Configuring Executors
An executor is responsible for running the test and capture output/error file and return code. An executor can be local executor which runs tests on local machine or batch executor that can be modelled as partition/queue. A batch executor is responsible for dispatching job to scheduler and poll job until its finish and gather job results.
Executor Types
Local Executor
The executors
is a JSON object, that defines one or more executors. The executors
are grouped by their type followed by executor name. In this example we define two
local executors bash
, sh
which will run tests on local machine.
description: submit jobs on local machine using bash shell
shell: bash
description: submit jobs on local machine using sh shell
shell: sh
The local executors are defined in section local
where each executor must be
unique name and they are referenced in buildspec using executor
field in the following format:
executor: <system>.<type>.<name>
For instance, if a buildspec wants to reference the local executor bash from the generic cluster, you would specify the following in the buildspec:
executor: generic.local.bash
In our example configuration, we defined a bash
executor as follows:
# define local executors for running jobs locally
description: submit jobs on local machine using bash shell
shell: bash
The local executors require the shell
key which is one of supported shells in your system. On Linux/Mac system
you can find all supported shells in file /etc/shells. Any buildspec that references this executor will submit
job using bash
You can pass options to shell which will get passed into each job submission.
For instance if you want all bash scripts to run in login shell you can specify bash --login
shell: bash --login
Then you can reference this executor as executor: generic.local.login_bash
and your
tests will be submitted via bash --login /path/to/
Once you define your executors, you can query the executors via buildtest config executors list
Slurm Executors
If you have a Slurm cluster, you can define
slurm executors in your configuration via slurm
Depending on your slurm configuration, you can submit jobs via qos or partition. Buildtest supports
both methods and you can specify either qos
or partition
In this example below, we will define a slurm executor named haswell_debug which will submit jobs to debug
qos on the haswell partition as follows. The qos
property is used to select slurm qos, the options
is used to pass additional options to sbatch
command. In this example we are passing -C haswell
to select
haswell nodes. Any additional #SBATCH options are defined in buildspec for more details see
batch scheduler support.
qos: debug
cluster: cori
options: ["-C haswell"]
buildtest will detect slurm configuration and check qos, partition, cluster
match with buildtest configuration. In addition, buildtest supports multi-cluster
job submission and monitoring from remote cluster. This means if you specify
field buildtest will poll jobs using sacct with the
cluster name as follows: sacct -M <cluster>
You can configure your slurm executors to use slurm partitions instead of qos. This
can be done via partition
property. In this next example we define an executor name regular_hsw
which will
submit jobs to partition regular_hsw. The description
field may be used for information purposes.
partition: regular_hsw
description: regular haswell queue
Buildtest will check if slurm partition is in up
state before adding executor. If any partition is in down
buildtest will mark the executor in invalid state and will be unusable.
To check availability of partition state, let’s say regular_hsw
, buildtest will run the following command.
$ sinfo -p regular_hsw -h -O available
PBS Executors
buildtest PBS support relies on job history set because buildtest needs to query job after completion using qstat -x
. This
can be configured using qmgr
by setting set server job_history_enable=True
. For more details see section Enabling Job History in PBS 2021.1.3 Admin Guide
buildtest supports PBS scheduler
which can be defined in the executors
section. Shown below is an example configuration using
one pbs
executor named workq
. The property queue: workq
the name of PBS queue that is available in your system.
hostnames: ['.*']
moduletool: N/A
pollinterval: 10
max_pend_time: 30
queue: workq
cc: /usr/bin/gcc
cxx: /usr/bin/g++
fc: /usr/bin/gfortran
buildtest will detect the PBS queues in your system and determine if queues are active
and enabled before submitting job to scheduler. buildtest will run qstat -Q -f -F json
command to check for
queue state which reports in JSON format and check if queue has the fields enabled: "True"
or started: "True"
in the queue definition. If these values are not set, buildtest will raise an exception.
Shown below is an example with one queue workq that is enabled
and started
1$ qstat -Q -f -F json
3 "timestamp":1615924938,
4 "pbs_version":"19.0.0",
5 "pbs_server":"pbs",
6 "Queue":{
7 "workq":{
8 "queue_type":"Execution",
9 "total_jobs":0,
10 "state_count":"Transit:0 Queued:0 Held:0 Waiting:0 Running:0 Exiting:0 Begun:0 ",
11 "resources_assigned":{
12 "mem":"0kb",
13 "ncpus":0,
14 "nodect":0
15 },
16 "hasnodes":"True",
17 "enabled":"True",
18 "started":"True"
19 }
20 }
PBS/Torque Executors
buildtest has support for Torque scheduler which can
be defined in the executors
section by using the torque
property. Shown below is an example configuration that defines
an executor name lbl using the queue name lbl-cluster
queue: lbl-cluster
We will run qstat -Qf to get queue details and check if queue is enabled and started before adding executor. If queue is not enabled or started, then buildtest will mark the executor as a invalid state and will be unusable.
Shown below is a sample output of qstat -Qf
command on a PBS/Torque system which shows the queue configuration. Buildtest will parse this output to
extract queue details and compare with executor configuration.
