Source code for

"""This module implements the Builder class that is responsible for getting builders
from a buildspec file. The Builder class is invoked once buildspec file has
parsed validation via :class:`buildtest.buildsystem.parser.BuildspecParser`.

import logging
import re

from import ScriptBuilder
from import SpackBuilder
from buildtest.defaults import console
from import deep_get

[docs] class Builder: """The Builder class creates builder objects based on parsed buildspecs. The builder class is created based on the 'type' field in the test. If test contains ``type: script`` we will create builder by calling :class:``. Likewise for ``type: spack`` we will call :class:``. """ def __init__( self, bp, buildtest_compilers, buildexecutor, filters, testdir, configuration, rebuild=1, numprocs=None, numnodes=None, executor_type=None, exclude_tags=None, strict=None, display=None, ): """Based on a loaded Buildspec file, return the correct builder for each based on the type. Each type is associated with a known Builder class. Args: bp (buildtest.buildsystem.parser.BuildspecParser): Instance of BuildspecParser class buildexecutor (buildtest.executors.setup.BuildExecutor): Instance of BuildExecutor class filters (dict): List of filter fields specified via ``buildtest build --filter`` for filtering tests testdir (str): Test directory where tests will be written which could be specified via ``buildtest build --testdir`` or configuration file configuration (buildtest.config.SiteConfiguration): Instance of SiteConfiguration class rebuild (int, option): Number of rebuild for test. This is specified via ``buildtest build --rebuild``. Defaults to 1 numprocs (list, optional): List of processor values to create builder objects specified via ``buildtest build --procs`` numnodes (list, optional): List of processor values to create builder objects specified via ``buildtest build --nodes`` executor_type (str, optional): Filter test by executor type (local, batch) exclude_tags (list, optional): List of tags to exclude tests from buildspec file strict (bool, optional): This is a boolean used for enable strict mode for test that will run the 'set' command in test. display (list, optional): Show content of test or output via ``buildtest build --display`` """ self.configuration = configuration self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.testdir = testdir self.buildexecutor = buildexecutor self.rebuild = rebuild or 1 self.numprocs = numprocs self.numnodes = numnodes self.executor_type = executor_type self.exclude_tags = exclude_tags self.strict = strict self.bp = bp self.bc = buildtest_compilers self.filters = filters self.display = display = [] # skip property defined at top-level then skip test if self.bp.recipe.get("skip"): console.print( f"{self.bp.buildspec}: skipping all test since 'skip' is defined" ) return if deep_get(self.filters, "maintainers"): if not self.bp.recipe.get("maintainers"): console.print( f"{self.bp.buildspec}: skipping test because [italic]'maintainers'[/italic] field is not specified in buildspec." ) return maintainer_match = bool( set(self.filters["maintainers"]) & set(self.bp.recipe.get("maintainers")) ) if not maintainer_match: console.print( f"{self.bp.buildspec}: unable to find maintainer: {self.filters['maintainers']} in buildspec which contains the following maintainers: {self.bp.recipe.get('maintainers')} therefore we skip this test" ) return for count in range(self.rebuild): for name in self.bp.get_test_names(): recipe = self.bp.recipe["buildspecs"][name] if recipe.get("skip"): msg = f"[red]{name}: skipping test due to [italic]'skip'[/italic] property." console.print(msg) continue # apply filter by tags or type if --filter option is specified if self.filters: if self._skip_tests_by_tags(recipe, name): continue if self._skip_tests_by_type(recipe, name): continue if self._skip_tests_by_exclude_tags(recipe, name): continue # Add the builder for the script or spack schema if recipe["type"] in ["script", "spack"]: builders =, recipe) if builders: += builders if self.executor_type: self.filter_by_executor_type()
[docs] def filter_by_executor_type(self): """This method will filter test by executor type when using ``buildtest build --executor-type``. The filter can be made based on local or batch executors""" builders = [] for builder in if self.executor_type == "local" and not builder.is_local_executor(): console.print( f"[red]{builder} is excluded since its not using local executor" ) continue elif self.executor_type == "batch" and builder.is_local_executor(): console.print( f"[red]{builder} is excluded since its not using batch executor" ) continue builders.append(builder) = builders
