Building Test (buildtest build)

This reference guide will get you familiar with buildtest command line interface. Once you complete this section, you can proceed to writing buildspecs section where we will cover how to write buildspecs.

When you clone buildtest, you also get a set of buildspecs that you can run on your system. The buildtest build command is used for building and running tests. Buildtest will read one or more buildspecs file that adheres to one of the buildtest schemas. For a complete list of build options please run buildtest build --help.


buildtest bd is an alias for buildtest build command.

Build Usage

buildtest build --help
$ buildtest build --help
usage: buildtest [options] [COMMANDS] build [-h] [-b BUILDSPEC] [-x EXCLUDE]
                                            [-n NAME] [-e EXECUTOR]
                                            [-xt EXCLUDE_TAGS] [-t TAGS]
                                            [--rerun] [-f FILTER]
                                            [--helpfilter] [-et {local,batch}]
                                            [--module-purge] [-m MODULES]
                                            [-u UNLOAD_MODULES]
                                            [--account ACCOUNT]
                                            [--maxpendtime MAXPENDTIME]
                                            [--pollinterval POLLINTERVAL]
                                            [--procs PROCS [PROCS ...]]
                                            [--nodes NODES [NODES ...]]
                                            [--dry-run] [--limit LIMIT]
                                            [--max-jobs MAX_JOBS]
                                            [--profile PROFILE]
                                            [--rebuild REBUILD]
                                            [--retry RETRY]
                                            [--save-profile SAVE_PROFILE]
                                            [--testdir TESTDIR]
                                            [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--validate]
                                            [--write-config-file WRITE_CONFIG_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  Select buildspec file to run based on file, tag, executor

  -b BUILDSPEC, --buildspec BUILDSPEC
                        Specify a buildspec (file or directory) to build. A
                        buildspec must end in '.yml' extension.
  -x EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
                        Exclude one or more buildspecs (file or directory)
                        from processing. A buildspec must end in '.yml'
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Specify a name of test to run
  -e EXECUTOR, --executor EXECUTOR
                        Discover buildspecs by executor name found in
                        buildspec cache
  -xt EXCLUDE_TAGS, --exclude-tags EXCLUDE_TAGS
                        Exclude tests by one or more tagnames found in
                        buildspec cache
  -t TAGS, --tags TAGS  Discover buildspecs by tags found in buildspec cache
  --rerun               Rerun last successful buildtest build command.

  Filter tests after selection

  -f FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        Filter buildspec based on tags, type, or maintainers.
                        Usage: --filter
  --helpfilter          Show available filter fields used with --filter option
  -et {local,batch}, --executor-type {local,batch}
                        Filter tests by executor type (local, batch)

  Module Selection option

  --module-purge        Run 'module purge' before running any test
  -m MODULES, --modules MODULES
                        Specify a list of modules to load during test
                        execution, to specify multiple modules each one must
                        be comma separated for instance if you want to load
                        'gcc' and 'python' module you can do '-m gcc,python'
  -u UNLOAD_MODULES, --unload-modules UNLOAD_MODULES
                        Specify a list of modules to unload during test

  Batch Submission options

  --account ACCOUNT     Specify project account used to charge batch jobs
                        (applicable for batch jobs only)
  --maxpendtime MAXPENDTIME
                        Specify Maximum Pending Time (sec) for job before
                        cancelling job. This only applies for batch job
  --pollinterval POLLINTERVAL
                        Specify Poll Interval (sec) for polling batch jobs
  --procs PROCS [PROCS ...]
                        Specify number of processes to run tests (only
                        applicable with batch jobs). Multiple values can be
                        specified comma separated.
  --nodes NODES [NODES ...]
                        Specify number of nodes to run tests (only applicable
                        with batch jobs). Multiple values can be specified
                        comma separated.

  All extra options

  --dry-run             Show a list of tests that will potentially be run
                        without actually running them.
  --limit LIMIT         Limit number of tests that can be run.
  --max-jobs MAX_JOBS   Maximum number of jobs that can be run concurrently.
  --profile PROFILE     Specify a profile to load from configuration file
  --remove-stagedir     Remove stage directory after job completion.
  --rebuild REBUILD     Rebuild test X number of times. Must be a positive
                        number between [1-50]
  --retry RETRY         Retry failed jobs
  --save-profile SAVE_PROFILE
                        Save buildtest command options into a profile and
                        update configuration file
  --testdir TESTDIR     Specify a custom test directory where to write tests.
                        This overrides configuration file and default
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Specify test timeout in number of seconds
  --validate            Validate given buildspecs and control behavior of
                        buildtest build to stop execution after parsing the
                        YAML files.
  --write-config-file WRITE_CONFIG_FILE
                        Specify path to configuration file to write changes
                        when saving profile

Building a Test (buildtest build --buildspec)

To build a test, we use the --buildspec or short option -b to specify the path to buildspec file. Let’s see some examples, first we specify a full path to buildspec file. In this example, buildtest will discover buildspecs followed by parsing the test with appropriate schema and generate a shell script that is run by buildtest. You can learn more about build and test process.

buildtest build -b $BUILDTEST_ROOT/tutorials/vars.yml
$ buildtest build -b $BUILDTEST_ROOT/tutorials/vars.yml
Buildspec Paths: ['/home/docs/checkouts/', '/home/docs/checkouts/']
Updating buildspec cache file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/buildspecs/cache.json
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:41:40                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/vars.yml                                                            ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 1
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ variable │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Declare  │ /home/d │
│ s_bash/1 │        │ │          │       │       │ shell    │ ocs/che │
│ 814633f  │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ variable │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s in     │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ bash     │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /vars.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
variables_bash/1814633f: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/1814633f
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
variables_bash/1814633f does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
 Builders Eligible to Run  
┃ Builder                 ┃
│ variables_bash/1814633f │
variables_bash/1814633f: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/1814633f/stage
variables_bash/1814633f: Running Test via command: bash
variables_bash/1814633f: Test completed in 0.059584 seconds with returncode: 0
variables_bash/1814633f: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/1814633f/variables_bash.out
variables_bash/1814633f: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/1814633f/variables_bash.err
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ variables_bash/1814633f │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.060   │

Passed Tests: 1/1 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/1 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 1 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_psydf_b_.log


buildtest will only read buildspecs with .yml extension, if you specify a .yaml it will be ignored by buildtest.

The --buildspec option can be used to specify a file or directory path. If you want to build multiple buildspecs in a directory you can specify the directory path and buildtest will recursively search for all .yml files. In the next example, we build all tests in directory general_tests/configuration.

