Module Contents



param report_file

Full path to report file to read



Check if input is an integer by running int(). If its successful we

report_cmd(args, report_file=None)

Entry point for buildtest report command

report_summary(report, pager=None)

This method will print summary for report file which can be retrieved via buildtest report summary command

print_report_summary_output(report, table, pass_results, fail_results)

Print output of buildtest report summary.



Check if input is an integer by running int(). If its successful we return True otherwise returns False

class, filter_args=None, format_args=None, start=None, end=None, failure=None, latest=None, oldest=None, count=None, pager=None)[source]
  • report_file (str, optional) – Full path to report file to read

  • filter_args (str, optional) – A comma separated list of Key=Value pair for filter arguments via buildtest report --filter

  • format (str, optional) – A comma separated list of format fields for altering report table. This is specified via buildtest report --format

  • start (datetime, optional) – Fetch run for all tests discovered filered by starttime. This is specified via buildtest report --start

  • end (datetime, optional) – Fetch run for all tests discovered filered by endtime. This is specified via buildtest report --end

  • failure (bool, optional) – Fetch failure run for all tests discovered. This is specified via buildtest report --failure

  • latest (bool, optional) – Fetch latest run for all tests discovered. This is specified via buildtest report --latest

  • oldest (bool, optional) – Fetch oldest run for all tests discovered. This is specified via buildtest report --oldest

  • count (int, optional) – Fetch limited number of rows get printed for all tests discovered. This is specified via buildtest report --count

  • pager (bool, optional) – Enabling PAGING output for buildtest report. This can be specified via buildtest report --pager


Return full path to report file


Return raw content of report file


This method will validate filter fields buildtest report --filter by checking if field is valid filter field. If one specifies an invalid filter field, we will raise an exception


BuildTestError – Raise exception if its in invalid filter field. If returncode is not an integer we raise exception


Check all format arguments (–format) are valid, the arguments are specified in format (–format key1=val1,key2=val2). We make sure each key is valid format field.


BuildTestError – If format field is not valid


Check start argument (–start) and end argument (–end) are valid. The start argument is specified in format (–start yyyy-mm-dd), end argument in format (–end yyyy-mm-dd), or both (–start yyyy-mm-dd –end yyyy-mm-dd).


BuildTestError – If –start is greater than –end or –end is greater than current time -


This method is responsible for loading report file. If file not found or report is empty dictionary we raise an error. The report file is loaded if its valid JSON file and returns as dictionary containing entire report of all tests.


SystemExit – If report file doesn’t exist or path is not a file. If the report file is empty upon loading we raise an error.


This method filters the report table input filter --filter buildspec. If entry found in buildspec cache we add to list

filter_by_start_end(self, test)[source]

This method will return a boolean (True/False) to check if test should be included from report. Given an input test, we check if a test record has ‘starttime’ and ‘endtime’ fields in range specified by --start and --end by the user. If there is a match we return True. A False indicates the test will not be incldued in report.


test (dict) – Test record loaded as dictionary

_filter_by_names(self, name)[source]

Filter test by name of test. This method will return True if record should be processed, otherwise returns False


name (str) – Name of test to filter

_filter_by_tags(self, test)[source]

This method will return a boolean (True/False) to check if test should be skipped from report. Given an input test, we check if test has ‘tags’ property in buildspec and if tagnames specified by --filter tags are found in the test. If there is a match we return False. A True indicates the test will be filtered out.


test (dict) – Test recorded loaded as dictionary

_filter_by_executor(self, test)[source]

Filters test by executor property given input parameter buildtest report --filter executor:<executor>. If there is no match we return True otherwise returns False.


test (dict) – Test recorded loaded as dictionary

_filter_by_state(self, test)[source]

This method filters test by state property based on input parameter buildtest report --filter state:<STATE>. If there is no match we return True otherwise returns False.


test (dict) – Test recorded loaded as dictionary

_filter_by_returncode(self, test)[source]

Returns True/False if test is filtered by returncode. We will get input returncode in filter field via buildtest report --filter returncode:<CODE> with one in test and if there is a match we return True otherwise returns False.


test (dict) – Test recorded loaded as dictionary


Displays list of format field which implements command buildtest report --helpformat


Displays list of help filters which implements command buildtest report --helpfilter

print_report(self, terse=None, noheader=None, title=None, count=None)[source]

This method will print report table after processing report file. By default we print output in table format but this can be changed to terse format which will print output in parseable format.

  • terse (bool, optional) – Print output int terse format

  • noheader (bool, optional) – Determine whether to print header in terse format

In this example, we display output in tabular format which works with --filter and --format option.

bash-3.2$ buildtest report --filter name=root_disk_usage --format name,state,returncode
Reading report file: /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/report.json

| name            | state   |   returncode |
| root_disk_usage | PASS    |            0 |
| root_disk_usage | PASS    |            0 |
| root_disk_usage | PASS    |            0 |

In terse format each output is separated by PIPE symbol (|*). The first row contains headers followed by content of the report.

bash-3.2$ buildtest report --filter name=root_disk_usage --format name,state,returncode --terse

You can avoid printing the header table by specifying –no-header option

bash-3.2$ buildtest report --filter name=root_disk_usage --format name,state,returncode --terse --no-header
latest_testid_by_name(self, name)[source]

Given a test name return test id of latest run


name (str) – Name of test to search in report file and retrieve corresponding test id


Return a list of test names from report file

get_random_tests(self, num_items=1)[source]

Returns a list of random test names from the list of available test. The test are picked using random.sample


num_items (int, optional) – Number of test items to retrieve


Return a list of buildspecs in report file

get_test_by_state(self, state)[source]

Return a list of test names by state from report file


Return a list of test ids from the report file


Return a dict where key represents full id of test and value is a dictionary containing two values name and buildspec property which contains name of test and path to buildspec file.


Create a lookup dictionary with keys corresponding to name of test names and values are list of test ids.

from import Report
r = Report()
{'exit1_fail': ['913ce128-f425-488a-829d-d5d898113e8b', '54fc3dfe-50c5-4d2c-93fc-0c26364d215d', '70971081-84f9-462e-809b-a7d438a480bf'], 'exit1_pass': ['775a5545-bac5-468d-994d-85b22544306b', '0e908a64-fc81-4606-8ef4-78360563618e', '17082a05-ba32-4ef1-a38a-c2c6ea125bae', '3f50a73c-e333-4bbb-a722-aa5d72f98ac1', '964cd416-ad91-42be-bc1c-e25119f6df5d']}

Return a list of builder names in builder format which is in the form: <NAME>/<TESTID>.

get_random_builder_names(self, num_items=1)[source]

Return a list of random builder names from report file.


num_items (int, optional) – Number of items to retrieve


Returns a dictionary with number of test runs, pass test and fail test by testname

fetch_records_by_ids(self, testids)[source]

Fetch a test record given a list of test identifier.


testids (list) – A list of test IDs to search in report file and retrieve JSON record for each test., report_file=None)[source]

Entry point for buildtest report command, pager=None)[source]

This method will print summary for report file which can be retrieved via buildtest report summary command, table, pass_results, fail_results)[source]

Print output of buildtest report summary.
