and not ones provided by schemas repo. This is because, we let development of schema run independent of the framework.

To select a JSON schema use the --name option to select a schema, for example to view a JSON Schema for script-v1.0.schema.json run the following:

$ buildtest schema --name script-v1.0.schema.json --json

Similarly, if you want to view example buildspecs for a schema use the --example option with a schema. For example to view all example schemas for compiler-v1.0.schema.json run the following:

$ buildtest schema --name compiler-v1.0.schema.json --example

Buildspec Features

$ buildtest buildspec --help
usage: buildtest [options] [COMMANDS] buildspec [-h] {find,view,edit} ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit

  Commands options for Buildspecs

    find            find all buildspecs
    view            view a buildspec
    edit            edit a buildspec

The buildtest buildspec find loads all buildspecs specified in buildspec roots from your configuration file. To build your cache just run:

$ buildtest buildspec find

To rebuild your cache, which you may need to do if you add more directories to buildspec_roots in your configuration or edit some buildspec run:

$ buildtest buildspec find --clear

This will rebuild your cache and validate all buildspecs with updated files. Currently, we don’t support automatic rebuild of cache.

Shown below is a list of options for buildtest buildspec find command.

$ buildtest buildspec find --help
usage: buildtest [options] [COMMANDS] buildspec find [-h] [-c] [-t] [-bf]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --clear           Clear buildspec cache and find all buildspecs again
  -t, --tags            List all available tags
  -bf, --buildspec-files
                        Get all buildspec files from cache

If you want to retrieve all unique tags from all buildspecs you can run buildtest buildspec find --tags

$ buildtest buildspec find --tags
Searching buildspec in following directories:  /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials
| Tags      |
| tutorials |

If you want to find all buildspec files in cache run buildtest buildspec find --buildspec-files

$ buildtest buildspec find --buildspec-files
Searching buildspec in following directories:  /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials
| buildspecs                                                                     |
| /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/systemd.yml                      |
| /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/shell_examples.yml               |
| /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/environment.yml                  |
| /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/vars.yml                         |
| /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/selinux.yml                      |
| /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/pass_returncode.yml              |
| /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/invalid_executor.yml             |
| /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/python-shell.yml                 |
| /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/skip_tests.yml                   |
| /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/vecadd.yml             |
| /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/gnu_hello.yml          |
| /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/pre_post_build_run.yml |
| /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/passing_args.yml       |

Test Reports (buildtest report)

buildtest keeps track of all test results which can be retrieved via buildtest report. Shown below is command usage.

$ buildtest report --help
usage: buildtest [options] [COMMANDS] report [-h] [--helpformat] [--format FORMAT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --helpformat     List of available format fields
  --format FORMAT  format field for printing purposes. For more details see --helpformat for list of available fields.
                   Fields must be separated by comma (--format <field1>,<field2>,...)

You may run buildtest report and buildtest will display report with default format fields.