buildtest build -b $BUILDTEST_ROOT/general_tests/configuration/
$ buildtest build -b $BUILDTEST_ROOT/general_tests/configuration/
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:29                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ eneral_tests/configuration/systemd-default-target.yml                        ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ eneral_tests/configuration/ulimits.yml                                       ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ eneral_tests/configuration/kernel_state.yml                                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ eneral_tests/configuration/disk_usage.yml                                    ║
║ Total: 4                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  4
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  4
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 4
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 9
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ systemd_ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ check if │ /home/d │
│ default_ │        │ │          │       │       │ default  │ ocs/che │
│ target/0 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ target   │ ckouts/ │
│ 3a4a5c2  │        │          │          │       │       │ is       │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ multi-us │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ er.targe │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ t        │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/sy │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ stemd-d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ efault- │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ target. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
│ ulimit_f │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Check if │ /home/d │
│ ilelock_ │        │ │          │       │       │ file     │ ocs/che │
│ unlimite │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ lock is  │ ckouts/ │
│ d/4e8775 │        │          │          │       │       │ set to   │ readthe │
│ 5a       │        │          │          │       │       │ unlimite │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ d in     │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ulimits  │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/ul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ imits.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ ulimit_c │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Check if │ /home/d │
│ putime_u │        │ │          │       │       │ cputime  │ ocs/che │
│ nlimited │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ is set   │ ckouts/ │
│ /5c78710 │        │          │          │       │       │ to       │ readthe │
│ 6        │        │          │          │       │       │ unlimite │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ d in     │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ulimits  │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/ul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ imits.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ ulimit_s │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Check if │ /home/d │
│ tacksize │        │ │          │       │       │ stack    │ ocs/che │
│ _unlimit │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ size is  │ ckouts/ │
│ ed/01e03 │        │          │          │       │       │ set to   │ readthe │
│ 1e1      │        │          │          │       │       │ unlimite │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ d in     │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ulimits  │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/ul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ imits.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ ulimit_v │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Check    │ /home/d │
│ msize_un │        │ │          │       │       │ virtual  │ ocs/che │
│ limited/ │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ memory   │ ckouts/ │
│ a2fb5e14 │        │          │          │       │       │ size and │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ check if │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ its set  │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ to       │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ unlimite │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ d        │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/ul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ imits.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ ulimit_f │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Check if │ /home/d │
│ iledescr │        │ │          │       │       │ open     │ ocs/che │
│ iptor_40 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ file     │ ckouts/ │
│ 96/c459d │        │          │          │       │       │ descript │ readthe │
│ 5a0      │        │          │          │       │       │ ors      │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ limit is │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ set to   │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 4096     │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/ul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ imits.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ ulimit_m │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Check    │ /home/d │
│ ax_user_ │        │ │          │       │       │ max      │ ocs/che │
│ process_ │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ number   │ ckouts/ │
│ 2048/7f7 │        │          │          │       │       │ of user  │ readthe │
│ 255c8    │        │          │          │       │       │ process  │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ limit is │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ set to   │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 2048     │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/ul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ imits.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ kernel_s │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Retrieve │ /home/d │
│ wapusage │        │ │          │       │       │ Kernel   │ ocs/che │
│ /c6f398e │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ Swap     │ ckouts/ │
│ c        │        │          │          │       │       │ Usage    │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/ke │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ rnel_st │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ate.yml │
│ root_dis │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Check    │ /home/d │
│ k_usage/ │        │ │          │       │       │ root     │ ocs/che │
│ d089a3ce │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ disk     │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ usage    │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and      │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ report   │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ if it    │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ exceeds  │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ threshol │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ d        │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/di │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ sk_usag │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ e.yml   │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/systemd-default-target/systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/4e87755a: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filelock_unlimited/4e87755a
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/5c787106: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_cputime_unlimited/5c787106
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/01e031e1: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/01e031e1
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/a2fb5e14: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/a2fb5e14
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/c459d5a0: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/c459d5a0
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/7f7255c8: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_max_user_process_2048/7f7255c8
kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/kernel_state/kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec
root_disk_usage/d089a3ce: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/disk_usage/root_disk_usage/d089a3ce
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/4e87755a does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/a2fb5e14 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
root_disk_usage/d089a3ce does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/5c787106 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/01e031e1 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/7f7255c8 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/c459d5a0 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
        Builders Eligible to Run         
┃ Builder                               ┃
│ ulimit_filelock_unlimited/4e87755a    │
│ ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/a2fb5e14      │
│ root_disk_usage/d089a3ce              │
│ systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2       │
│ kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec             │
│ ulimit_cputime_unlimited/5c787106     │
│ ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/01e031e1   │
│ ulimit_max_user_process_2048/7f7255c8 │
│ ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/c459d5a0   │
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/4e87755a: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filelock_unlimited/4e87755a/stage
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/4e87755a: Running Test via command: bash
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/4e87755a: Test completed in 0.006149 seconds with returncode: 0
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/4e87755a: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filelock_unlimited/4e87755a/ulimit_filelock_unlimited.out
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/4e87755a: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filelock_unlimited/4e87755a/ulimit_filelock_unlimited.err
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/4e87755a: performing regular expression - '^unlimited$' on file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filelock_unlimited/4e87755a/ulimit_filelock_unlimited.out
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/4e87755a: Regular Expression Match - Success!
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/a2fb5e14: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/a2fb5e14/stage
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/a2fb5e14: Running Test via command: bash
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/a2fb5e14: Test completed in 0.005586 seconds with returncode: 0
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/a2fb5e14: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/a2fb5e14/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited.out
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/a2fb5e14: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/a2fb5e14/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited.err
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/a2fb5e14: performing regular expression - '^unlimited$' on file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/a2fb5e14/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited.out
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/a2fb5e14: Regular Expression Match - Success!
root_disk_usage/d089a3ce: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/disk_usage/root_disk_usage/d089a3ce/stage
root_disk_usage/d089a3ce: Running Test via command: bash
root_disk_usage/d089a3ce: Test completed in 0.009508 seconds with returncode: 0
root_disk_usage/d089a3ce: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/disk_usage/root_disk_usage/d089a3ce/root_disk_usage.out
root_disk_usage/d089a3ce: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/disk_usage/root_disk_usage/d089a3ce/root_disk_usage.err
systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/systemd-default-target/systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2/stage
systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2: Running Test via command: bash
systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
────────────── Error Message for systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2 ───────────────

systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2: Run - 1/1
systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2: Running Test via command: bash
systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2: Test completed in 0.020771 seconds with returncode: 1
systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/systemd-default-target/systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2/systemd_default_target.out
systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/systemd-default-target/systemd_default_target/03a4a5c2/systemd_default_target.err
kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/kernel_state/kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec/stage
kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec: Running Test via command: bash
kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec: failed to submit job with returncode: 255
───────────────── Error Message for kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec ──────────────────
sysctl: cannot stat /proc/sys/kernel/swapusage: No such file or directory

kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec: Run - 1/1
kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec: Running Test via command: bash
kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec: failed to submit job with returncode: 255
kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec: Test completed in 0.016935 seconds with returncode: 255
kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/kernel_state/kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec/kernel_swapusage.out
kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/kernel_state/kernel_swapusage/c6f398ec/kernel_swapusage.err
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/5c787106: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_cputime_unlimited/5c787106/stage
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/5c787106: Running Test via command: bash
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/5c787106: Test completed in 0.005783 seconds with returncode: 0
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/5c787106: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_cputime_unlimited/5c787106/ulimit_cputime_unlimited.out
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/5c787106: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_cputime_unlimited/5c787106/ulimit_cputime_unlimited.err
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/5c787106: performing regular expression - '^unlimited$' on file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_cputime_unlimited/5c787106/ulimit_cputime_unlimited.out
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/5c787106: Regular Expression Match - Success!
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/01e031e1: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/01e031e1/stage
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/01e031e1: Running Test via command: bash
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/01e031e1: Test completed in 0.006087 seconds with returncode: 0
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/01e031e1: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/01e031e1/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited.out
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/01e031e1: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/01e031e1/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited.err
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/01e031e1: performing regular expression - '^unlimited$' on file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/01e031e1/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited.out
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/01e031e1: Regular Expression Match - Failed!
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/7f7255c8: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_max_user_process_2048/7f7255c8/stage
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/7f7255c8: Running Test via command: bash
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/7f7255c8: Test completed in 0.006066 seconds with returncode: 0
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/7f7255c8: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_max_user_process_2048/7f7255c8/ulimit_max_user_process_2048.out
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/7f7255c8: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_max_user_process_2048/7f7255c8/ulimit_max_user_process_2048.err
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/7f7255c8: performing regular expression - '^2048$' on file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_max_user_process_2048/7f7255c8/ulimit_max_user_process_2048.out
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/7f7255c8: Regular Expression Match - Failed!
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/c459d5a0: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/c459d5a0/stage
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/c459d5a0: Running Test via command: bash
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/c459d5a0: Test completed in 0.006383 seconds with returncode: 0
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/c459d5a0: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/c459d5a0/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096.out
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/c459d5a0: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/c459d5a0/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096.err
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/c459d5a0: performing regular expression - '^4096$' on file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/c459d5a0/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096.out
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/c459d5a0: Regular Expression Match - Failed!
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ ulimit_max_user_process │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ _2048/7f7255c8          │                    │        │            │         │
│ ulimit_filelock_unlimit │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ ed/4e87755a             │                    │        │            │         │
│ ulimit_cputime_unlimite │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ d/5c787106              │                    │        │            │         │
│ ulimit_vmsize_unlimited │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ /a2fb5e14               │                    │        │            │         │
│ ulimit_stacksize_unlimi │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ ted/01e031e1            │                    │        │            │         │
│ kernel_swapusage/c6f398 │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 255        │ 0.017   │
│ ec                      │                    │        │            │         │
│ ulimit_filedescriptor_4 │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ 096/c459d5a0            │                    │        │            │         │
│ root_disk_usage/d089a3c │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.010   │
│ e                       │                    │        │            │         │
│ systemd_default_target/ │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 1          │ 0.021   │
│ 03a4a5c2                │                    │        │            │         │

Passed Tests: 4/9 Percentage: 44.444%
Failed Tests: 5/9 Percentage: 55.556%

Adding 9 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_wbzzwl3i.log

Building Multiple Buildspecs

You can append -b option to build multiple buildspecs in the same command. Buildtest will discover buildspecs for every argument (-b) and accumulate a list of buildspecs to run. In this example, we instruct buildtest to build a buildspec file and all buildspecs in a directory path.

