Source code for buildtest.utils.file

This module provides some generic file and directory level operation that
include the following:
1. Check if path is a File or Directory via is_file(), is_dir()
2. Create a directory via create_dir()
3. Walk a directory tree based on single extension using walk_tree()
4. Resolve path including shell and user expansion along with getting realpath to file using resolve_path()
5. Read and write a file via read_file(), write_file()

import json
import os

from buildtest.exceptions import BuildTestError

[docs]def is_file(fname): """Check if file exist and returns True/False Args: fname (str): file path to check Returns: bool: True if path is a file and is a realpath otherwise returns False """ # resolve_path will return the full canonical filename or return None if file doesn't exist fname = resolve_path(fname) # if return is None we return False since file is non-existent if not fname: return False # at this stage we know it's a valid file but we don't know if its a file or directory return os.path.isfile(fname)
[docs]def is_dir(dirname): """Check if input directory exist and is a directory. If so return ``True`` otherwise returns ``False``. We resolve path by invoking :func:`resolve_path` Args: dirname (str): directory path to check Returns: bool: True if directory exists otherwise returns False. """ # resolve_path will return the full canonical directory name or return None if directory doesn't exist dirname = resolve_path(dirname) # if return is None we stop here and return False since directory is non-existent. if not dirname: return False # at this stage we know it's a valid file, so return if file is a directory or not return os.path.isdir(dirname)
[docs]def walk_tree(root_dir, ext=None): """This method will traverse a directory tree and return list of files based on extension type. This method invokes :func:`is_dir` to check if directory exists before traversal. Args: root_dir (str): directory path to traverse ext (str): File extension to search in traversal Returns: list: A list of file paths for a directory traversal based on extension type. If ``ext`` is **None** we retrieve all files """ list_files = [] # if directory doesn't exist let's return empty list before doing a directory traversal since no files to traverse if not is_dir(root_dir): return list_files for root, subdir, files in os.walk(root_dir): for fname in files: # if ext is provided check if file ends with extension and add to list, otherwise # add all files to list and return if ext: if fname.endswith(ext): list_files.append(os.path.join(root, fname)) else: list_files.append(os.path.join(root, fname)) return list_files
[docs]def create_dir(dirname): """Create a directory if it doesn't exist. If directory contains variable expansion (**$HOME**) or user expansion (**~**), we resolve this before creating directory. If there is an error creating directory we raise an exception BuildTestError :param dirname: directory path to create :type dirname: str, required :return: creates the directory or print an exception message upon failure :rtype: Catches exception of type OSError and raise exception BuildTestError or returns None """ # these three lines implement same as ``resolve_path`` will return None when it's not a known file. We expect # input to create_dir will be a non-existent path so we run these lines manually dirname = os.path.expanduser(dirname) dirname = os.path.expandvars(dirname) dirname = os.path.realpath(dirname) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): try: os.makedirs(dirname) except OSError as err: print(err) raise BuildTestError(f"Cannot create directory {dirname}")
[docs]def resolve_path(path, exist=True): """This method will resolve a file path to account for shell expansion and resolve paths in when a symlink is provided in the file. This method assumes file already exists. Args: path (str): file path to resolve exist (bool): a boolean to determine if filepath should be returned if filepath doesn't exist on filesystem. Returns: str: Full path to file if file exists or ``exist=True`` is set. We could return ``None`` if path is not defined or file path doesn't exist and ``exist=False`` Raises: BuildTestError: If input path is not of type str >>> a = resolve_path("$HOME/.bashrc") >>> assert a >>> b = resolve_path("$HOME/.bashrc1", exist=False) >>> assert b >>> c = resolve_path("$HOME/.bashrc1", exist=True) >>> assert not c """ # if path not set return None if not path: return if not isinstance(path, str): raise BuildTestError( f"Input must be a string type, {path} is of type {type(path)}" ) # apply shell expansion when file includes something like $HOME/example path = os.path.expandvars(path) # apply user expansion when file includes something like ~/example path = os.path.expanduser(path) real_path = os.path.realpath(path) if os.path.exists(real_path) or not exist: return real_path
