Source code for buildtest.cli.inspect

"""This module implements methods for buildtest inspect command that can be used
to retrieve test record from report file in JSON format."""

import json
import os
import sys

from import Report
from buildtest.defaults import BUILD_REPORT
from buildtest.utils.file import read_file, resolve_path
from tabulate import tabulate
from termcolor import colored

[docs]def inspect_cmd(args): """Entry point for ``buildtest inspect`` command Args: args (dict): Parsed arguments from `ArgumentParser.parse_args <>`_ """ report_file = BUILD_REPORT if report_file = resolve_path( report = Report(report_file) # if not args.parse: # print(f"Reading Report File: {report_file} \n") # implements command 'buildtest inspect list' if args.inspect == "list": inspect_list( report, terse=args.terse, header=args.no_header, builder=args.builder ) return # implements command 'buildtest inspect name' if args.inspect == "name": inspect_by_name(report,, args.all) return if args.inspect == "query": inspect_query(report, args) return # implements command 'buildtest inspect id' if args.inspect == "id": inspect_by_id(report, args) return if args.inspect == "buildspec": inspect_buildspec(report, input_buildspecs=args.buildspec, all_records=args.all)
[docs]def inspect_list(report, terse=None, header=None, builder=None): """This method list an output of test id, name, and buildspec file from the report cache. The default behavior is to display output in table format though this can be changed with terse format which will display in parseable format. This method implements command ``buildtest inspect list`` Args: report (str): Path to report file terse (bool, optional): Print output in terse format header (bool, optional): Determine whether to print header in terse format. builder (bool, optional): Print output in builder format which can be done via ``buildtest inspect list --builder`` """ test_ids = report._testid_lookup() table = {"name": [], "id": [], "buildspec": []} # implement command 'buildtest inspect list --builder' if builder: builders = report.builder_names() for name in builders: print(name) return # print output in terse format if terse: # print column headers if --no-header is not specified if not header: print("|".join(table.keys())) for identifier in test_ids.keys(): print( f"{identifier}|{test_ids[identifier]['name']}|{test_ids[identifier]['buildspec']}" ) return for identifier in test_ids.keys(): # for name, buildspec in test_ids[identifier]: table["id"].append(identifier) table["name"].append(test_ids[identifier]["name"]) table["buildspec"].append(test_ids[identifier]["buildspec"]) if os.getenv("BUILDTEST_COLOR") == "True": print( tabulate( table, headers=[ colored(field, "blue", attrs=["bold"]) for field in table.keys() ], tablefmt="grid", ) ) return print(tabulate(table, headers=table.keys(), tablefmt="grid"))
[docs]def inspect_query(report, args): """Entry point for ``buildtest inspect query`` command. Args: args (dict): Parsed arguments from `ArgumentParser.parse_args <>`_ report (str): Path to report file """ records = {} raw_content = report.get() for buildspec in raw_content.keys(): for name in if raw_content[buildspec].get(name): records[name] = raw_content[buildspec][name] # if no records based on input name, we raise an error if not records: sys.exit( f"Unable to find any records based on {}. According to report file: {report.reportfile()} we found the following test names: {report.get_names()}." ) for name, test_record in records.items(): # the default is to print the last record (latest record) tests = [test_record[-1]] # print the first record if --display first is set if args.display == "first": tests = [test_record[0]] elif args.display == "all": tests = test_record for test in tests: print( "{:_<30}".format(""), name, f"(ID: {test['full_id']})", "{:_<30}".format(""), ) print("executor: ", test["executor"]) print("description: ", test["description"]) print("state: ", test["state"]) print("returncode: ", test["returncode"]) print("runtime: ", test["runtime"]) print("starttime: ", test["starttime"]) print("endtime: ", test["endtime"]) # print content of output file when 'buildtest inspect query --output' is set if args.output: content = read_file(test["outfile"]) print( "{:*<25}".format(""), f"Start of Output File: {test['outfile']}", "{:*<25}".format(""), ) print(content) print( "{:*<25}".format(""), f"End of Output File: {test['outfile']}", "{:*<25}".format(""), ) print() # print content