buildtest build -b $BUILDTEST_ROOT/general_tests/configuration/ -b $BUILDTEST_ROOT/tutorials/vars.yml
$ buildtest build -b $BUILDTEST_ROOT/general_tests/configuration/ -b $BUILDTEST_ROOT/tutorials/vars.yml
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:30                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ eneral_tests/configuration/ulimits.yml                                       ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ eneral_tests/configuration/disk_usage.yml                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/vars.yml                                                            ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ eneral_tests/configuration/kernel_state.yml                                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ eneral_tests/configuration/systemd-default-target.yml                        ║
║ Total: 5                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  5
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  5
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 5
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 10
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ ulimit_f │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Check if │ /home/d │
│ ilelock_ │        │ │          │       │       │ file     │ ocs/che │
│ unlimite │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ lock is  │ ckouts/ │
│ d/0f612f │        │          │          │       │       │ set to   │ readthe │
│ 13       │        │          │          │       │       │ unlimite │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ d in     │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ulimits  │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/ul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ imits.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ ulimit_c │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Check if │ /home/d │
│ putime_u │        │ │          │       │       │ cputime  │ ocs/che │
│ nlimited │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ is set   │ ckouts/ │
│ /8b09c9a │        │          │          │       │       │ to       │ readthe │
│ d        │        │          │          │       │       │ unlimite │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ d in     │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ulimits  │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/ul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ imits.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ ulimit_s │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Check if │ /home/d │
│ tacksize │        │ │          │       │       │ stack    │ ocs/che │
│ _unlimit │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ size is  │ ckouts/ │
│ ed/76516 │        │          │          │       │       │ set to   │ readthe │
│ 285      │        │          │          │       │       │ unlimite │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ d in     │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ulimits  │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/ul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ imits.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ ulimit_v │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Check    │ /home/d │
│ msize_un │        │ │          │       │       │ virtual  │ ocs/che │
│ limited/ │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ memory   │ ckouts/ │
│ 6fea5b04 │        │          │          │       │       │ size and │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ check if │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ its set  │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ to       │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ unlimite │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ d        │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/ul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ imits.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ ulimit_f │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Check if │ /home/d │
│ iledescr │        │ │          │       │       │ open     │ ocs/che │
│ iptor_40 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ file     │ ckouts/ │
│ 96/8b818 │        │          │          │       │       │ descript │ readthe │
│ 90a      │        │          │          │       │       │ ors      │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ limit is │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ set to   │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 4096     │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/ul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ imits.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ ulimit_m │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Check    │ /home/d │
│ ax_user_ │        │ │          │       │       │ max      │ ocs/che │
│ process_ │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ number   │ ckouts/ │
│ 2048/8b4 │        │          │          │       │       │ of user  │ readthe │
│ 81e51    │        │          │          │       │       │ process  │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ limit is │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ set to   │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 2048     │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/ul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ imits.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ root_dis │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Check    │ /home/d │
│ k_usage/ │        │ │          │       │       │ root     │ ocs/che │
│ 38d9f208 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ disk     │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ usage    │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and      │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ report   │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ if it    │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ exceeds  │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ threshol │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ d        │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/di │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ sk_usag │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ e.yml   │
│ variable │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Declare  │ /home/d │
│ s_bash/6 │        │ │          │       │       │ shell    │ ocs/che │
│ 609e8ef  │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ variable │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s in     │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ bash     │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /vars.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ kernel_s │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Retrieve │ /home/d │
│ wapusage │        │ │          │       │       │ Kernel   │ ocs/che │
│ /6ecf3fd │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ Swap     │ ckouts/ │
│ 5        │        │          │          │       │       │ Usage    │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/ke │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ rnel_st │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ate.yml │
│ systemd_ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ check if │ /home/d │
│ default_ │        │ │          │       │       │ default  │ ocs/che │
│ target/e │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ target   │ ckouts/ │
│ 0577f6b  │        │          │          │       │       │ is       │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ multi-us │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ er.targe │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ t        │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/sy │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ stemd-d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ efault- │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ target. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/0f612f13: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filelock_unlimited/0f612f13
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/8b09c9ad: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_cputime_unlimited/8b09c9ad
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/76516285: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/76516285
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/6fea5b04: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/6fea5b04
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/8b81890a: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/8b81890a
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/8b481e51: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_max_user_process_2048/8b481e51
root_disk_usage/38d9f208: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/disk_usage/root_disk_usage/38d9f208
variables_bash/6609e8ef: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/6609e8ef
kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/kernel_state/kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5
systemd_default_target/e0577f6b: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/systemd-default-target/systemd_default_target/e0577f6b
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
variables_bash/6609e8ef does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/0f612f13 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
systemd_default_target/e0577f6b does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/8b09c9ad does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/6fea5b04 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/8b481e51 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/8b81890a does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
root_disk_usage/38d9f208 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/76516285 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
        Builders Eligible to Run         
┃ Builder                               ┃
│ ulimit_filelock_unlimited/0f612f13    │
│ systemd_default_target/e0577f6b       │
│ ulimit_cputime_unlimited/8b09c9ad     │
│ ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/6fea5b04      │
│ ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/76516285   │
│ ulimit_max_user_process_2048/8b481e51 │
│ ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/8b81890a   │
│ root_disk_usage/38d9f208              │
│ variables_bash/6609e8ef               │
│ kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5             │
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/0f612f13: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filelock_unlimited/0f612f13/stage
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/0f612f13: Running Test via command: bash
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/0f612f13: Test completed in 0.005955 seconds with returncode: 0
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/0f612f13: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filelock_unlimited/0f612f13/ulimit_filelock_unlimited.out
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/0f612f13: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filelock_unlimited/0f612f13/ulimit_filelock_unlimited.err
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/0f612f13: performing regular expression - '^unlimited$' on file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filelock_unlimited/0f612f13/ulimit_filelock_unlimited.out
ulimit_filelock_unlimited/0f612f13: Regular Expression Match - Success!
systemd_default_target/e0577f6b: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/systemd-default-target/systemd_default_target/e0577f6b/stage
systemd_default_target/e0577f6b: Running Test via command: bash
systemd_default_target/e0577f6b: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
────────────── Error Message for systemd_default_target/e0577f6b ───────────────

systemd_default_target/e0577f6b: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
systemd_default_target/e0577f6b: Run - 1/1
systemd_default_target/e0577f6b: Running Test via command: bash
systemd_default_target/e0577f6b: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
systemd_default_target/e0577f6b: Test completed in 0.020377 seconds with returncode: 1
systemd_default_target/e0577f6b: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/systemd-default-target/systemd_default_target/e0577f6b/systemd_default_target.out
systemd_default_target/e0577f6b: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/systemd-default-target/systemd_default_target/e0577f6b/systemd_default_target.err
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/8b09c9ad: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_cputime_unlimited/8b09c9ad/stage
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/8b09c9ad: Running Test via command: bash
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/8b09c9ad: Test completed in 0.005616 seconds with returncode: 0
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/8b09c9ad: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_cputime_unlimited/8b09c9ad/ulimit_cputime_unlimited.out
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/8b09c9ad: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_cputime_unlimited/8b09c9ad/ulimit_cputime_unlimited.err
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/8b09c9ad: performing regular expression - '^unlimited$' on file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_cputime_unlimited/8b09c9ad/ulimit_cputime_unlimited.out
ulimit_cputime_unlimited/8b09c9ad: Regular Expression Match - Success!
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/6fea5b04: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/6fea5b04/stage
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/6fea5b04: Running Test via command: bash
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/6fea5b04: Test completed in 0.005661 seconds with returncode: 0
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/6fea5b04: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/6fea5b04/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited.out
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/6fea5b04: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/6fea5b04/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited.err
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/6fea5b04: performing regular expression - '^unlimited$' on file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/6fea5b04/ulimit_vmsize_unlimited.out
ulimit_vmsize_unlimited/6fea5b04: Regular Expression Match - Success!
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/76516285: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/76516285/stage
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/76516285: Running Test via command: bash
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/76516285: Test completed in 0.006466 seconds with returncode: 0
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/76516285: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/76516285/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited.out
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/76516285: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/76516285/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited.err
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/76516285: performing regular expression - '^unlimited$' on file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/76516285/ulimit_stacksize_unlimited.out
ulimit_stacksize_unlimited/76516285: Regular Expression Match - Failed!
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/8b481e51: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_max_user_process_2048/8b481e51/stage
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/8b481e51: Running Test via command: bash
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/8b481e51: Test completed in 0.007122 seconds with returncode: 0
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/8b481e51: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_max_user_process_2048/8b481e51/ulimit_max_user_process_2048.out
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/8b481e51: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_max_user_process_2048/8b481e51/ulimit_max_user_process_2048.err
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/8b481e51: performing regular expression - '^2048$' on file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_max_user_process_2048/8b481e51/ulimit_max_user_process_2048.out
ulimit_max_user_process_2048/8b481e51: Regular Expression Match - Failed!
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/8b81890a: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/8b81890a/stage
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/8b81890a: Running Test via command: bash
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/8b81890a: Test completed in 0.007347 seconds with returncode: 0
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/8b81890a: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/8b81890a/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096.out
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/8b81890a: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/8b81890a/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096.err
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/8b81890a: performing regular expression - '^4096$' on file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ulimits/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/8b81890a/ulimit_filedescriptor_4096.out
ulimit_filedescriptor_4096/8b81890a: Regular Expression Match - Failed!
root_disk_usage/38d9f208: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/disk_usage/root_disk_usage/38d9f208/stage
root_disk_usage/38d9f208: Running Test via command: bash
root_disk_usage/38d9f208: Test completed in 0.011014 seconds with returncode: 0
root_disk_usage/38d9f208: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/disk_usage/root_disk_usage/38d9f208/root_disk_usage.out
root_disk_usage/38d9f208: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/disk_usage/root_disk_usage/38d9f208/root_disk_usage.err
variables_bash/6609e8ef: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/6609e8ef/stage
variables_bash/6609e8ef: Running Test via command: bash
variables_bash/6609e8ef: Test completed in 0.01041 seconds with returncode: 0
variables_bash/6609e8ef: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/6609e8ef/variables_bash.out
variables_bash/6609e8ef: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/6609e8ef/variables_bash.err
kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/kernel_state/kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5/stage
kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5: Running Test via command: bash
kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5: failed to submit job with returncode: 255
───────────────── Error Message for kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5 ──────────────────
sysctl: cannot stat /proc/sys/kernel/swapusage: No such file or directory

kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5: Run - 1/1
kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5: Running Test via command: bash
kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5: failed to submit job with returncode: 255
kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5: Test completed in 0.018637 seconds with returncode: 255
kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/kernel_state/kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5/kernel_swapusage.out
kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/kernel_state/kernel_swapusage/6ecf3fd5/kernel_swapusage.err
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ ulimit_max_user_process │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 0          │ 0.007   │
│ _2048/8b481e51          │                    │        │            │         │
│ ulimit_vmsize_unlimited │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ /6fea5b04               │                    │        │            │         │
│ ulimit_cputime_unlimite │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ d/8b09c9ad              │                    │        │            │         │
│ kernel_swapusage/6ecf3f │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 255        │ 0.019   │
│ d5                      │                    │        │            │         │
│ ulimit_filedescriptor_4 │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 0          │ 0.007   │
│ 096/8b81890a            │                    │        │            │         │
│ ulimit_filelock_unlimit │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ ed/0f612f13             │                    │        │            │         │
│ root_disk_usage/38d9f20 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.011   │
│ 8                       │                    │        │            │         │
│ ulimit_stacksize_unlimi │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ ted/76516285            │                    │        │            │         │
│ variables_bash/6609e8ef │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.010   │
│ systemd_default_target/ │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 1          │ 0.020   │
│ e0577f6b                │                    │        │            │         │

Passed Tests: 5/10 Percentage: 50.000%
Failed Tests: 5/10 Percentage: 50.000%

Adding 10 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_gocd8p9r.log

Excluding Buildspecs (buildtest build --exclude)

So far we learned how to build buildspecs by file and directory path using the -b option. Next, we will discuss how one may exclude buildspecs which behaves similar to -b option. You can exclude buildspecs via --exclude or short option -x which can be useful when you want to exclude certain files or sub directory.

