
This module implements the SlurmExecutor class responsible for submitting jobs to Slurm Scheduler. This class is called in class BuildExecutor when initializing the executors.

Module Contents



The SlurmExecutor class is responsible for submitting jobs to Slurm Scheduler.


This is a base class for holding job level data and common methods for used



class buildtest.executors.slurm.SlurmExecutor(name, settings, site_configs, max_pend_time=None)

Bases: buildtest.executors.base.BaseExecutor

The SlurmExecutor class is responsible for submitting jobs to Slurm Scheduler. The SlurmExecutor performs the following steps:

  • load: load slurm configuration from buildtest configuration file

  • dispatch: dispatch job to scheduler and acquire job ID

  • poll: wait for Slurm jobs to finish, if job is pending and exceeds max_pend_time then cancel job

  • gather: Once job is complete, gather job data

type = slurm
dispatch(self, builder)

This method is responsible for dispatching job to slurm scheduler and extracting job id. If job id is valid we pass the job to SlurmJob class and store object in builder.job.


builder (BuilderBase, required) – builder object

gather(self, builder)

Gather Slurm job data after job completion. In this step we call builder.job.gather(), and update builder metadata such as returncode, output and error file.


builder (BuilderBase (subclass), required) – instance of BuilderBase


Return sbatch launcher command with options used to submit job


Load the a slurm executor configuration from buildtest settings.

poll(self, builder)

This method is called during poll stage where we invoke builder.job.poll() to get updated job state. If job is pending or suspended we stop timer and check if job needs to be cancelled if time exceeds max_pend_time value.


builder (BuilderBase, required) – builder object

class buildtest.executors.slurm.SlurmJob(jobID, cluster=None)

Bases: buildtest.executors.job.Job

This is a base class for holding job level data and common methods for used for batch job submission.


Cancel job by running scancel <jobid>. If job is specified to a slurm cluster we cancel job using scancel <jobid> --clusters=<cluster>. This method is called if job exceeds max_pend_time.


This method is used for gathering job result we assume job is complete if it’s in any of the following state: COMPLETED, FAILED, OUT_OF_MEMORY, TIMEOUT


Return job exit code


Gather job record which is called after job completion. We use sacct to gather job record and return the job record as a dictionary. The command we run is sacct -j <jobid> -X -n -P -o <field1>,<field2>,...,<fieldN>. We retrieve the following format fields from job record:

  • “Account”

  • “AllocNodes”

  • “AllocTRES”

  • “ConsumedEnergyRaw”

  • “CPUTimeRaw”

  • “Elapsed”

  • “End”

  • “ExitCode”

  • “JobID”

  • “JobName”

  • “NCPUS”

  • “NNodes”

  • “QOS”

  • “ReqGRES”

  • “ReqMem”

  • “ReqNodes”

  • “ReqTRES”

  • “Start”

  • “State”

  • “Submit”

  • “UID”

  • “User”

  • “WorkDir”

The output of sacct is parseable using the pipe symbol (|) and stored into a dict

$ sacct -j 42909266 -X -n -P -o Account,AllocNodes,AllocTRES,ConsumedEnergyRaw,CPUTimeRaw,Elapsed,End,ExitCode,JobID,JobName,NCPUS,NNodes,QOS,ReqGRES,ReqMem,ReqNodes,ReqTRES,Start,State,Submit,UID,User,WorkDir --clusters=cori

If job is cancelled return True otherwise return False. Slurm will report CANCELLED for job state.


If job is complete return True otherwise return False. Slurm will report COMPLETED for job state.


If job failed return True otherwise return False. Slurm will report FAILED for job state.


If job is out of memory return True otherwise return False. Slurm will report OUT_OF_MEMORY for job state.


If job is pending return True otherwise return False. Slurm Job state for pending is PENDING.


If job is running return True otherwise return False. Slurm will report RUNNING for job state.


If job is suspended return True otherwise return False. Slurm will report SUSPENDED for job state.


If job timed out return True otherwise return False. Slurm will report TIMEOUT for job state.


Poll job to extract job state and exit code. We also retrieve job work directory. We run the following commands to retrieve the following properties.

  • Job State: sacct -j <jobid> -o State -n -X -P

  • ExitCode and Workdir: sacct -j <jobid> -X -n -P -o ExitCode,Workdir


Return job state


Return job work directory
