Source code for

"""This module implements the Builder class that is responsible for getting builders
from a buildspec file. The Builder class is invoked once buildspec file has
parsed validation via :class:`buildtest.buildsystem.parser.BuildspecParser`.

import logging
import re

from import CompilerBuilder
from import ScriptBuilder
from import SpackBuilder
from buildtest.defaults import console
from import deep_get

[docs]class Builder: """The Builder class creates builder objects based on parsed buildspecs. The builder class is created based on the 'type' field in the test. If test contains ``type: script`` we will create builder by calling :class:`buildtest.buildsystem.scriptbuilder.ScriptBuilder`. Likewise for ``type: compiler`` and ``type: spack`` we will call :class:`buildtest.buildsystem.compilerbuilder.CompilerBuilder` and :class:`buildtest.buildsystem.spack.SpackBuilder`. """ def __init__( self, bp, buildtest_compilers, buildexecutor, filters, testdir, configuration, buildtest_system, rebuild=1, numprocs=None, numnodes=None, executor_type=None, ): """Based on a loaded Buildspec file, return the correct builder for each based on the type. Each type is associated with a known Builder class. Args: bp (buildtest.buildsystem.parser.BuildspecParser): Instance of BuildspecParser class buildexecutor (buildtest.executors.setup.BuildExecutor): Instance of BuildExecutor class filters (dict): List of filter fields specified via ``buildtest build --filter`` for filtering tests testdir (str): Test directory where tests will be written which could be specified via ``buildtest build --testdir`` or configuration file configuration (buildtest.config.SiteConfiguration): Instance of SiteConfiguration class buildtest_system (buildtest.system.BuildTestSystem): Instance of BuildTestSystem class rebuild (int, option): Number of rebuild for test. This is specified via ``buildtest build --rebuild``. Defaults to 1 numprocs (list, optional): List of processor values to create builder objects specified via ``buildtest build --procs`` numnodes (list, optional): List of processor values to create builder objects specified via ``buildtest build --numnodes`` executor_type (str, optional): Filter test by executor type (local, batch) """ self.configuration = configuration self.system = buildtest_system self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.testdir = testdir self.buildexecutor = buildexecutor self.rebuild = rebuild or 1 self.numprocs = numprocs self.numnodes = numnodes self.executor_type = executor_type self.bp = bp self.bc = buildtest_compilers self.filters = filters = [] if deep_get(self.filters, "maintainers") and not self.bp.recipe.get( "maintainers" ): console.print( f"{self.bp.buildspec}: skipping test because [italic]'maintainers'[/italic] field is not specified in buildspec." ) return if deep_get(self.filters, "maintainers") and self.filters[ "maintainers" ] not in self.bp.recipe.get("maintainers"): console.print( f"{self.bp.buildspec}: unable to find maintainer: {self.filters['maintainers']} in buildspec which contains the following maintainers: {self.bp.recipe.get('maintainers')} therefore we skip this test" ) return for count in range(self.rebuild): for name in self.bp.get_test_names(): recipe = self.bp.recipe["buildspecs"][name] if recipe.get("skip"): msg = f"{name}: skipping test due to [italic]'skip'[/italic] property." console.print( f"[red]{name}: skipping test due to [italic]'skip'[/italic] property." ) continue # apply filter by tags or type if --filter option is specified if self.filters: if self._skip_tests_by_tags(recipe, name): continue if self._skip_tests_by_type(recipe, name): continue # Add the builder for the script or spack schema if recipe["type"] in ["spack"]: builders = self._generate_builders(recipe, name) if builders: += builders elif recipe["type"] in ["script", "compiler"]: builders = self._build_compilers(name, recipe) if builders: += builders if self.executor_type: self.filter_by_executor_type()
[docs] def filter_by_executor_type(self): builders = [] for builder in if self.executor_type == "local": if not builder.is_local_executor(): console.print( f"[red]{builder} is excluded since its not using local executor" ) continue builders.append(builder) elif self.executor_type == "batch": if builder.is_local_executor(): console.print( f"[red]{builder} is excluded since its not using batch executor" ) continue builders.append(builder) = builders