For example we can build all buildspecs in tutorials but exclude file tutorials/vars.yml by running:

$ buildtest build -b tutorials -x tutorials/vars.yml

buildtest will discover all buildspecs and then exclude any buildspecs specified by -x option. You can specify -x multiple times just like -b option.

For example, we can undo discovery by passing same option to -b and -x as follows

buildtest bd -b tutorials/ -x tutorials/
$ buildtest bd -b tutorials/ -x tutorials/
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:33                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
Unable to detect any buildspec files to process.

Buildtest will stop immediately if there are no Buildspecs to process, this is true if you were to specify files instead of directory.

In this example, we build all buildspecs in a directory but exclude a file. Buildtest will report the excluded buildspecs in the output and -x option can be appended multiple times. The -x can be a file or a directory and behaves similar to -b option.

buildtest bd -b general_tests/configuration/ -x general_tests/configuration/ulimits.yml
$ buildtest bd -b general_tests/configuration/ -x general_tests/configuration/ulimits.yml
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:33                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ eneral_tests/configuration/disk_usage.yml                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ eneral_tests/configuration/ulimits.yml                                       ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ eneral_tests/configuration/systemd-default-target.yml                        ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ eneral_tests/configuration/kernel_state.yml                                  ║
║ Total: 4                                                                     ║
                              Excluded buildspecs                               
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ eneral_tests/configuration/ulimits.yml                                       ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  4
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  1
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  3
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 3
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 3
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ root_dis │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Check    │ /home/d │
│ k_usage/ │        │ │          │       │       │ root     │ ocs/che │
│ d48020e1 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ disk     │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ usage    │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and      │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ report   │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ if it    │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ exceeds  │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ threshol │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ d        │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/di │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ sk_usag │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ e.yml   │
│ systemd_ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ check if │ /home/d │
│ default_ │        │ │          │       │       │ default  │ ocs/che │
│ target/8 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ target   │ ckouts/ │
│ 5da4df0  │        │          │          │       │       │ is       │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ multi-us │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ er.targe │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ t        │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/sy │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ stemd-d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ efault- │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ target. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
│ kernel_s │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Retrieve │ /home/d │
│ wapusage │        │ │          │       │       │ Kernel   │ ocs/che │
│ /2bb9d3c │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ Swap     │ ckouts/ │
│ 3        │        │          │          │       │       │ Usage    │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/ge │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ neral_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ests/co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nfigura │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tion/ke │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ rnel_st │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ate.yml │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
root_disk_usage/d48020e1: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/disk_usage/root_disk_usage/d48020e1
systemd_default_target/85da4df0: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/systemd-default-target/systemd_default_target/85da4df0
kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/kernel_state/kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
root_disk_usage/d48020e1 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
systemd_default_target/85da4df0 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
     Builders Eligible to Run      
┃ Builder                         ┃
│ root_disk_usage/d48020e1        │
│ systemd_default_target/85da4df0 │
│ kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3       │
root_disk_usage/d48020e1: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/disk_usage/root_disk_usage/d48020e1/stage
root_disk_usage/d48020e1: Running Test via command: bash
root_disk_usage/d48020e1: Test completed in 0.009719 seconds with returncode: 0
root_disk_usage/d48020e1: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/disk_usage/root_disk_usage/d48020e1/root_disk_usage.out
root_disk_usage/d48020e1: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/disk_usage/root_disk_usage/d48020e1/root_disk_usage.err
systemd_default_target/85da4df0: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/systemd-default-target/systemd_default_target/85da4df0/stage
systemd_default_target/85da4df0: Running Test via command: bash
systemd_default_target/85da4df0: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
────────────── Error Message for systemd_default_target/85da4df0 ───────────────

systemd_default_target/85da4df0: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
systemd_default_target/85da4df0: Run - 1/1
systemd_default_target/85da4df0: Running Test via command: bash
systemd_default_target/85da4df0: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
systemd_default_target/85da4df0: Test completed in 0.0202 seconds with returncode: 1
systemd_default_target/85da4df0: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/systemd-default-target/systemd_default_target/85da4df0/systemd_default_target.out
systemd_default_target/85da4df0: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/systemd-default-target/systemd_default_target/85da4df0/systemd_default_target.err
kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/kernel_state/kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3/stage
kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3: Running Test via command: bash
kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3: failed to submit job with returncode: 255
───────────────── Error Message for kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3 ──────────────────
sysctl: cannot stat /proc/sys/kernel/swapusage: No such file or directory

kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3: Run - 1/1
kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3: Running Test via command: bash
kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3: failed to submit job with returncode: 255
kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3: Test completed in 0.017104 seconds with returncode: 255
kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/kernel_state/kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3/kernel_swapusage.out
kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/kernel_state/kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3c3/kernel_swapusage.err
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ root_disk_usage/d48020e │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.010   │
│ 1                       │                    │        │            │         │
│ kernel_swapusage/2bb9d3 │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 255        │ 0.017   │
│ c3                      │                    │        │            │         │
│ systemd_default_target/ │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 1          │ 0.020   │
│ 85da4df0                │                    │        │            │         │

Passed Tests: 1/3 Percentage: 33.333%
Failed Tests: 2/3 Percentage: 66.667%

Adding 3 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_eltj0i36.log

Building By Tags (buildtest build --tags)

buildtest can perform builds by tags by using --tags or short option (-t). In order to use this feature, buildtest must load buildspecs in cache which can be run via buildtest buildspec find. If you are unsure of the available tags you can run buildtest buildspec find --tags or let buildtest tab-complete the available tags. For more details see Querying buildspec tags.

Let’s assume you want to build by tag name network, buildtest will attempt to find all tests that contain tags: ['network'] in the buildspec which is loaded in the buildcache cache. If a test matches the tag name, the test will be picked up during the discover process.

buildtest build -t network
$ buildtest build -t network
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:34                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/tags_example.yml                                                    ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║
                           Buildspecs By Tag=network                            
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/tags_example.yml                                                    ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 2
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ string_t │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ tags can │ /home/d │
│ ag/6c1ac │        │ │          │       │       │ be a     │ ocs/che │
│ e8a      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ string   │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /tags_e │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ xample. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
│ list_of_ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ tags can │ /home/d │
│ strings_ │        │ │          │       │       │ be a     │ ocs/che │
│ tags/65a │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ list of  │ ckouts/ │
│ a7e71    │        │          │          │       │       │ strings  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /tags_e │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ xample. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
string_tag/6c1ace8a: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/string_tag/6c1ace8a
list_of_strings_tags/65aa7e71: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/list_of_strings_tags/65aa7e71
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
string_tag/6c1ace8a does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
list_of_strings_tags/65aa7e71 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
    Builders Eligible to Run     
┃ Builder                       ┃
│ string_tag/6c1ace8a           │
│ list_of_strings_tags/65aa7e71 │
string_tag/6c1ace8a: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/string_tag/6c1ace8a/stage
string_tag/6c1ace8a: Running Test via command: bash
string_tag/6c1ace8a: Test completed in 0.006784 seconds with returncode: 0
string_tag/6c1ace8a: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/string_tag/6c1ace8a/string_tag.out
string_tag/6c1ace8a: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/string_tag/6c1ace8a/string_tag.err
list_of_strings_tags/65aa7e71: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/list_of_strings_tags/65aa7e71/stage
list_of_strings_tags/65aa7e71: Running Test via command: bash
list_of_strings_tags/65aa7e71: Test completed in 3.029153 seconds with returncode: 0
list_of_strings_tags/65aa7e71: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/list_of_strings_tags/65aa7e71/list_of_strings_tags.out
list_of_strings_tags/65aa7e71: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/list_of_strings_tags/65aa7e71/list_of_strings_tags.err
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ string_tag/6c1ace8a     │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.007   │
│ list_of_strings_tags/65 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 3.029   │
│ aa7e71                  │                    │        │            │         │

Passed Tests: 2/2 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/2 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 2 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_xyb0a4mj.log

You can build by multiple tags by specifying --tags multiple times. In next example we build all tests with tag name pass and python.

