Defining Metrics

buildtest provides a method to define test metrics in the buildspecs which can be used to store arbitrary content from the output/error file or an arbitrary file into named metric. The metrics property is used to define a list of metric names using regular expression to assign a value to the metric. In this example, we have two tests that define metrics hpcg_rate_stream, hpcg_state_stream in the first test and hpcg_rate_file, hpcg_state_file in the second test. The stream property is used to read from stdout/stderr and apply the regular expression defined by exp, whereas file_regex is used to define metrics from an arbitrary file where file is the path to file.

    executor: generic.local.bash
    type: script
    description: capture result metric from output
    run: echo "HPCG result is VALID with a GFLOP/s rating of=63.6515"
    tags: tutorials
        type: float
          exp: '(\d+\.\d+)$'
          stream: stdout
        type: str
          exp: '(VALID)'
          stream: stdout

    executor: generic.local.bash
    type: script
    description: capture result metric from file path
    run: echo "HPCG result is VALID with a GFLOP/s rating of=63.6515" > hpcg.txt
    tags: tutorials
        type: float
          exp: '(\d+\.\d+)$'
          file: hpcg.txt
        type: str
          exp: '(VALID)'
          file: hpcg.txt

The metrics can be used with Comparison Operators for performing more sophisticated status checks. By default, a metric will be an empty dictionary if there is no metrics property. If we fail to match a regular expression, the metric will be defined as an empty string ('').


If your regular expression contains an escape character \ you must surround your string in single quotes ' as pose to double quotes "

Let’s build this test.

buildtest build -b tutorials/metrics/metrics_regex.yml
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/metrics/metrics_regex.yml
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:44:48                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_regex.yml                                           ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 2
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ metric_r │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ capture  │ /home/d │
│ egex_exa │        │ │          │       │       │ result   │ ocs/che │
│ mple/314 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ metric   │ ckouts/ │
│ 44365    │        │          │          │       │       │ from     │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ output   │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /metric │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ s/metri │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ cs_rege │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ x.yml   │
│ metric_f │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ capture  │ /home/d │
│ ile_rege │        │ │          │       │       │ result   │ ocs/che │
│ x/9cf094 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ metric   │ ckouts/ │
│ 1f       │        │          │          │       │       │ from     │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ file     │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ path     │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /metric │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ s/metri │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ cs_rege │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ x.yml   │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
metric_regex_example/31444365: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_regex_example/31444365
metric_file_regex/9cf0941f: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_file_regex/9cf0941f
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
metric_regex_example/31444365 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
metric_file_regex/9cf0941f does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
    Builders Eligible to Run     
┃ Builder                       ┃
│ metric_regex_example/31444365 │
│ metric_file_regex/9cf0941f    │
metric_regex_example/31444365: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_regex_example/31444365/stage
metric_regex_example/31444365: Running Test via command: bash
metric_regex_example/31444365: Test completed in 0.006204 seconds with returncode: 0
metric_regex_example/31444365: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_regex_example/31444365/metric_regex_example.out
metric_regex_example/31444365: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_regex_example/31444365/metric_regex_example.err
metric_file_regex/9cf0941f: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_file_regex/9cf0941f/stage
metric_file_regex/9cf0941f: Running Test via command: bash
metric_file_regex/9cf0941f: Test completed in 0.005759 seconds with returncode: 0
metric_file_regex/9cf0941f: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_file_regex/9cf0941f/metric_file_regex.out
metric_file_regex/9cf0941f: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_file_regex/9cf0941f/metric_file_regex.err
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ metric_regex_example/31 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ 444365                  │                    │        │            │         │
│ metric_file_regex/9cf09 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ 41f                     │                    │        │            │         │

Passed Tests: 2/2 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/2 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 2 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_4orp7ihk.log

The metrics are captured in the test report which can be queried via buildtest report or buildtest inspect query. Metrics can be seen in the test metadata, for instance you can run buildtest inspect query and you will see metrics shown in table output.