$ buildtest report
| id                                          | state   |   returncode | starttime           | endtime             |    runtime | tags      | buildspec                                                                        |
| systemd_default_target_2020-09-02-21-41     | FAIL    |            1 | 2020/09/02 21:41:56 | 2020/09/02 21:41:56 | 0.0213593  | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/systemd.yml                        |
| systemd_default_target_2020-09-02-21-42     | FAIL    |            1 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 0.0125463  | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/systemd.yml                        |
| systemd_default_target_2020-09-02-21-42     | FAIL    |            1 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 0.00771781 | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/systemd.yml                        |
| slurm_down_nodes_reason_2020-09-02-21-42    | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 0.0110754  |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/slurm.yml          |
| slurm_down_nodes_reason_2020-09-02-21-42    | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 0.00830546 |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/slurm.yml          |
| slurm_not_responding_nodes_2020-09-02-21-42 | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 0.00802073 |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/slurm.yml          |
| slurm_not_responding_nodes_2020-09-02-21-42 | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 0.00736713 |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/slurm.yml          |
| _bin_sh_shell_2020-09-02-21-42              | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 0.0125264  |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/shell_examples.yml |
| _bin_sh_shell_2020-09-02-21-42              | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 0.014642   |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/shell_examples.yml |
| _bin_bash_shell_2020-09-02-21-42            | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 0.00878803 |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/shell_examples.yml |
| _bin_bash_shell_2020-09-02-21-42            | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 0.00996381 |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/shell_examples.yml |
| bash_shell_2020-09-02-21-42                 | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 0.00561796 |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/shell_examples.yml |
| bash_shell_2020-09-02-21-42                 | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 0.00678369 |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/shell_examples.yml |
| sh_shell_2020-09-02-21-42                   | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 0.0102359  |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/shell_examples.yml |
| sh_shell_2020-09-02-21-42                   | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 0.0110021  |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/shell_examples.yml |
| shell_options_2020-09-02-21-42              | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 0.0104085  |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/shell_examples.yml |
| shell_options_2020-09-02-21-42              | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 0.0115846  |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/shell_examples.yml |
| circle_area_2020-09-02-21-42                | FAIL    |            2 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 0.0096071  |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/python-shell.yml   |
| circle_area_2020-09-02-21-42                | FAIL    |            2 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 0.0117158  |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/python-shell.yml   |
| hello_dinosaur_2020-09-02-21-42             | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 2020/09/02 21:42:01 | 0.00698703 |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/environment.yml    |
| hello_dinosaur_2020-09-02-21-42             | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 2020/09/02 21:42:06 | 0.0071777  |           | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tests/examples/buildspecs/environment.yml    |
| variables_2020-09-02-21-42                  | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:20 | 2020/09/02 21:42:20 | 0.00946478 | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/vars.yml                           |
| pre_post_build_run_2020-09-02-21-42         | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:20 | 2020/09/02 21:42:20 | 0.661319   | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/pre_post_build_run.yml   |
| environment_variables_2020-09-02-21-42      | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:20 | 2020/09/02 21:42:20 | 0.0120327  | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/environment.yml                    |
| hello_f_2020-09-02-21-42                    | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:20 | 2020/09/02 21:42:20 | 0.00786752 | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/gnu_hello.yml            |
| hello_f_2020-09-02-21-42                    | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:43 | 2020/09/02 21:42:43 | 0.013958   | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/gnu_hello.yml            |
| hello_c_2020-09-02-21-42                    | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:20 | 2020/09/02 21:42:21 | 0.229417   | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/gnu_hello.yml            |
| hello_c_2020-09-02-21-42                    | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:43 | 2020/09/02 21:42:43 | 0.235872   | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/gnu_hello.yml            |
| hello_cplusplus_2020-09-02-21-42            | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:21 | 2020/09/02 21:42:21 | 0.461781   | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/gnu_hello.yml            |
| hello_cplusplus_2020-09-02-21-42            | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:43 | 2020/09/02 21:42:44 | 0.498086   | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/gnu_hello.yml            |
| cc_example_2020-09-02-21-42                 | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:21 | 2020/09/02 21:42:21 | 0.230038   | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/gnu_hello.yml            |
| cc_example_2020-09-02-21-42                 | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:44 | 2020/09/02 21:42:44 | 0.239393   | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/gnu_hello.yml            |
| fc_example_2020-09-02-21-42                 | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:21 | 2020/09/02 21:42:21 | 0.00840816 | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/gnu_hello.yml            |
| fc_example_2020-09-02-21-42                 | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:44 | 2020/09/02 21:42:44 | 0.0103057  | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/gnu_hello.yml            |
| cxx_example_2020-09-02-21-42                | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:21 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 0.45725    | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/gnu_hello.yml            |
| cxx_example_2020-09-02-21-42                | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:44 | 2020/09/02 21:42:44 | 0.505495   | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/gnu_hello.yml            |
| selinux_disable_2020-09-02-21-42            | FAIL    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 0.00954966 | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/selinux.yml                        |
| _bin_sh_shell_2020-09-02-21-42              | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 0.0126632  | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/shell_examples.yml                 |
| _bin_bash_shell_2020-09-02-21-42            | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 0.0085432  | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/shell_examples.yml                 |
| bash_shell_2020-09-02-21-42                 | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 0.00603703 | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/shell_examples.yml                 |
| sh_shell_2020-09-02-21-42                   | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 0.00911067 | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/shell_examples.yml                 |
| shell_options_2020-09-02-21-42              | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 0.0104522  | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/shell_examples.yml                 |
| circle_area_2020-09-02-21-42                | FAIL    |            2 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 0.00808543 | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/python-shell.yml                   |
| unskipped_2020-09-02-21-42                  | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 0.00792155 | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/skip_tests.yml                     |
| unskipped_2020-09-02-21-42                  | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:49 | 2020/09/02 21:42:49 | 0.042425   | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/skip_tests.yml                     |
| executable_arguments_2020-09-02-21-42       | PASS    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 0.232554   | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/passing_args.yml         |
| exit1_fail_2020-09-02-21-42                 | FAIL    |            1 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 0.00782586 | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/pass_returncode.yml                |
| exit1_fail_2020-09-02-21-42                 | FAIL    |            1 | 2020/09/02 21:42:48 | 2020/09/02 21:42:48 | 0.0132099  | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/pass_returncode.yml                |
| exit1_pass_2020-09-02-21-42                 | PASS    |            1 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 0.00772625 | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/pass_returncode.yml                |
| exit1_pass_2020-09-02-21-42                 | PASS    |            1 | 2020/09/02 21:42:48 | 2020/09/02 21:42:48 | 0.0110667  | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/pass_returncode.yml                |
| returncode_mismatch_2020-09-02-21-42        | FAIL    |            2 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 0.00836054 | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/pass_returncode.yml                |
| returncode_mismatch_2020-09-02-21-42        | FAIL    |            2 | 2020/09/02 21:42:48 | 2020/09/02 21:42:48 | 0.00940911 | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/pass_returncode.yml                |
| vecadd_gnu_2020-09-02-21-42                 | FAIL    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 2020/09/02 21:42:22 | 0.0267169  | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/vecadd.yml               |
| vecadd_gnu_2020-09-02-21-42                 | FAIL    |            0 | 2020/09/02 21:42:46 | 2020/09/02 21:42:46 | 0.0421426  | tutorials | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/vecadd.yml               |