(buildtest) adaptive50@lbl-cluster:$ qstat -Qf
Queue: lbl-cluster
queue_type = Execution
total_jobs = 0
state_count = Transit:0 Queued:0 Held:0 Waiting:0 Running:0 Exiting:0 Comp
resources_default.nodes = 1
resources_default.walltime = 24:00:00
mtime = 1711641211
enabled = True
started = True
LSF Executors
Buildtest supports LSF scheduler
which can be defined in the executors
section. Shown below is an example configuration that declares one executor named
that uses the LSF queue named batch. The lsf
property is used to define LSF executors, and the queue
is used to specify the LSF queue name.
queue: batch
buildtest will run bqueues -o 'queue_name status' -json
command to get queue details to retrieve list of queues. If the queue
property specifies an invalid queue name, buildtest will raise an exception.
$ bqueues -o 'queue_name status' -json
Container Executor
Buildtest supports executor declaration for container based jobs. The container executor will run all associated test for the executor on the specified container image. Currently, we support docker, podman and singularity as the container platforms. We assume container runtime is installed on your system and is accessible in your $PATH.
Let’s take a look at the following container executor declaration. The top level keyword container
is used to define the container
executor which can follow any arbitrary name. We have defined two container executors named ubuntu and python that specify the
container image and platform via image
and platform
property. The description
is used for information purposes and does not
impact buildtest in any way.
You can specify the full URI to the container image which is useful if you are using a custom registry
image: ubuntu:20.04
platform: docker
description: submit jobs on ubuntu container
image: python:3.11.0
platform: docker
description: submit jobs on python container
You can specify container runtime options via options
and bind mount via mount
property. Both properties are
are string type, for instance let’s say you want to bind mount /tmp
directory to /tmp
image: ubuntu:20.04
platform: docker
mount: "/tmp:/tmp"
options: "--user root"
description: submit jobs on ubuntu container
Specifying Project Account
Batch jobs require project account to charge jobs and depending on your site this could be required in order to submit job. Some scheduler like Slurm can detect your default project account in that case you don’t need to specify on command line.
In your configuration file you can specify account
property which will inherit this
setting for all executors. You can specify account
property within an executor which will override the
default section.
In this example, we have two pbs executors testing and development. All pbs jobs will use the project account development
because this is defined in defaults
section however we can force all jobs using testing executor to charge
jobs to qa_test
pollinterval: 10
maxpendtime: 90
account: development
queue: test
account: qa_test
queue: dev
Alternately, you can override configuration setting via buildtest build --account
command which will be applied
for all batch jobs.
Poll Interval
The pollinterval
field is used to poll jobs at set interval in seconds
when job is active in queue. The poll interval can be configured on command line
using buildtest build --pollinterval
which overrides the configuration value.
and maxpendtime
have no effect on local executors.
Max Pend Time
The maxpendtime
is maximum time job can be pending
within an executor, if it exceeds the limit buildtest will cancel the job.
The maxpendtime option can be overridden per executor level for example the section below overrides the default to 300 seconds:
description: bigmem jobs
cluster: escori
qos: bigmem
maxpendtime: 300
The maxpendtime
is used to cancel job only if job is pending in queue, it has
no impact if job is running. buildtest starts a timer at job submission and every poll interval
field) checks if job has exceeded maxpendtime only if job is pending.
If job pendtime exceeds maxpendtime limit, buildtest will
cancel job the job using the appropriate scheduler command like (scancel
, bkill
, qdel
Buildtest will remove cancelled jobs from poll queue, in addition cancelled jobs won’t be
reported in test report.
For more details on maxpendtime click here.
Run command commands before executing test
You can configure an executor to run a set of commands when using an executor. You
can use before_script
property to specify a list of commands to run prior to running
The content of the before_script
will be inserted in a shell script that is sourced
by all tests.
description: submit jobs on local machine using bash shell
shell: bash
before_script: |
today=$(date "+%D")
echo "Today is $today, running test with user: $(whoami)"
buildtest will write a
in $BUILDTEST_ROOT/var/executors
directory that will contain
contents of before_script
. Shown below is a list of
for all local executors.
$ find $BUILDTEST_ROOT/var/executor -type f
If you run a test using this executor you will see the code is inserted from which is sourced for all given test.
$ cat $BUILDTEST_ROOT/var/executor/generic.local.bash/
today=$(date "+%D")
echo "Today is $today, running test with user: $(whoami)"
Disabling an executor
buildtest will run checks for every executor instance depending on the executor type, for instance
local executors such as bash, sh, csh executor will be checked to see if shell is
valid by checking the path. If shell doesn’t exist, buildtest will raise an error. You
can circumvent this issue by disabling the executor via disable
property. A disabled executor won’t
serve any jobs which means any buildspec that reference the executor won’t create a test.
In this next example the executor zsh is disabled which can be used if you don’t have zsh on your system
shell: zsh
disable: true
Loading Modules in Executors
You can configure executors to load modules, purge or restore from collection which will be run for all tests that use the executor.
This can be achieved via module
property that can be defined in the executor definition. In this next example, we create a bash executor
that will purge modules and load gcc. The purge
property is a boolean, if set to True we will run module purge before
loading commands. The load
property is a list of modules to module load.
shell: bash
purge: True
load: ["gcc"]