This module contains all the methods related to “buildtest build” which is used for building test scripts from a Buildspec

Module Contents




This class is an interface to building tests via buildtest build command.


resolve_testdirectory(configuration, testdir=None)

This method resolves which test directory to select. For example, one

discover_buildspecs(buildspecs=None, exclude_buildspecs=None, executors=None, tags=None)

This method discovers all buildspecs based on --buildspecs, --tags, --executor


This method will print the discovered buildspecs in table format


This method discovers buildspecs by tags, using buildtest build --tags option.


This method discovers buildspecs by executor name, using buildtest build --executor


Given a buildspec file specified by the user with buildtest build --buildspec,


This method will print list of filters fields used by buildtest build --filter. This method is invoked by

update_report(valid_builders, report_file)

This method will update BUILD_REPORT after every test run performed



Bases: object

__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb)[source]
write(self, data)[source]
flush(self)[source], testdir=None)[source]

This method resolves which test directory to select. For example, one can specify test directory via command line buildtest build --testdir <path> or path in configuration file. The default is $HOME/.buildtest/var/tests

  • configuration (buildtest.config.SiteConfiguration) – An instance of SiteConfiguration class which contains content of buildtest configuration file

  • testdir (str, optional) – Path to test directory specified via command line buildtest build --testdir


Path to test directory

Return type

str, exclude_buildspecs=None, executors=None, tags=None)[source]

This method discovers all buildspecs based on –buildspecs, –tags, –executor and excluding buildspecs (–exclude).

  • buildspecs (list, optional) – List of input buildspecs passed by argument buildtest build --buildspec

  • exclude_buildspecs (list, optional) – List of excluded buildspecs by argument buildtest build --exclude

  • tags (list, optional) – List of input tags for discovering buildspecs by argument buildtest build --tags

  • executors (list, optional) – List of input executors for discovering buildspecs by argument buildtest build --executor


A dictionary containing a list of included, excluded, detected buildspecs and buildspecs detected based on tags and executors

Return type


This method will print the discovered buildspecs in table format


buildspec_dict (dict) – A dictionary containing a list of included and excluded buildspecs and breakdown of buildspecs by tags and executors[source]

This method discovers buildspecs by tags, using buildtest build --tags option. This method will read BUILDSPEC_CACHE_FILE and search for tags key in buildspec recipe and match with input tag. The input tags are a list of tagnames to search in buildspec with the tags property in buildspec. The return is a list of buildspec files to process.


tagnames (list) – List of input tags from command line argument buildtest build --tags <tags>


first argument is a list of buildspecs discovered for all tag names. The second argument is dictionary breakdown of buildspecs by each tag name

Return type

list, dict[source]

This method discovers buildspecs by executor name, using buildtest build --executor command. This method will read BUILDSPEC_CACHE_FILE and search for executor property in buildspec and match with input executor name. The return is a list of matching buildspec with executor name to process.


executors (list) – List of input executor name from command line argument buildtest build --executor <name>


first argument is a list of buildspecs discovered for all executors. The second argument is dictionary breakdown of buildspecs by each executor name

Return type

list, dict[source]

Given a buildspec file specified by the user with buildtest build --buildspec, discover one or more files and return a list for buildtest to process. This method is called once per argument of --buildspec or --exclude option. If its a directory path we recursively find all buildspecs with with .yml extension. If filepath doesn’t exist or file extension is not .yml we return None and capture error in log.

# file path
buildtest build --buildspec tutorials/

# directory path
buildtest build --buildspec tutorials

# invalid file path returns None
buildtest build -b /xyz.yml

# invalid file extension
buildtest build -b

buildspec (str) – Full path to buildspec based on argument buildtest build --buildspec


List of resolved buildspecs.

Return type


This method will print list of filters fields used by buildtest build --filter. This method is invoked by running buildtest build --helpfilter.

class, buildspecs=None, exclude_buildspecs=None, tags=None, executors=None, testdir=None, stage=None, filter_buildspecs=None, rebuild=None, buildtest_system=None, report_file=None, maxpendtime=None, poll_interval=None, keep_stage_dir=None, retry=None, account=None, helpfilter=None, numprocs=None, numnodes=None, modules=None, modulepurge=None, unload_modules=None, rerun=None, executor_type=None, timeout=None)[source]

This class is an interface to building tests via buildtest build command.

The initializer method is responsible for checking input arguments for type check, if any argument fails type check we raise an error. If all arguments pass we assign the values and proceed with building the test.

  • configuration (buildtest.config.SiteConfiguration, optional) – Loaded configuration content which is an instance of SiteConfiguration

  • buildspecs (list, optional) – list of buildspecs from command line buildtest build --buildspec

  • exclude_buildspecs (list, optional) – list of excluded buildspecs from command line buildtest build --exclude

  • tags (list, optional) – list if tags passed from command line buildtest build --tags

  • executors (list, optional) – list of executors passed from command line buildtest build --executors

  • testdir (str) – Path to test directory where tests are written. This argument can be passed from command line buildtest build --testdir

  • stage (str, optional) – Stop build after parse or build stage which can be configured via buildtest build --stage option

  • filter_buildspecs (dict, optional) – filters buildspecs and tests based on buildtest build --filter argument which is a key/value dictionary that can filter tests based on tags, type, and maintainers

  • rebuild (int, optional) – Rebuild tests X times based on buildtest build --rebuild option.