buildtest build -t python -t pass
$ buildtest build -t python -t pass
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:38                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-hello.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-shell.yml                                                    ║
║ Total: 3                                                                     ║
                            Buildspecs By Tag=python                            
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-hello.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-shell.yml                                                    ║
║ Total: 2                                                                     ║
                             Buildspecs By Tag=pass                             
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  3
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  3
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 3
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 6
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ exit1_fa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 1   │ /home/d │
│ il/89202 │        │ │          │       │       │ by       │ ocs/che │
│ a66      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ default  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ is FAIL  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ exit1_pa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ report   │ /home/d │
│ ss/d7431 │        │ │          │       │       │ exit 1   │ ocs/che │
│ 3ad      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ as PASS  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 2   │ /home/d │
│ de_list_ │        │ │          │       │       │ failed   │ ocs/che │
│ mismatch │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ since it │ ckouts/ │
│ /d7ab05c │        │          │          │       │       │ failed   │ readthe │
│ f        │        │          │          │       │       │ to match │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ returnco │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ de 1     │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 128 │ /home/d │
│ de_int_m │        │ │          │       │       │ matches  │ ocs/che │
│ atch/89d │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ returnco │ ckouts/ │
│ 1c17d    │        │          │          │       │       │ de 128   │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ python_h │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Hello    │ /home/d │
│ ello/b30 │        │ │          │       │       │ World    │ ocs/che │
│ d6869    │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ python   │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /python │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ -hello. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
│ circle_a │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Calculat │ /home/d │
│ rea/65c9 │        │ │          │       │       │ e circle │ ocs/che │
│ 27af     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ of area  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ given a  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ radius   │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /python │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ -shell. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
exit1_fail/89202a66: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/89202a66
exit1_pass/d74313ad: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/d74313ad
returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf
returncode_int_match/89d1c17d: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/89d1c17d
python_hello/b30d6869: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/b30d6869
circle_area/65c927af: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/65c927af
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
exit1_fail/89202a66 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
circle_area/65c927af does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
exit1_pass/d74313ad does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
returncode_int_match/89d1c17d does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
python_hello/b30d6869 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
      Builders Eligible to Run       
┃ Builder                           ┃
│ exit1_fail/89202a66               │
│ circle_area/65c927af              │
│ exit1_pass/d74313ad               │
│ returncode_int_match/89d1c17d     │
│ python_hello/b30d6869             │
│ returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf │
exit1_fail/89202a66: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/89202a66/stage
exit1_fail/89202a66: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/89202a66: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_fail/89202a66 ─────────────────────

exit1_fail/89202a66: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_fail/89202a66: Run - 1/1
exit1_fail/89202a66: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/89202a66: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/89202a66: Test completed in 0.014553 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/89202a66: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/89202a66/exit1_fail.out
exit1_fail/89202a66: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/89202a66/exit1_fail.err
circle_area/65c927af: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/65c927af/stage
circle_area/65c927af: Running Test via command: bash
circle_area/65c927af: Test completed in 0.031241 seconds with returncode: 0
circle_area/65c927af: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/65c927af/circle_area.out
circle_area/65c927af: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/65c927af/circle_area.err
exit1_pass/d74313ad: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/d74313ad/stage
exit1_pass/d74313ad: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/d74313ad: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_pass/d74313ad ─────────────────────

exit1_pass/d74313ad: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_pass/d74313ad: Run - 1/1
exit1_pass/d74313ad: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/d74313ad: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/d74313ad: Test completed in 0.014574 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/d74313ad: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/d74313ad/exit1_pass.out
exit1_pass/d74313ad: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/d74313ad/exit1_pass.err
exit1_pass/d74313ad: Checking returncode - 1 is matched in list [1]
returncode_int_match/89d1c17d: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/89d1c17d/stage
returncode_int_match/89d1c17d: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_int_match/89d1c17d: failed to submit job with returncode: 128
─────────────── Error Message for returncode_int_match/89d1c17d ────────────────

returncode_int_match/89d1c17d: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
returncode_int_match/89d1c17d: Run - 1/1
returncode_int_match/89d1c17d: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_int_match/89d1c17d: failed to submit job with returncode: 128
returncode_int_match/89d1c17d: Test completed in 0.014423 seconds with returncode: 128
returncode_int_match/89d1c17d: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/89d1c17d/returncode_int_match.out
returncode_int_match/89d1c17d: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/89d1c17d/returncode_int_match.err
returncode_int_match/89d1c17d: Checking returncode - 128 is matched in list [128]
python_hello/b30d6869: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/b30d6869/stage
python_hello/b30d6869: Running Test via command: bash
python_hello/b30d6869: Test completed in 0.030719 seconds with returncode: 0
python_hello/b30d6869: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/b30d6869/python_hello.out
python_hello/b30d6869: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/b30d6869/python_hello.err
returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf/stage
returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf: failed to submit job with returncode: 2
───────────── Error Message for returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf ──────────────

returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf: Run - 1/1
returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf: failed to submit job with returncode: 2
returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf: Test completed in 0.014982 seconds with returncode: 2
returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf/returncode_list_mismatch.out
returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf/returncode_list_mismatch.err
returncode_list_mismatch/d7ab05cf: Checking returncode - 2 is matched in list [1, 3]
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ exit1_fail/89202a66     │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 1          │ 0.015   │
│ exit1_pass/d74313ad     │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 1          │ 0.015   │
│ returncode_int_match/89 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 128        │ 0.014   │
│ d1c17d                  │                    │        │            │         │
│ python_hello/b30d6869   │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.031   │
│ returncode_list_mismatc │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 2          │ 0.015   │
│ h/d7ab05cf              │                    │        │            │         │
│ circle_area/65c927af    │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.031   │

Passed Tests: 4/6 Percentage: 66.667%
Failed Tests: 2/6 Percentage: 33.333%

Adding 6 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_1rtwxxon.log

When multiple tags are specified, we search each tag independently and if it’s found in the buildspec cache we retrieve the buildspec file and add file to queue. This queue is a list of buildspecs that buildtest will process (i.e parse, build, run). You can query tags from buildspecs cache to see all available tags by running buildtest buildspec find --tags.


The --tags is used for discovering buildspec file and not filtering tests by tag.

You can specify multiple tag names as a comma separated list. In the example below we build all tests with tag names pass, fail and network.

buildtest build -t pass,fail -t network
$ buildtest build -t pass,fail -t network
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:38                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/tags_example.yml                                                    ║
║ Total: 2                                                                     ║
                             Buildspecs By Tag=pass                             
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║
                             Buildspecs By Tag=fail                             
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║
                           Buildspecs By Tag=network                            
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/tags_example.yml                                                    ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  2
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  2
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 2
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 6
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ exit1_fa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 1   │ /home/d │
│ il/f959d │        │ │          │       │       │ by       │ ocs/che │
│ bf6      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ default  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ is FAIL  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ exit1_pa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ report   │ /home/d │
│ ss/ef20e │        │ │          │       │       │ exit 1   │ ocs/che │
│ 04b      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ as PASS  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 2   │ /home/d │
│ de_list_ │        │ │          │       │       │ failed   │ ocs/che │
│ mismatch │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ since it │ ckouts/ │
│ /4977eeb │        │          │          │       │       │ failed   │ readthe │
│ 0        │        │          │          │       │       │ to match │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ returnco │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ de 1     │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 128 │ /home/d │
│ de_int_m │        │ │          │       │       │ matches  │ ocs/che │
│ atch/36f │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ returnco │ ckouts/ │
│ 6b370    │        │          │          │       │       │ de 128   │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ string_t │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ tags can │ /home/d │
│ ag/18513 │        │ │          │       │       │ be a     │ ocs/che │
│ b37      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ string   │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /tags_e │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ xample. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
│ list_of_ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ tags can │ /home/d │
│ strings_ │        │ │          │       │       │ be a     │ ocs/che │
│ tags/0cf │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ list of  │ ckouts/ │
│ 8a5b4    │        │          │          │       │       │ strings  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /tags_e │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ xample. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
exit1_fail/f959dbf6: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/f959dbf6
exit1_pass/ef20e04b: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/ef20e04b
returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0
returncode_int_match/36f6b370: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/36f6b370
string_tag/18513b37: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/string_tag/18513b37
list_of_strings_tags/0cf8a5b4: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/list_of_strings_tags/0cf8a5b4
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
exit1_fail/f959dbf6 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
exit1_pass/ef20e04b does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
string_tag/18513b37 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
returncode_int_match/36f6b370 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
list_of_strings_tags/0cf8a5b4 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
      Builders Eligible to Run       
┃ Builder                           ┃
│ exit1_fail/f959dbf6               │
│ exit1_pass/ef20e04b               │
│ string_tag/18513b37               │
│ returncode_int_match/36f6b370     │
│ list_of_strings_tags/0cf8a5b4     │
│ returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0 │
exit1_fail/f959dbf6: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/f959dbf6/stage
exit1_fail/f959dbf6: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/f959dbf6: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_fail/f959dbf6 ─────────────────────

exit1_fail/f959dbf6: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_fail/f959dbf6: Run - 1/1
exit1_fail/f959dbf6: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/f959dbf6: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/f959dbf6: Test completed in 0.014918 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/f959dbf6: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/f959dbf6/exit1_fail.out
exit1_fail/f959dbf6: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/f959dbf6/exit1_fail.err
exit1_pass/ef20e04b: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/ef20e04b/stage
exit1_pass/ef20e04b: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/ef20e04b: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_pass/ef20e04b ─────────────────────

exit1_pass/ef20e04b: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_pass/ef20e04b: Run - 1/1
exit1_pass/ef20e04b: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/ef20e04b: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/ef20e04b: Test completed in 0.014606 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/ef20e04b: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/ef20e04b/exit1_pass.out
exit1_pass/ef20e04b: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/ef20e04b/exit1_pass.err
exit1_pass/ef20e04b: Checking returncode - 1 is matched in list [1]
string_tag/18513b37: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/string_tag/18513b37/stage
string_tag/18513b37: Running Test via command: bash
string_tag/18513b37: Test completed in 0.006138 seconds with returncode: 0
string_tag/18513b37: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/string_tag/18513b37/string_tag.out
string_tag/18513b37: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/string_tag/18513b37/string_tag.err
returncode_int_match/36f6b370: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/36f6b370/stage
returncode_int_match/36f6b370: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_int_match/36f6b370: failed to submit job with returncode: 128
─────────────── Error Message for returncode_int_match/36f6b370 ────────────────