There are more fields captured in the report, so if you want to see a list of available format fields run buildtest report --helpformat.

$ buildtest report --helpformat
Fields      Description
----------  --------------------------------------------
buildspec   Buildspec file
name        Name of test defined in buildspec
id          Unique Build Identifier
testroot    Root of test directory
testpath    Path to test
command     Command executed
outfile     Output file
errfile     Error File
schemafile  Schema file used for validation
executor    Executor name
tags        Tag name
starttime   Start Time of test in date format
endtime     End Time for Test in date format
runtime     Total runtime in seconds
state       Test State reported by buildtest (PASS/FAIL)
returncode  Return Code from Test Execution

You can filter report using --format field which expects field name separated by comma (i.e –format <field1>,<field2>). In this example we format by fields --format name,type,executor,state,returncode

$ buildtest report --format name,schemafile,executor,state,returncode
 | name                       | schemafile              | executor     | state   |   returncode |
 | systemd_default_target     | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.bash   | FAIL    |            1 |
 | systemd_default_target     | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.bash   | FAIL    |            1 |
 | systemd_default_target     | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.bash   | FAIL    |            1 |
 | hello_dinosaur             | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.bash   | FAIL    |          127 |
 | hello_dinosaur             | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.bash   | PASS    |            0 |
 | circle_area                | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.python | PASS    |            0 |
 | circle_area                | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.python | PASS    |            0 |
 | _bin_sh_shell              | script-v1.0.schema.json |     | PASS    |            0 |
 | _bin_sh_shell              | script-v1.0.schema.json |     | PASS    |            0 |
 | _bin_bash_shell            | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.bash   | FAIL    |          127 |
 | _bin_bash_shell            | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.bash   | PASS    |            0 |
 | bash_shell                 | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.bash   | FAIL    |          127 |
 | bash_shell                 | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.bash   | PASS    |            0 |
 | sh_shell                   | script-v1.0.schema.json |     | PASS    |            0 |
 | sh_shell                   | script-v1.0.schema.json |     | PASS    |            0 |
 | shell_options              | script-v1.0.schema.json |     | PASS    |            0 |
 | shell_options              | script-v1.0.schema.json |     | PASS    |            0 |
 | slurm_down_nodes_reason    | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.bash   | FAIL    |          127 |
 | slurm_down_nodes_reason    | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.bash   | PASS    |            0 |
 | slurm_not_responding_nodes | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.bash   | FAIL    |          127 |
 | slurm_not_responding_nodes | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.bash   | PASS    |            0 |
 | selinux_disable            | script-v1.0.schema.json | local.bash   | PASS    |            0 |