  • buildtest_system (buildtest.system.BuildTestSystem, optional) – Instance of BuildTestSystem class

  • report_file (str, optional) – Location to report file where test data will be written upon completion. This can be specified via buildtest build --report command

  • maxpendtime (int, optional) – Specify maximum pending time in seconds for batch job until job is cancelled

  • poll_interval (int, optional) – Specify poll interval in seconds for polling batch jobs.

  • keep_stage_dir (bool, optional) – Keep stage directory after job completion

  • retry (int, optional) – Number of retry for failed jobs

  • account (str, optional) – Project account to charge jobs. This takes input argument buildtest build --account

  • helpfilter (bool, optional) – Display available filter fields for buildtest build --filter command. This argument is set to True if one specifies buildtest build --helpfilter

  • numprocs (str, optional) – List of comma separated process values to run batch jobs specified via buildtest build --procs

  • numnodes (str, optional) – List of comma separated nodes values to run batch jobs specified via buildtest build --nodes

  • modules (str, optional) – List of modules to load for every test specified via buildtest build --modules.

  • modulepurge (bool, optional) – Determine whether to run ‘module purge’ before running test. This is specified via buildtest build --modulepurge.

  • unload_modules (str, optional) – List of modules to unload for every test specified via buildtest build --unload-modules.

  • rerun (bool, optional) – Rerun last successful buildtest build command. This is specified via buildtest build --rerun. All other options will be ignored and buildtest will read buildtest options from file BUILDTEST_RERUN_FILE.

  • executor_type (bool, optional) – Filter test by executor type. This option will filter test after discovery by local or batch executors. This can be specified via buildtest build --exec-type

  • timeout (int, optional) – Test timeout in seconds specified by buildtest build --timeout


This will load content of file BUILDTEST_RERUN_FILE that contains a dictionary of key/value pair that keeps track of last buildtest build command. This is used with buildtest build --rerun. Upon loading file we reinitalize all class variables that store argument for buildtest build options


Check filter fields provided by buildtest build --filter are valid types and supported. Currently supported filter fields are tags, type, maintainers


BuildTestError – if input filter field is not valid we raise exception. For type filter we check for value and make sure the schema type is supported


Return all discovered buildspecs which includes included buildspecs, excluded buildspecs and detected buildspecs.


This method is responsible for discovering buildspecs based on input argument. Then we parse the buildspecs and retrieve builder objects for each test. Each builder object will invoke which will build the test script, and then we run the test and update report.


Parse all buildspecs by passing buildspec file to buildtest.buildsystem.parser.BuildspecParser class. If buildspec fails validation we skip the buildspec and print all skipped buildspecs. If buildspec passes validation we get all builders by invoking class that is responsible for creating builder objects for each test.


SystemExit – If no builders are created after parsing buildspecs


This method will build all tests by invoking class method build for each builder that generates testscript in the test directory. If no builders are present upon building test we raise exception and terminate immediately


BuildTestError – If no builders are present in build phase


This method will run all builders with the appropriate executor. The buildtest.executors.setup.BuildExecutor class is responsible for orchestrating builder execution to the appropriate executor class. The BuildExecutor contains a list of executors picked up from buildtest configuration. For tests running locally, we get the test metadata and count PASS/FAIL test state which is printed at end in Test Summary. For tests that need batch submission via scheduler, the first stage of run will dispatch job, and state will be unknown. After dispatching all jobs, we will poll jobs until they are complete. The poll section is skipped if all tests are run locally. In poll section we regenerate table with all valid builders and updated test state and returncode and recalculate total pass/fail tests. Any test that failed to run or be dispatched will be skipped during run stage and they will not be recorded in the test report


A list of valid builders after running tests


Returns True if build was successful otherwise returns False

_print_test_summary(self, builders)[source]

Print a summary of total pass and fail test with percentage breakdown.


builders (list) – List of builders that ran to completion

_update_build_history(self, builders)[source]

Write a build history file that is stored in $BUILDTEST_ROOT/var/.history directory summarizing output of build. The history file is a json file named build.json which contains a copy of the build log for troubleshooting. buildtest will create a sub-directory that is incremented such as 0, 1, 2 in $BUILDTEST_ROOT/var/.history which is used to differentiate builds.

Shown below is content of the top-level directory for the history directory. There is one subdirectory for each build ID starting with 0

bash-3.2$ ls -l $BUILDTEST_ROOT/var/.history
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  4 siddiq90  92503  128 Sep  8 13:50 0
drwxr-xr-x  4 siddiq90  92503  128 Sep  8 13:50 1

For every build ID we have a build.json and log file for each build.

bash-3.2$ ls $BUILDTEST_ROOT/var/.history/{0,1}
build.json             buildtest_y3gh46j_.log

build.json             buildtest_a1rjdy59.log

Return root of build history directory

print_builders(self, compiler_builder, spack_builder, script_builder, batch_builder)[source]

Print detected builders during build phase, report_file)[source]

This method will update BUILD_REPORT after every test run performed by buildtest build. If BUILD_REPORT is not created, we will create file and update json file by extracting contents from builder metadata

  • valid_builders (list) – List of valid builders that ran to completion

  • report_file (str) – Specify location to report file.