returncode_int_match/36f6b370: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
returncode_int_match/36f6b370: Run - 1/1
returncode_int_match/36f6b370: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_int_match/36f6b370: failed to submit job with returncode: 128
returncode_int_match/36f6b370: Test completed in 0.014953 seconds with returncode: 128
returncode_int_match/36f6b370: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/36f6b370/returncode_int_match.out
returncode_int_match/36f6b370: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/36f6b370/returncode_int_match.err
returncode_int_match/36f6b370: Checking returncode - 128 is matched in list [128]
list_of_strings_tags/0cf8a5b4: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/list_of_strings_tags/0cf8a5b4/stage
list_of_strings_tags/0cf8a5b4: Running Test via command: bash
list_of_strings_tags/0cf8a5b4: Test completed in 3.031544 seconds with returncode: 0
list_of_strings_tags/0cf8a5b4: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/list_of_strings_tags/0cf8a5b4/list_of_strings_tags.out
list_of_strings_tags/0cf8a5b4: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/list_of_strings_tags/0cf8a5b4/list_of_strings_tags.err
returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0/stage
returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0: failed to submit job with returncode: 2
───────────── Error Message for returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0 ──────────────

returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0: Run - 1/1
returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0: failed to submit job with returncode: 2
returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0: Test completed in 0.014963 seconds with returncode: 2
returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0/returncode_list_mismatch.out
returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0/returncode_list_mismatch.err
returncode_list_mismatch/4977eeb0: Checking returncode - 2 is matched in list [1, 3]
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ exit1_fail/f959dbf6     │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 1          │ 0.015   │
│ list_of_strings_tags/0c │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 3.032   │
│ f8a5b4                  │                    │        │            │         │
│ returncode_int_match/36 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 128        │ 0.015   │
│ f6b370                  │                    │        │            │         │
│ returncode_list_mismatc │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 2          │ 0.015   │
│ h/4977eeb0              │                    │        │            │         │
│ exit1_pass/ef20e04b     │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 1          │ 0.015   │
│ string_tag/18513b37     │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │

Passed Tests: 4/6 Percentage: 66.667%
Failed Tests: 2/6 Percentage: 33.333%

Adding 6 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_1u0l8_ql.log

You can combine --tags with --buildspec to discover buildspecs in a single command. buildtest will query tags and buildspecs independently and combine all discovered buildspecs together.

buildtest build --tags pass --buildspec tutorials/python-hello.yml
$ buildtest build --tags pass --buildspec tutorials/python-hello.yml
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:42                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-hello.yml                                                    ║
║ Total: 2                                                                     ║
                             Buildspecs By Tag=pass                             
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  2
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  2
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 2
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 5
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ exit1_fa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 1   │ /home/d │
│ il/b577d │        │ │          │       │       │ by       │ ocs/che │
│ 0c2      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ default  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ is FAIL  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ exit1_pa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ report   │ /home/d │
│ ss/03480 │        │ │          │       │       │ exit 1   │ ocs/che │
│ 0c9      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ as PASS  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 2   │ /home/d │
│ de_list_ │        │ │          │       │       │ failed   │ ocs/che │
│ mismatch │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ since it │ ckouts/ │
│ /c2d42b0 │        │          │          │       │       │ failed   │ readthe │
│ c        │        │          │          │       │       │ to match │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ returnco │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ de 1     │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 128 │ /home/d │
│ de_int_m │        │ │          │       │       │ matches  │ ocs/che │
│ atch/5e8 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ returnco │ ckouts/ │
│ cfefb    │        │          │          │       │       │ de 128   │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ python_h │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Hello    │ /home/d │
│ ello/791 │        │ │          │       │       │ World    │ ocs/che │
│ 91e61    │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ python   │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /python │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ -hello. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
exit1_fail/b577d0c2: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/b577d0c2
exit1_pass/034800c9: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/034800c9
returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c
returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb
python_hello/79191e61: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/79191e61
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
python_hello/79191e61 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
exit1_pass/034800c9 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
exit1_fail/b577d0c2 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
      Builders Eligible to Run       
┃ Builder                           ┃
│ returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb     │
│ python_hello/79191e61             │
│ exit1_pass/034800c9               │
│ exit1_fail/b577d0c2               │
│ returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c │
returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb/stage
returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb: failed to submit job with returncode: 128
─────────────── Error Message for returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb ────────────────

returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb: Run - 1/1
returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb: failed to submit job with returncode: 128
returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb: Test completed in 0.014935 seconds with returncode: 128
returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb/returncode_int_match.out
returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb/returncode_int_match.err
returncode_int_match/5e8cfefb: Checking returncode - 128 is matched in list [128]
python_hello/79191e61: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/79191e61/stage
python_hello/79191e61: Running Test via command: bash
python_hello/79191e61: Test completed in 0.031698 seconds with returncode: 0
python_hello/79191e61: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/79191e61/python_hello.out
python_hello/79191e61: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/79191e61/python_hello.err
exit1_pass/034800c9: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/034800c9/stage
exit1_pass/034800c9: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/034800c9: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_pass/034800c9 ─────────────────────

exit1_pass/034800c9: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_pass/034800c9: Run - 1/1
exit1_pass/034800c9: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/034800c9: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/034800c9: Test completed in 0.014802 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/034800c9: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/034800c9/exit1_pass.out
exit1_pass/034800c9: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/034800c9/exit1_pass.err
exit1_pass/034800c9: Checking returncode - 1 is matched in list [1]
exit1_fail/b577d0c2: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/b577d0c2/stage
exit1_fail/b577d0c2: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/b577d0c2: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_fail/b577d0c2 ─────────────────────

exit1_fail/b577d0c2: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_fail/b577d0c2: Run - 1/1
exit1_fail/b577d0c2: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/b577d0c2: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/b577d0c2: Test completed in 0.014617 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/b577d0c2: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/b577d0c2/exit1_fail.out
exit1_fail/b577d0c2: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/b577d0c2/exit1_fail.err
returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c/stage
returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c: failed to submit job with returncode: 2
───────────── Error Message for returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c ──────────────

returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c: Run - 1/1
returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c: failed to submit job with returncode: 2
returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c: Test completed in 0.015393 seconds with returncode: 2
returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c/returncode_list_mismatch.out
returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c/returncode_list_mismatch.err
returncode_list_mismatch/c2d42b0c: Checking returncode - 2 is matched in list [1, 3]
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ returncode_list_mismatc │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 2          │ 0.015   │
│ h/c2d42b0c              │                    │        │            │         │
│ python_hello/79191e61   │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.032   │
│ exit1_fail/b577d0c2     │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 1          │ 0.015   │
│ returncode_int_match/5e │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 128        │ 0.015   │
│ 8cfefb                  │                    │        │            │         │
│ exit1_pass/034800c9     │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 1          │ 0.015   │

Passed Tests: 3/5 Percentage: 60.000%
Failed Tests: 2/5 Percentage: 40.000%

Adding 5 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_lg4zn47r.log

As you may see, there are several ways to build buildspecs with buildtest. Tags is great way to build a whole collection of tests if you don’t know path to all the files. You can specify multiple tags per buildspecs to classify how test can be run.

Exclude by tags (buildtest build --exclude-tags)

You can exclude tests by tagname using --exclude-tags option or short option (-xt). Any tests that contains the tags field is searched with list of excluded tags. If there is a match, the test is skipped. If the test does not contain tags key, the test will be included to run.

Let’s take an example buildspec file which contains 4 tests.


    executor: generic.local.bash
    type: script
    description: exit 1 by default is FAIL
    tags: [tutorials, fail]
    run: exit 1

    executor: generic.local.bash
    type: script
    description: report exit 1 as PASS
    run: exit 1
    tags: [tutorials, pass]
      returncode: [1]

    executor: generic.local.bash
    type: script
    description: exit 2 failed since it failed to match returncode 1
    run: exit 2
    tags: [tutorials, fail]
      returncode: [1, 3]

    executor: generic.local.bash
    type: script
    description: exit 128 matches returncode 128
    run: exit 128
    tags: [tutorials, pass]
      returncode: 128

We will demonstrate this feature, by excluding tests with tag name pass. Take note all tests are run except for those that include pass.

buildtest build -b tutorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml -xt pass
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml -xt pass
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:43                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Skipping test: exit1_pass from buildspec: /home/docs/checkouts/ due to tag exclusion: ['pass']
Skipping test: returncode_int_match from buildspec: /home/docs/checkouts/ due to tag exclusion: ['pass']
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 2
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ exit1_fa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 1   │ /home/d │
│ il/f80eb │        │ │          │       │       │ by       │ ocs/che │
│ 4d2      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ default  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ is FAIL  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 2   │ /home/d │
│ de_list_ │        │ │          │       │       │ failed   │ ocs/che │
│ mismatch │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ since it │ ckouts/ │
│ /b943175 │        │          │          │       │       │ failed   │ readthe │
│ 3        │        │          │          │       │       │ to match │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ returnco │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ de 1     │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
exit1_fail/f80eb4d2: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/f80eb4d2
returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
exit1_fail/f80eb4d2 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
      Builders Eligible to Run       
┃ Builder                           ┃
│ returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753 │
│ exit1_fail/f80eb4d2               │
returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753/stage
returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753: failed to submit job with returncode: 2
───────────── Error Message for returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753 ──────────────

returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753: Run - 1/1
returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753: failed to submit job with returncode: 2
returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753: Test completed in 0.014699 seconds with returncode: 2
returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753/returncode_list_mismatch.out
returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753/returncode_list_mismatch.err
returncode_list_mismatch/b9431753: Checking returncode - 2 is matched in list [1, 3]
exit1_fail/f80eb4d2: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/f80eb4d2/stage
exit1_fail/f80eb4d2: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/f80eb4d2: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_fail/f80eb4d2 ─────────────────────

exit1_fail/f80eb4d2: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_fail/f80eb4d2: Run - 1/1
exit1_fail/f80eb4d2: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/f80eb4d2: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/f80eb4d2: Test completed in 0.014218 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/f80eb4d2: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/f80eb4d2/exit1_fail.out
exit1_fail/f80eb4d2: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/f80eb4d2/exit1_fail.err
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ exit1_fail/f80eb4d2     │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 1          │ 0.014   │
│ returncode_list_mismatc │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 2          │ 0.015   │
│ h/b9431753              │                    │        │            │         │

Passed Tests: 0/2 Percentage: 0.000%
Failed Tests: 2/2 Percentage: 100.000%

Adding 2 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_6lnmem6j.log

We can specify tags as a comma separated list to specify multiple tags so one can do -xt tag1,tag2 which is equivalent to -xt tag1 -xt tag2. You may even mix the two formats together where you can exclude tags: tag1, tag2, tag3 by running -xt tag1 -xt tag2,tag3.

