
BuildExecutor: manager for test executors

Module Contents



The BaseExecutor is an abstract base class for all executors.

class buildtest.executors.base.BaseExecutor(name, settings, site_configs)

The BaseExecutor is an abstract base class for all executors.

type = base

Return repr(self).


Return str(self).

_check_regex(self, builder)

This method conducts a regular expression check using with regular expression defined in Buildspec. User must specify an output stream (stdout, stderr) to select when performing regex. In buildtest, this would read the .out or .err file based on stream and run the regular expression to see if there is a match. This method will return a boolean True indicates there is a match otherwise False if regex object not defined or doesn’t find a match.


builder (BuilderBase (subclass)) – instance of BuilderBase class


A boolean return True/False based on if is successful or not

Return type


_check_runtime(self, builder)

This method will return a boolean (True/False) based on runtime specified in buildspec and check with test runtime. User can specify both min and max, or just specify min or max.

_returncode_check(self, builder)

Check status check of returncode field if specified in status property.


builder (BuilderBase (subclass)) – instance of BuilderBase class

check_test_state(self, builder)

This method is responsible for detecting state of test (PASS/FAIL) based on returncode or regular expression.


builder (BuilderBase (subclass)) – instance of BuilderBase class


Load a particular configuration based on the name. This method should set defaults for the executor, and will vary based on the class.


The run step basically runs the build. This is run after setup so we are sure that the builder is defined. This is also where we set the result to return.