buildtest inspect query metric_regex_example metric_file_regex
$ buildtest inspect query metric_regex_example metric_file_regex
──────────── metric_file_regex/9cf0941f-ea22-4b7e-9969-fa3da5b8b6c0 ────────────
Executor: generic.local.bash
Description: capture result metric from file path
State: PASS
Returncode: 0
Runtime: 0.005759 sec
Starttime: 2024/04/25 15:44:48
Endtime: 2024/04/25 15:44:48
Command: bash
Test Script: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_file_regex/9cf0941f/
Build Script: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_file_regex/9cf0941f/
Output File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_file_regex/9cf0941f/metric_file_regex.out
Error File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_file_regex/9cf0941f/metric_file_regex.err
Log File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_4orp7ihk.log
┃ Name             ┃ Value   ┃
│ hpcg_rating_file │ 63.6515 │
│ hpcg_state_file  │ VALID   │
────────── metric_regex_example/31444365-c94c-49e8-b05e-052c7215de61 ───────────
Executor: generic.local.bash
Description: capture result metric from output
State: PASS
Returncode: 0
Runtime: 0.006204 sec
Starttime: 2024/04/25 15:44:48
Endtime: 2024/04/25 15:44:48
Command: bash
Test Script: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_regex_example/31444365/
Build Script: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_regex_example/31444365/
Output File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_regex_example/31444365/metric_regex_example.out
Error File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_regex_example/31444365/metric_regex_example.err
Log File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_4orp7ihk.log
┃ Name               ┃ Value   ┃
│ hpcg_rating_stream │ 63.6515 │
│ hpcg_state_stream  │ VALID   │

We can query the metrics via buildtest report which will display all metrics as a comma seperated Key/Value pair. We can use buildtest report --format metrics to extract all metrics for a test. Internally, we store the metrics as a dictionary but when we print them out via buildtest report we join them together into a single string. Shown below is the metrics for the previous build.

buildtest report --filter buildspec=tutorials/metrics/metrics_regex.yml --format name,metrics
$ buildtest report --filter buildspec=tutorials/metrics/metrics_regex.yml --format name,metrics
                 Report File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                  
┃ name                  ┃ metrics                                              ┃
│ metric_regex_example  │ hpcg_rating_stream=63.6515,hpcg_state_stream=VALID   │
│ metric_file_regex     │ hpcg_rating_file=63.6515,hpcg_state_file=VALID       │

Metrics with Regex Type via ‘re’

Building on the previous example, we will use the re property specify the regular expression type to use. By default, buildtest will use if re is not specified; however you can specify re to use re.match, re.fullmatch, or

In this example, we will define 4 metrics hpcg_text, hpcg_result, hpcg_file_text, hpcg_file_result. The first two metrics will capture from stdout using the regex property while the last two will capture from a file using the file_regex property. The re.match will be used to capture the text HPCG result is VALID and HPCG result is INVALID from stdout and file, whereas the will be used to capture the test result 63.6515 and 28.1215 from stdout and file.

Finally, we will use the comparison operator assert_eq: Equal to compare the metrics with reference value.

    executor: generic.local.bash
    type: script
    description: capture metric with different regex types
    tags: tutorials
    run: |
      echo "HPCG result is VALID with a GFLOP/s rating of=63.6515"
      echo "HPCG result is INVALID with a GFLOP/s rating of=28.1215" > hpcg.txt
        type: float
          re: ""
          exp: '(\d+\.\d+)$'
          stream: stdout
        type: str
          re: "re.match"
          exp: '^HPCG result is VALID'
          stream: stdout
        type: str
          re: "re.match"
          exp: '^HPCG result is INVALID'
          file: hpcg.txt
        type: float
          re: ""
          exp: '(\d+\.\d+)$'
          file: hpcg.txt
        - name: hpcg_text
          ref: "HPCG result is VALID"
        - name: hpcg_result
          ref: 63.6515
        - name: hpcg_file_text
          ref: "HPCG result is INVALID"
        - name: hpcg_file_result
          ref: 28.1215

Let’s attempt to build this test

buildtest build -b tutorials/metrics/metrics_with_regex_type.yml
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/metrics/metrics_with_regex_type.yml
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:44:50                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_with_regex_type.yml                                 ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 1
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ metric_r │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ capture  │ /home/d │
│ egex_exa │        │ │          │       │       │ metric   │ ocs/che │
│ mple_wit │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ with     │ ckouts/ │
│ h_re/2df │        │          │          │       │       │ differen │ readthe │
│ f422f    │        │          │          │       │       │ t regex  │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ types    │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /metric │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ s/metri │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ cs_with │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ _regex_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ type.ym │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ l       │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_with_regex_type/metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
        Builders Eligible to Run         
┃ Builder                               ┃
│ metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f │
metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_with_regex_type/metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f/stage
metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f: Running Test via command: bash
metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f: Test completed in 0.005996 seconds with returncode: 0
metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_with_regex_type/metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f/metric_regex_example_with_re.out
metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_with_regex_type/metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f/metric_regex_example_with_re.err
metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f: testing metric: hpcg_text if HPCG result is VALID == HPCG result is VALID - Check: True
metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f: testing metric: hpcg_result if 63.6515 == 63.6515 - Check: True
metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f: testing metric: hpcg_file_text if HPCG result is INVALID == HPCG result is INVALID - Check: True
metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f: testing metric: hpcg_file_result if 28.1215 == 28.1215 - Check: True
metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f: eq check: True
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ metric_regex_example_wi │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ th_re/2dff422f          │                    │        │            │         │