In this example below, we will exclude both pass and fail tags which results in error message where no test are eligible to run after exclusion has been applied.

buildtest build -b tutorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml -xt pass,fail
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml -xt pass,fail
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:44                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Skipping test: exit1_fail from buildspec: /home/docs/checkouts/ due to tag exclusion: ['pass', 'fail']
Skipping test: exit1_pass from buildspec: /home/docs/checkouts/ due to tag exclusion: ['pass', 'fail']
Skipping test: returncode_list_mismatch from buildspec: /home/docs/checkouts/ due to tag exclusion: ['pass', 'fail']
Skipping test: returncode_int_match from buildspec: /home/docs/checkouts/ due to tag exclusion: ['pass', 'fail']
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
                            Buildspecs Filtered out                             
┃ buildspecs                                                                   ┃
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │

buildtest is unable to create any tests because there are no valid buildspecs. 

Please see logfile: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/buildtest.log

Building by Test Names (buildtest build --name)

You can discover buildspecs by test names using the --name option or short option -n. This feature can be used if you want to run a particular test and not worrying about the buildspec file that is belongs to. Note we have tab completion builtin to this feature to show list of tests that are found in the buildspec cache. Shown below is an example output of the tab completion listing all available tests

  buildtest build --name _bin_bash_shell
_bin_bash_shell                   current_user_queue                lsf_version                       runtime_test_pass                 status_regex_stderr_pass
_bin_sh_shell                     dead_nodes                        metric_file_regex                 sh_shell                          status_regex_stdout_fail
add_numbers                       display_hosts_format              metric_file_regex_invalid_file    shell_options                     status_regex_stdout_pass
always_fail                       display_lsf_hosts                 metric_regex_example              show_accounts                     status_returncode_by_executors
always_pass                       executors_sbatch_declaration      multiple_executors                show_all_jobs                     stream_test
assert_contains_fail              executors_vars_env_declaration    node_down_fail_list_reason        show_host_groups                  string_tag
assert_eq_example                 exit1_fail                        nodes_state_allocated             show_jobs                         summary_example
assert_eq_invalid_metric          exit1_pass                        nodes_state_completing            show_lsf_configuration            symlink_test
assert_eq_mismatch                fail_test                         nodes_state_down                  show_lsf_models                   systemd_default_target
assert_gt_example                 file_and_dir_checks               nodes_state_idle                  show_lsf_queues                   tcsh_env_declaration
assert_le_example                 file_count_by_expression          nodes_state_reboot                show_lsf_queues_current_user      test1
assert_lt_example                 file_count_by_extension           pass_and_fail_test                show_lsf_queues_formatted         test2

Let’s try building an example test by name hello_world. Take note in output, buildtest will show a breakdown of buildspecs discovered by the test name.

buildtest build --name hello_world
$ buildtest build --name hello_world
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:44                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/hello_world.yml                                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║
                         Buildspecs by Name=hello_world                         
║ buildspecs                                                                   ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/hello_world.yml                                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 1
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ hello_wo │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ hello    │ /home/d │
│ rld/f146 │        │ │          │       │       │ world    │ ocs/che │
│ 1b2b     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ example  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /hello_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ world.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
hello_world/f1461b2b: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/f1461b2b
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
hello_world/f1461b2b does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
Builders Eligible to Run
┃ Builder              ┃
│ hello_world/f1461b2b │
hello_world/f1461b2b: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/f1461b2b/stage
hello_world/f1461b2b: Running Test via command: bash
hello_world/f1461b2b: Test completed in 0.005791 seconds with returncode: 0
hello_world/f1461b2b: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/f1461b2b/hello_world.out
hello_world/f1461b2b: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/f1461b2b/hello_world.err
                                Test Summary                                 
┃ builder              ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ hello_world/f1461b2b │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │

Passed Tests: 1/1 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/1 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 1 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_lia0wrvw.log

You can specify multiple test names just specify the option multiple times. In example below we will demonstrate this example

buildtest build --name add_numbers --name summary_example
$ buildtest build --name add_numbers --name summary_example
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:45                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/summary_example.yml                                                 ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/add_numbers.yml                                                     ║
║ Total: 2                                                                     ║
                         Buildspecs by Name=add_numbers                         
║ buildspecs                                                                   ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/add_numbers.yml                                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║
                       Buildspecs by Name=summary_example                       
║ buildspecs                                                                   ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/summary_example.yml                                                 ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  2
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  2
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 2
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 2
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ summary_ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ The      │ /home/d │
│ example/ │        │ │          │       │       │ summary  │ ocs/che │
│ edb1073b │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ field    │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ can be a │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ multi-li │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ne       │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ string   │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and      │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ exceed   │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 80 char  │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /summar │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ y_examp │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ le.yml  │
│ add_numb │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Add X+Y  │ /home/d │
│ ers/3437 │        │ │          │       │       │          │ ocs/che │
│ 7d8f     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │          │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /add_nu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ mbers.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
summary_example/edb1073b: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/summary_example/summary_example/edb1073b
add_numbers/34377d8f: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/add_numbers/add_numbers/34377d8f
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
summary_example/edb1073b does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
add_numbers/34377d8f does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
  Builders Eligible to Run  
┃ Builder                  ┃
│ summary_example/edb1073b │
│ add_numbers/34377d8f     │
summary_example/edb1073b: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/summary_example/summary_example/edb1073b/stage
summary_example/edb1073b: Running Test via command: bash
summary_example/edb1073b: Test completed in 0.006636 seconds with returncode: 0
summary_example/edb1073b: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/summary_example/summary_example/edb1073b/summary_example.out
summary_example/edb1073b: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/summary_example/summary_example/edb1073b/summary_example.err
add_numbers/34377d8f: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/add_numbers/add_numbers/34377d8f/stage
add_numbers/34377d8f: Running Test via command: bash
add_numbers/34377d8f: Test completed in 0.005571 seconds with returncode: 0
add_numbers/34377d8f: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/add_numbers/add_numbers/34377d8f/add_numbers.out
add_numbers/34377d8f: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/add_numbers/add_numbers/34377d8f/add_numbers.err
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ add_numbers/34377d8f    │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ summary_example/edb1073 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.007   │
│ b                       │                    │        │            │         │

Passed Tests: 2/2 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/2 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 2 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_1oh52gxb.log

Please note, buildtest will discover buildspecs given the test name (--name) option and then run all tests defined in the buildspec file. A buildspec file may include several tests and by default all of them are run. This option is not meant to filter buildspecs by the selected test, but only a means for discovering buildspecs by test name.

Building by Executors (buildtest build --executor)

Every buildspec is associated to an executor which is responsible for running the test. You can instruct buildtest to run all tests by given executor via --executor option or short option -e. For instance, if you want to build all test associated to executor generic.local.csh you can run:

$ buildtest build --executor generic.local.csh

buildtest will query buildspec cache for the executor name and retrieve a list of buildspecs with matching executor name. To see a list of available executors in buildspec cache see querying buildspec executor.


By default all tests are run in buildspec file. The buildtest build --executor option discovers buildspecs if one of the test matches the executor name. The --executor option is not filtering tests but only discovering buildspecs.

In this example we run all tests that are associated to generic.local.csh executor.