[docs] def create_script_builders( self, name, recipe, executor, nodes=None, procs=None, compiler_name=None ): """Create builder objects by calling :class:`` class. args: name (str): Name of test recipe (dict): Loaded test recipe from buildtest executor (str): Name of executor nodes (list, optional): A list of node configuration procs (list, optional): A list of process configuration compiler_name (str, optional): Name of resolved compiler instance """ builders = [] builder = ScriptBuilder( name=name, recipe=recipe, executor=executor, buildspec=self.bp.buildspec, buildexecutor=self.buildexecutor, configuration=self.configuration, testdir=self.testdir, compiler=compiler_name, strict=self.strict, display=self.display, ) builders.append(builder) if nodes: for node in nodes: builder = ScriptBuilder( name=name, recipe=recipe, executor=executor, buildspec=self.bp.buildspec, buildexecutor=self.buildexecutor, configuration=self.configuration, testdir=self.testdir, numnodes=node, compiler=compiler_name, strict=self.strict, display=self.display, ) builders.append(builder) if procs: for proc in procs: builder = ScriptBuilder( name=name, recipe=recipe, executor=executor, buildspec=self.bp.buildspec, buildexecutor=self.buildexecutor, configuration=self.configuration, testdir=self.testdir, numprocs=proc, compiler=compiler_name, strict=self.strict, display=self.display, ) builders.append(builder) return builders
[docs] def create_spack_builders(self, name, recipe, executor, nodes=None, procs=None): """Create builder objects by calling :class:`` class. args: name (str): Name of test recipe (dict): Loaded test recipe from buildtest executor (str): Name of executor nodes (list, optional): A list of node configuration procs (list, optional): A list of process configuration """ builders = [] builder = SpackBuilder( name=name, recipe=recipe, executor=executor, buildspec=self.bp.buildspec, buildexecutor=self.buildexecutor, testdir=self.testdir, strict=self.strict, display=self.display, ) builders.append(builder) if nodes: for node in nodes: builder = SpackBuilder( name=name, recipe=recipe, executor=executor, buildspec=self.bp.buildspec, buildexecutor=self.buildexecutor, testdir=self.testdir, numnodes=node, strict=self.strict, display=self.display, ) builders.append(builder) if procs: for proc in procs: builder = SpackBuilder( name=name, recipe=recipe, executor=executor, buildspec=self.bp.buildspec, buildexecutor=self.buildexecutor, testdir=self.testdir, numprocs=proc, strict=self.strict, display=self.display, ) builders.append(builder) return builders
[docs] def generate_builders(self, recipe, name, compiler_name=None): """This method is responsible for generating builders by applying regular expression specified by `executor` field in buildspec with list of executors. If their is a match we generate a builder. Args: name (str): Name of test in buildspec file recipe (dict): Loaded test recipe from buildspec file compiler_name (str, optional): Name of compiler Returns: List of builder objects """ builders = [] self.logger.debug( f"Searching for builders for test: {name} by applying regular expression with available builders: {self.buildexecutor.names()} " ) for executor in self.buildexecutor.names(): if ( re.fullmatch(recipe["executor"], executor) and recipe["type"] == "script" ): self.logger.debug( f"Found a match in buildspec with available executors via re.fullmatch({recipe['executor']},{executor})" ) builders += self.create_script_builders( name=name, executor=executor, recipe=recipe, nodes=self.numnodes, procs=self.numprocs, compiler_name=compiler_name, ) elif ( re.fullmatch(recipe["executor"], executor) and recipe["type"] == "spack" ): builders += self.create_spack_builders( name=name, executor=executor, recipe=recipe, nodes=self.numnodes, procs=self.numprocs, ) return builders