Passed Tests: 1/1 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/1 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 1 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_pwnbgdmv.log

Upon completion, lets take a look at the metrics for this test, we can see this by running buildtest inspect query which shows the name of captured metrics and its corresponding values.

buildtest inspect query metric_regex_example_with_re
$ buildtest inspect query metric_regex_example_with_re
────── metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f-754b-409d-87be-00bae0b5eb9b ───────
Executor: generic.local.bash
Description: capture metric with different regex types
State: PASS
Returncode: 0
Runtime: 0.005996 sec
Starttime: 2024/04/25 15:44:50
Endtime: 2024/04/25 15:44:50
Command: bash
Test Script: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_with_regex_type/metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f/
Build Script: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_with_regex_type/metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f/
Output File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_with_regex_type/metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f/metric_regex_example_with_re.out
Error File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_with_regex_type/metric_regex_example_with_re/2dff422f/metric_regex_example_with_re.err
Log File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_pwnbgdmv.log
┃ Name             ┃ Value                  ┃
│ hpcg_result      │ 63.6515                │
│ hpcg_text        │ HPCG result is VALID   │
│ hpcg_file_text   │ HPCG result is INVALID │
│ hpcg_file_result │ 28.1215                │

Invalid Metrics

We will discuss a few edge-cases when defining metrics that can lead to validation error. The file_regex and regex property can’t be declared at the same time when defining a metric. In example below we have defined a metric named hello that uses both regex and file_regex.

    type: script
    executor: generic.local.bash
    description: This is an invalid metric because 'file_regex' and 'regex' are both specified
    run: echo "hello" > file.txt
        type: str
          file: file.txt
          exp: "BAR"
          stream: stdout
          exp: "BAR"

If we try to validate this buildspec, we will get an error message that regex and file_regex can’t be specified at the same time.

buildtest buildspec validate  -b tutorials/metrics/invalid_metrics.yml
$ buildtest buildspec validate  -b tutorials/metrics/invalid_metrics.yml
─ /home/docs/checkouts/… ─
{'type': 'str', 'file_regex': {'file': 'file.txt', 'exp': 'BAR'}, 'regex': {'stream': 'stdout', 'exp': 'BAR'}} is valid under each of {'required': ['file_regex']}, {'required': ['regex']}

Failed validating 'oneOf' in schema['properties']['metrics']['additionalProperties']:
    {'additionalProperties': False,
     'oneOf': [{'required': ['regex']}, {'required': ['file_regex']}],
     'properties': {'file_regex': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file_regex_in_metrics'},
                    'regex': {'$ref': '#/definitions/regex'},
                    'type': {'description': 'Specify python data-type '
                                            '(str, int, float) to convert '
                                            'metric. ',
                             'enum': ['str', 'int', 'float'],
                             'type': 'string'}},
     'required': ['type'],
     'type': 'object'}

On instance['metrics']['hello']:
    {'file_regex': {'exp': 'BAR', 'file': 'file.txt'},
     'regex': {'exp': 'BAR', 'stream': 'stdout'},
     'type': 'str'}

1 buildspecs failed to validate

When defining a metrics, you must specify regex or file_regex property in order to capture metric. If its not specified, you will run into validation error. In this example, we define a metrics named foo, but we don’t specify the regex or file_regex property therefore, this metric is invalid.

    type: script
    executor: generic.local.bash
    description: metrics must have a file_regex or regex property to define how to capture metric
    run: echo "hello"
        type: str

The metrics must follow a pattern, this is typically alphanumeric characters including dot (.), hypen (-) and underscore (_). In this example below, we have an invalid metric that doesn’t conform to pattern.

    type: script
    executor: generic.local.bash
    description: "Metrics name does not follow pattern"
    run: echo "hello" > file.txt
        type: str
          stream: stdout
          exp: "BAR"

Let’s try validating the buildspec to see the error message.

buildtest buildspec validate  -b tutorials/metrics/invalid_metric_name.yml
$ buildtest buildspec validate  -b tutorials/metrics/invalid_metric_name.yml
─ /home/docs/checkouts/… ─
'(foo-bar' does not match '^[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+$'

Failed validating 'pattern' in schema['properties']['metrics']['propertyNames']:
    {'pattern': '^[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+$'}

On instance['metrics']:

1 buildspecs failed to validate