of error file when 'buildtest inspect query --error' is set if args.error: content = read_file(test["errfile"]) print( "{:*<25}".format(""), "Start of Error File: ", test["errfile"], "{:*<25}".format(""), ) print(content) print( "{:*<25}".format(""), "End of Error File: ", test["errfile"], "{:*<25}".format(""), ) print() # print content of testpath when 'buildtest inspect query --testpath' is set if args.testpath: content = read_file(test["testpath"]) print( "{:*<25}".format(""), "Start of Test Path: ", test["testpath"], "{:*<25}".format(""), ) print(content) print( "{:*<25}".format(""), "End of Test Path: ", test["testpath"], "{:*<25}".format(""), ) print() # print content of build script when 'buildtest inspect query --buildscript' is set if args.buildscript: content = read_file(test["build_script"]) print( "{:*<25}".format(""), "Start of Build Script: ", test["build_script"], "{:*<25}".format(""), ) print(content) print( "{:*<25}".format(""), "End of Build Script: ", test["build_script"], "{:*<25}".format(""), ) print()
[docs]def inspect_buildspec(report, input_buildspecs, all_records): """This method implements command ``buildtest inspect buildspec`` Args: report (str): Path to report file input_buildspecs (list): List of buildspecs to search in report file. This is specified as positional arguments to ``buildtest inspect buildspec`` all_records (bool): Determine whether to display all records for every test that matches the buildspec. By default we retrieve the latest record. """ search_buildspecs = [] for fname in input_buildspecs: abs_fname = resolve_path(fname) if not abs_fname: print(f"buildspec: {fname} is not valid file") continue search_buildspecs.append(abs_fname) if not search_buildspecs: sys.exit( f"There are no buildspecs in cache based on input buildspecs: {input_buildspecs}" ) # get raw content of test raw_content = report.get() # returns a list of buildspecs from the report cache available_buildspecs = list(report.get_buildspecs()) # filter out buildspecs not found in report search_buildspecs = [ buildspec for buildspec in search_buildspecs if buildspec in available_buildspecs ] # we stop if there are no buildspecs if not search_buildspecs: msg = "Unable to find any buildspecs in cache, please specify one of the following buildspecs: \n" for buildspec in available_buildspecs: msg += buildspec + "\n" sys.exit(msg) # dict used to hold records from records = {} for buildspec in search_buildspecs: records[buildspec] = raw_content[buildspec] # dict holding latest record of each test latest_records = {} if not all_records: for buildspec in records.keys(): latest_records[buildspec] = {} for test in records[buildspec].keys(): # get last element of list latest_records[buildspec][test] = records[buildspec][test][-1] records = latest_records or records print(json.dumps(records, indent=2))
[docs]def inspect_by_name(report, names, all_records): """Implements command ``buildtest inspect name`` which will print all test records by given name in JSON format. Args: report (str): Path to report file names (list): List of test names to search in report file. This is specified as positional arguments to ``buildtest inspect name`` all_records (bool): Determine whether to display all records for every test that matches the buildspec. By default we retrieve the latest record. """ records = {} raw_content = report.get() for buildspec in raw_content.keys(): for name in names: if raw_content[buildspec].get(name): # if --all specified we get all records if all_records: records[name] = raw_content[buildspec][name] # otherwise get last record of each test else: records[name] = raw_content[buildspec][name][-1] if not records: sys.exit( f"Unable to find any records based on input name {names}. \n" f"Please select one of the following test names: {report.get_names()} \n" ) print(json.dumps(records, indent=2))
[docs]def inspect_by_id(report, args): """This method implements ``buildtest inspect id`` command""" discovered_ids = [] # discover all tests based on all unique ids from report cache for identifier in report.get_testids(): for input_id in if identifier.startswith(input_id): discovered_ids.append(identifier) print("Discovered Test IDs: ", discovered_ids) # if no test discovered exit with message if not discovered_ids: sys.exit( f"Unable to find any test records based on id: {}. We have found the following test ids: {report.get_testids()}" ) records = report.fetch_records_by_ids(discovered_ids) print(json.dumps(records, indent=2))