[docs]def read_file(filepath): """This method is used to read a file and return content of file. If filepath is not a string we raise an error. We run :func:`resolve_path` to get realpath to file and account for shell or user expansion. The return will be a valid file or ``None`` so we check if input is an invalid file. Finally we read the file and return the content of the file as a string. Args: filepath (str): File name to read Raises: BuildTestError: - if filepath is invalid - filepath is not an instance of type :class:`str`. - An exception can be raised if there is an issue reading file with an exception of :class:`IOError` Returns: str: content of input file """ # ensure filepath is a string, if not, we raise an error. if not isinstance(filepath, str): raise BuildTestError( f"Invalid type for file: {filepath} must be of type 'str' " ) input_file = filepath # resolve_path will handle shell and user expansion and account for any symlinks and check for file existence. # if resolve_path does not return gracefully it implies file does not exist and will return None filepath = resolve_path(filepath) # if it's invalid file let's raise an error if not filepath: raise BuildTestError( f"Unable to find input file: {input_file}. Please specify a valid file" ) try: with open(filepath, "r") as fd: content = except IOError as err: raise BuildTestError("Failed to read: %s: %s" % (filepath, err)) return content
[docs]def write_file(filepath, content): """This method is used to write an input ``content`` to a file specified by ``filepath``. Both filepath and content must be a str. An error is raised if filepath is not a string or a directory. If ``content`` is not a str, we return ``None`` since we can't write the content to file. Finally, we write the content to file and return. A successful write will return nothing otherwise an exception will occur during the write process. Args: filepath (str): file name to write content (str): content to write to file Raises: BuildTestError: - filepath is not :class:`str` - filepath is directory via :class:`is_dir` - content of file is not of type :class:`str` - Error writing file with an exception of type :class:`IOError` """ # ensure filepath is a string, if not we raise an error if not isinstance(filepath, str): raise BuildTestError( f"Invalid type for file: {filepath} must be of type 'str' " ) # if filepath is a directory, we raise an exception noting that user must specify a filepath if is_dir(filepath): raise BuildTestError( f"Detected {filepath} is a directory, please specify a file path." ) # ensure content is of type string if not isinstance(content, str): raise BuildTestError( f"Expecting type str but got type: {type(content)} when writing file" ) try: with open(filepath, "w") as fd: fd.write(content) except IOError as err: raise BuildTestError(f"Failed to write: {filepath}: {err}")
[docs]def remove_file(fpath): """This method is responsible for removing a file. The input path is an absolute path to file. We check for exceptions first, and return immediately before removing file. Args: fpath (str): full path to file to remove Raises: BuildTestError: - If fpath is not instance of :class:`str` - If fpath is not a file using :func:`is_file` - An exception of type :class:`OSError` when removing file via :func:`os.remove` """ if not fpath: return if not isinstance(fpath, str): raise BuildTestError( f"Unable to remove file: {fpath} because we have a type mismatch. It must be a string type" ) # if its not a file return if not is_file(fpath): raise BuildTestError( f"The filepath: {fpath} must be a file and must exist on file system" ) try: os.remove(fpath) except OSError: raise BuildTestError(f"Unable to delete file: {fpath}")
[docs]def load_json(fname): """Given a filename, resolves full path to file and loads json file. This method will catch exception :class:`json.JSONDecodeError` and raise an exception with useful message. If there is no error we return content of json file Args: fname (str): Name of file to read and load json content Raises: BuildTestError: Raise exception if file is not resolved via :func:`resolve_path` or failure to load JSON document """ abspath_fname = resolve_path(fname) # if filename doesn't exist we raise an exception if not abspath_fname: raise BuildTestError(f"Unable to resolve path: {fname}") # attempt to open file for reading and use json.loads to read the content and check for exception with open(abspath_fname) as fd: try: content = json.loads( except json.JSONDecodeError as err: print(err) raise BuildTestError( f"Unable to read file: {fname}, please make sure its valid json file" ) return content