[docs] def build(self, name, recipe): """This method will generate a list of builders by invoking method :func:``. If `compilers` is specified in buildspec we will perform regular expression to search for compilers based on `name` and retrieve one or more compiler that were defined in buildtest configuration. If any compilers were retrieved we return one or more builder objects based on compiler name. Args: name (str): name of test recipe (dict): Loaded test recipe from buildspec """ discovered_compilers = self.bc.names() builders = [] # compilers property in script schema is optional while in compiler schema its required. If 'compilers' is set with 'type: script' then return builders if not recipe.get("compilers"): builders = self.generate_builders(name=name, recipe=recipe) return builders # exclude compiler from search if 'exclude' specified in buildspec if recipe["compilers"].get("exclude"): for exclude in recipe["compilers"]["exclude"]: if exclude in discovered_compilers: msg = f"[blue]{name}[/blue]: [red]Excluding compiler {exclude} during test generation" console.print(msg) self.logger.debug(msg) discovered_compilers.remove(exclude) # apply regular expression specified by 'name' field against all discovered compilers for compiler_pattern in recipe["compilers"]["name"]: for bc_name in discovered_compilers: if re.match(compiler_pattern, bc_name): builder = self.generate_builders( name=name, recipe=recipe, compiler_name=bc_name ) builders += builder if not builders: msg = f"[{name}][{self.bp.buildspec}]: Unable to find any compilers based on regular expression: {recipe['compilers']['name']} so no tests were created." print(msg) self.logger.debug(msg) return return builders
[docs] def _skip_tests_by_exclude_tags(self, recipe, name): """This method determines if test should be skipped based on tag names specified in exclude field that is specified on command line via ``buildtest build --exclude tags=<TAGNAME>`` Args: recipe (dict): Loaded test recipe from buildspec name (str): Name of test Returns: bool: False if ``buildtest build --exclude tags`` is not specified. If specified we return ``True`` if ``tags`` field is not in test recipe or there is a matching tag. """ # if no tags are specified we return False since no tests need to be skipped if not self.exclude_tags: return False tags_in_tests = recipe.get("tags", []) # if tags are string in test recipe we need to convert to list if isinstance(tags_in_tests, str): tags_in_tests = [tags_in_tests] # check if any excluded tags intersect with tags in test recipe and perform an intersection and return a boolean tag_match = bool(set(self.exclude_tags) & set(tags_in_tests)) if tag_match: msg = f"Skipping test: [blue]{name}[/blue] from buildspec: [red]{self.bp.buildspec}[/red] due to tag exclusion: {self.exclude_tags}" console.print(msg) self.logger.debug(msg) return tag_match
[docs] def _skip_tests_by_tags(self, recipe, name): """This method determines if test should be skipped based on tag names specified in filter field that is specified on command line via ``buildtest build --filter tags=<TAGNAME>`` Args: recipe (dict): Loaded test recipe from buildspec name (str): Name of test Returns: bool: False if ``buildtest build --filter tags`` is not specified. If specified we return ``True`` if ``tags`` field is not in test recipe or there is a matching tag. """ # if no filter tags specified lets return immediately and test is not skipped if not self.filters.get("tags"): return False # if tags field in buildspec is empty, then we skip test only if user filters by tags if not recipe.get("tags"): return True # the input tag names from test can be list or string tests_in_tags = recipe["tags"] # if input is string, convert to list otherwise we assume its a list tests_in_tags = ( [tests_in_tags] if isinstance(tests_in_tags, str) else tests_in_tags ) found = bool(set(self.filters["tags"]) & set(tests_in_tags)) if not found: msg = f"[{name}][{self.bp.buildspec}]: test is skipped because it is not in tag filter list: {self.filters}" print(msg) return True return False
[docs] def _skip_tests_by_type(self, recipe, name): """This method determines if test should be skipped based on type field specified in filter field that is specified on command line via ``buildtest build --filter type=<SCHEMATYPE>`` Args: recipe (dict): Loaded test recipe from buildspec name (str): Name of test Returns: bool: False if ``buildtest build --filter type`` is not specified. If there is a match with input filter and ``type`` field in test we return ``True`` """ if not self.filters.get("type"): return False found = recipe["type"] in self.filters["type"] if not found: msg = f"[{name}][{self.bp.buildspec}]: test is skipped because it is not in type filter list: {self.filters['type']}" print(msg) return True return False
[docs] def get_builders(self): """Return a list of builder objects""" return
[docs] def get_filtered_buildspec(self): """Return a list of buildspec that were filtered out""" return self.filtered_buildspecs