[docs] def _create_builders_procs(self, name, executor, recipe, compiler_name=None): """This method will create builders for range of process configuration specified via ``buildtest build --procs``. The return will be a list of builder object of type :class:`buildtest.buildsystem.base.BuilderBase`. If builder is using a Local Executor we will return a the builder as is without iterating over the loop over all proc values. The `--procs` work with builders that leverage a Batch Executor such as Slurm, LSF, PBS, etc... Args: name (str): Name of test in buildspec file recipe (dict): Loaded test recipe from buildspec file executor (str): Name of executor for a given test compiler_name (str, optional): Name of compiler """ # used for storing builder objects creating during class invocation builders = [] if self.numprocs: # loop over all proc values and create builder object based on schema type since we need to call different classes. If builder is using local executor we return the builder immediately, # otherwise we keep adding builders for all proc values for proc in self.numprocs: if recipe["type"] == "script": builder = ScriptBuilder( name=name, recipe=recipe, executor=executor, buildspec=self.bp.buildspec, buildexecutor=self.buildexecutor, configuration=self.configuration, testdir=self.testdir, numprocs=proc, ) elif recipe["type"] == "compiler": builder = CompilerBuilder( name=name, recipe=recipe, executor=executor, buildspec=self.bp.buildspec, buildexecutor=self.buildexecutor, configuration=self.configuration, testdir=self.testdir, compiler=compiler_name, numprocs=proc, ) elif recipe["type"] == "spack": builder = SpackBuilder( name=name, recipe=recipe, executor=executor, buildspec=self.bp.buildspec, buildexecutor=self.buildexecutor, testdir=self.testdir, numprocs=proc, ) # if builder is using LocalExecutor we return since we don't need to create object for every process value, this is only needed if test using a Batch Executor. if builder.is_local_executor(): builders.append(builder) return [builder] builders.append(builder) if self.numnodes: # loop over all proc values and create builder object based on schema type since we need to call different classes. If builder is using local executor we return the builder immediately, # otherwise we keep adding builders for all proc values for nodes in self.numnodes: if recipe["type"] == "script": builder = ScriptBuilder( name=name, recipe=recipe, executor=executor, buildspec=self.bp.buildspec, buildexecutor=self.buildexecutor, configuration=self.configuration, testdir=self.testdir, numnodes=nodes, ) elif recipe["type"] == "compiler": builder = CompilerBuilder( name=name, recipe=recipe, executor=executor, buildspec=self.bp.buildspec, buildexecutor=self.buildexecutor, configuration=self.configuration, testdir=self.testdir, compiler=compiler_name, numnodes=nodes, ) elif recipe["type"] == "spack": builder = SpackBuilder( name=name, recipe=recipe, executor=executor, buildspec=self.bp.buildspec, buildexecutor=self.buildexecutor, testdir=self.testdir, numnodes=nodes, ) # if builder is using LocalExecutor we return since we don't need to create object for every process value, this is only needed if test using a Batch Executor. if builder.is_local_executor(): builders.append(builder) return [builder] builders.append(builder) return builders
[docs] def _generate_builders(self, recipe, name, compiler_name=None): """This method is responsible for generating builders by applying regular expression specified by ``executor`` field in buildspec with list of executors. If their is a match we generate a builder. Args: name (str): Name of test in buildspec file recipe (dict): Loaded test recipe from buildspec file compiler_name (str, optional): Name of compiler Returns: List of builder objects """ builders = [] self.logger.debug( f"Searching for builders for test: {name} by applying regular expression with available builders: {self.buildexecutor.names()} " ) for executor in self.buildexecutor.names(): if ( re.fullmatch(recipe["executor"], executor) and recipe["type"] == "script" ): self.logger.debug( f"Found a match in buildspec with available executors via re.fullmatch({recipe['executor']},{executor})" ) # if --procs is specified create builder object for list of proc values if self.numprocs or self.numnodes: builders += self._create_builders_procs( name=name, executor=executor, recipe=recipe ) continue builder = ScriptBuilder( name=name, recipe=recipe, executor=executor, buildspec=self.bp.buildspec, buildexecutor=self.buildexecutor, configuration=self.configuration, testdir=self.testdir, compiler=compiler_name, ) builders.append(builder) elif ( re.fullmatch(recipe["executor"], executor) and recipe["type"] == "compiler" ): self.logger.debug( f"Found a match in buildspec with available executors via re.fullmatch({recipe['executor']},{executor})" ) # if --procs is specified create builder object for list of proc values if self.numprocs or self.numnodes: builders += self._create_builders_procs( name=name, executor=executor, recipe=recipe, compiler_name=compiler_name, ) continue builder = CompilerBuilder( name=name, recipe=recipe, executor=executor, compiler=compiler_name, buildspec=self.bp.buildspec, configuration=self.configuration, buildexecutor=self.buildexecutor, testdir=self.testdir, ) builders.append(builder) elif ( re.fullmatch(recipe["executor"], executor) and recipe["type"] == "spack" ): # if --procs is specified create builder object for list of proc values if self.numprocs or self.numnodes: builders += self._create_builders_procs( name=name, executor=executor, recipe=recipe ) continue builder = SpackBuilder( name=name, recipe=recipe, executor=executor, buildspec=self.bp.buildspec, buildexecutor=self.buildexecutor, testdir=self.testdir, ) builders.append(builder) return builders
[docs] def _build_compilers(self, name, recipe): """This method will perform regular expression with 'name' field in compilers section and retrieve one or more compiler that were defined in buildtest configuration. If any compilers were retrieved we return one or more builder objects that call :class:`` Args: name (str): name of test recipe (dict): Loaded test recipe from buildspec """ discovered_compilers = self.bc.names() builders = [] if not recipe.get("compilers"): builders = self._generate_builders(name=name, recipe=recipe) return builders # exclude compiler from search if 'exclude' specified in buildspec if recipe["compilers"].get("exclude"): for exclude in recipe["compilers"]["exclude"]: if exclude in discovered_compilers: msg = f"Excluding compiler: {exclude} from test generation" print(msg) self.logger.debug(msg) discovered_compilers.remove(exclude) # apply regular expression specified by 'name' field against all discovered compilers for compiler_pattern in recipe["compilers"]["name"]: for bc_name in discovered_compilers: if re.match(compiler_pattern, bc_name): builder = self._generate_builders( name=name, recipe=recipe, compiler_name=bc_name ) builders += builder if not builders: msg = f"[{name}][{self.bp.buildspec}]: Unable to find any compilers based on regular expression: {recipe['compilers']['name']} so no tests were created." print(msg) self.logger.debug(msg) return return builders
[docs] def _skip_tests_by_tags(self, recipe, name): """This method determines if test should be skipped based on tag names specified in filter field that is specified on command line via ``buildtest build --filter tags=<TAGNAME>`` Args: recipe (dict): Loaded test recipe from buildspec name (str): Name of test Returns: bool: False if ``buildtest build --filter tags`` is not specified. If specified we return ``True`` if ``tags`` field is not in test recipe or there is a matching tag. """ if self.filters.get("tags"): # if tags field in buildspec is empty, then we skip test only if user filters by tags if not recipe.get("tags"): return True found = False # for tagname in self.filters: if self.filters["tags"] in recipe.get("tags"): found = True if not found: msg = f"[{name}][{self.bp.buildspec}]: test is skipped because it is not in tag filter list: {self.filters}" print(msg) return True return False
[docs] def _skip_tests_by_type(self, recipe, name): """This method determines if test should be skipped based on type field specified in filter field that is specified on command line via ``buildtest build --filter type=<SCHEMATYPE>`` Args: recipe (dict): Loaded test recipe from buildspec name (str): Name of test Returns: bool: False if ``buildtest build --filter type`` is not specified. If there is a match with input filter and ``type`` field in test we return ``True`` """ if self.filters.get("type"): found = self.filters["type"] == recipe["type"] if not found: msg = f"[{name}][{self.bp.buildspec}]: test is skipped because it is not in type filter list: {self.filters['type']}" print(msg) return True return False
[docs] def get_builders(self): """Return a list of builder objects""" return
[docs] def get_filtered_buildspec(self): """Return a list of buildspec that were filtered out""" return self.filtered_buildspecs