buildtest build --executor generic.local.csh
$ buildtest build --executor generic.local.csh
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:46                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/csh_shell_examples.yml                                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/environment.yml                                                     ║
║ Total: 2                                                                     ║
                    Buildspecs by Executor=generic.local.csh                    
║ buildspecs                                                                   ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/environment.yml                                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/csh_shell_examples.yml                                              ║
║ Total: 2                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  2
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  2
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 2
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 4
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ csh_shel │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ csh      │ /home/d │
│ l/d17d08 │        │ local.cs │          │       │       │ shell    │ ocs/che │
│ 80       │        │ h        │          │       │       │ example  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /csh_sh │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ell_exa │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ mples.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ bash_env │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Declare  │ /home/d │
│ _variabl │        │ │          │       │       │ environm │ ocs/che │
│ es/cb582 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ ent      │ ckouts/ │
│ 3ff      │        │          │          │       │       │ variable │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s in     │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ default  │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ shell    │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ (bash)   │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /enviro │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nment.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ csh_env_ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ csh      │ /home/d │
│ declarat │        │ local.cs │          │       │       │ shell    │ ocs/che │
│ ion/1a4d │        │ h        │          │       │       │ example  │ ckouts/ │
│ 04e4     │        │          │          │       │       │ to       │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ declare  │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ environm │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ent      │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ variable │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s        │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /enviro │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nment.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ tcsh_env │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ tcsh     │ /home/d │
│ _declara │        │ local.cs │          │       │       │ shell    │ ocs/che │
│ tion/ebe │        │ h        │          │       │       │ example  │ ckouts/ │
│ 08afd    │        │          │          │       │       │ to       │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ declare  │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ environm │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ent      │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ variable │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s        │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /enviro │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ nment.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
csh_shell/d17d0880: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.csh/csh_shell_examples/csh_shell/d17d0880
bash_env_variables/cb5823ff: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/environment/bash_env_variables/cb5823ff
csh_env_declaration/1a4d04e4: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.csh/environment/csh_env_declaration/1a4d04e4
tcsh_env_declaration/ebe08afd: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.csh/environment/tcsh_env_declaration/ebe08afd
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
bash_env_variables/cb5823ff does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
tcsh_env_declaration/ebe08afd does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
csh_env_declaration/1a4d04e4 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
csh_shell/d17d0880 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
    Builders Eligible to Run     
┃ Builder                       ┃
│ bash_env_variables/cb5823ff   │
│ csh_env_declaration/1a4d04e4  │
│ csh_shell/d17d0880            │
│ tcsh_env_declaration/ebe08afd │
bash_env_variables/cb5823ff: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/environment/bash_env_variables/cb5823ff/stage
bash_env_variables/cb5823ff: Running Test via command: bash
bash_env_variables/cb5823ff: Test completed in 0.007546 seconds with returncode: 0
bash_env_variables/cb5823ff: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/environment/bash_env_variables/cb5823ff/bash_env_variables.out
bash_env_variables/cb5823ff: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/environment/bash_env_variables/cb5823ff/bash_env_variables.err
csh_env_declaration/1a4d04e4: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.csh/environment/csh_env_declaration/1a4d04e4/stage
csh_env_declaration/1a4d04e4: Running Test via command: bash
csh_env_declaration/1a4d04e4: Test completed in 2.141813 seconds with returncode: 0
csh_env_declaration/1a4d04e4: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.csh/environment/csh_env_declaration/1a4d04e4/csh_env_declaration.out
csh_env_declaration/1a4d04e4: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.csh/environment/csh_env_declaration/1a4d04e4/csh_env_declaration.err
csh_shell/d17d0880: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.csh/csh_shell_examples/csh_shell/d17d0880/stage
csh_shell/d17d0880: Running Test via command: bash
csh_shell/d17d0880: Test completed in 2.134163 seconds with returncode: 0
csh_shell/d17d0880: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.csh/csh_shell_examples/csh_shell/d17d0880/csh_shell.out
csh_shell/d17d0880: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.csh/csh_shell_examples/csh_shell/d17d0880/csh_shell.err
tcsh_env_declaration/ebe08afd: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.csh/environment/tcsh_env_declaration/ebe08afd/stage
tcsh_env_declaration/ebe08afd: Running Test via command: bash
tcsh_env_declaration/ebe08afd: Test completed in 0.013669 seconds with returncode: 0
tcsh_env_declaration/ebe08afd: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.csh/environment/tcsh_env_declaration/ebe08afd/tcsh_env_declaration.out
tcsh_env_declaration/ebe08afd: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.csh/environment/tcsh_env_declaration/ebe08afd/tcsh_env_declaration.err
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ bash_env_variables/cb58 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.008   │
│ 23ff                    │                    │        │            │         │
│ csh_shell/d17d0880      │ generic.local.csh  │ PASS   │ 0          │ 2.134   │
│ csh_env_declaration/1a4 │ generic.local.csh  │ PASS   │ 0          │ 2.142   │
│ d04e4                   │                    │        │            │         │
│ tcsh_env_declaration/eb │ generic.local.csh  │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.014   │
│ e08afd                  │                    │        │            │         │

Passed Tests: 4/4 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/4 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 4 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_jw9edsib.log


The --executor option can be appended to discover tests by multiple executors.

Filtering Buildspecs (buildtest build --filter)

buildtest has support for filtering buildspecs based on certain attributes defined in buildspec file. Upon Discover Buildspecs, buildtest will filter out tests or entire buildspec files. The buildtest build --filter option can be used to filter tests where the format is key1=val1;key2=val2,val3. The semicolon is used to specify multiple filter fields and the comma is used to specify multiple values for a given field.

To see all available filter fields you can run buildtest build --helpfilter and buildtest will report the fields followed by description.

buildtest build --helpfilter
$ buildtest build --helpfilter
                 Buildtest Filters                  
┃ Field       ┃ Description                        ┃
│ tags        │ Filter tests by 'tag' field        │
│ type        │ Filter test by 'type' field        │
│ maintainers │ Filter test by 'maintainers' field │

In this example, we will discover all buildspecs based on tagname pass and then filter each test by tagname pass specified by --filter tags=pass.

buildtest build -t pass --filter tags=pass
$ buildtest build -t pass --filter tags=pass
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:51                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║
                             Buildspecs By Tag=pass                             
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
[exit1_fail][/home/docs/checkouts/]: test is skipped because it is not in tag filter list: {'tags': ['pass']}
[returncode_list_mismatch][/home/docs/checkouts/]: test is skipped because it is not in tag filter list: {'tags': ['pass']}
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 2
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ exit1_pa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ report   │ /home/d │
│ ss/c6c51 │        │ │          │       │       │ exit 1   │ ocs/che │
│ 4a7      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ as PASS  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 128 │ /home/d │
│ de_int_m │        │ │          │       │       │ matches  │ ocs/che │
│ atch/b59 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ returnco │ ckouts/ │
│ 49a2e    │        │          │          │       │       │ de 128   │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
exit1_pass/c6c514a7: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/c6c514a7
returncode_int_match/b5949a2e: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/b5949a2e
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
exit1_pass/c6c514a7 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
returncode_int_match/b5949a2e does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
    Builders Eligible to Run     
┃ Builder                       ┃
│ exit1_pass/c6c514a7           │
│ returncode_int_match/b5949a2e │
exit1_pass/c6c514a7: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/c6c514a7/stage
exit1_pass/c6c514a7: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/c6c514a7: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_pass/c6c514a7 ─────────────────────

exit1_pass/c6c514a7: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_pass/c6c514a7: Run - 1/1
exit1_pass/c6c514a7: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/c6c514a7: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/c6c514a7: Test completed in 0.014872 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/c6c514a7: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/c6c514a7/exit1_pass.out
exit1_pass/c6c514a7: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/c6c514a7/exit1_pass.err
exit1_pass/c6c514a7: Checking returncode - 1 is matched in list [1]
returncode_int_match/b5949a2e: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/b5949a2e/stage
returncode_int_match/b5949a2e: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_int_match/b5949a2e: failed to submit job with returncode: 128
─────────────── Error Message for returncode_int_match/b5949a2e ────────────────

returncode_int_match/b5949a2e: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
returncode_int_match/b5949a2e: Run - 1/1
returncode_int_match/b5949a2e: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_int_match/b5949a2e: failed to submit job with returncode: 128
returncode_int_match/b5949a2e: Test completed in 0.014862 seconds with returncode: 128
returncode_int_match/b5949a2e: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/b5949a2e/returncode_int_match.out
returncode_int_match/b5949a2e: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/b5949a2e/returncode_int_match.err
returncode_int_match/b5949a2e: Checking returncode - 128 is matched in list [128]
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ returncode_int_match/b5 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 128        │ 0.015   │
│ 949a2e                  │                    │        │            │         │
│ exit1_pass/c6c514a7     │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 1          │ 0.015   │

Passed Tests: 2/2 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/2 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 2 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_k6m3f3fz.log

buildtest can run filter tests by maintainers, this can be useful if you want to run tests that you are maintainer. The maintainers field is set per buildspec and not each test. You can filter maintiners via --filter maintainers=<MAINTAINER_NAME>. If the maintainers field is not specified the buildspec will be filtered out if --filter maintainers is specified. In this next example, we will build all tests for maintainer @shahzebsiddiqui.

buildtest build -b tutorials --filter maintainers=@shahzebsiddiqui
$ buildtest build -b tutorials --filter maintainers=@shahzebsiddiqui
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:52                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/regex_on_filename.yml                                   ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/add_numbers.yml                                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/environment.yml                                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/invalid_tags.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/hello_world.yml                                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_linecount_invalid.yml                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/missing_required_in_metrics.yml                             ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/summary_example.yml                                                 ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/containers/run_script.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/compilation/compiler_exclude.yml                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_gt.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_exists_exception.yml                               ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/is_symlink.yml                                          ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/vars.yml                                                            ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/csh_shell_examples.yml                                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/containers/hello_world_singularity.yml                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/multi_executors/status_by_executors.yml                             ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/invalid_executor.yml                                                ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_count_filetype.yml                                 ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/skip_buildspec.yml                                                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_lt.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_ne.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_file_regex_with_invalid_linenum.yml                 ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_regex_with_invalid_linenum.yml                      ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/job_dependency/ex1.yml                                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_count_pattern.yml                                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/linecount.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/containers/container_executor/ubuntu.yml                            ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/sleep.yml                                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/contains.yml                                            ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_count.yml                                          ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/invalid_metric_name.yml                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/containers/hello_world.yml                                          ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/multi_executors/executors_var_env_declaration.yml                   ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/multi_executors/executor_scheduler.yml                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/containers/bind_mounts.yml                                          ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/maintainers_example.yml                                             ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-shell.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_linecount.yml                                      ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_regex.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/runtime_status_test.yml                                 ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/invalid_metrics.yml                                         ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/specify_regex_type.yml                                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_linecount_failure.yml                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/explicit_state.yml                                      ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/invalid_buildspec_section.yml                                       ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_file_regex_invalid_file.yml                         ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/shell_examples.yml                                                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_with_regex_type.yml                                 ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/compilation/stream.yml                                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_exists_with_number.yml                             ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/job_dependency/ex3.yml                                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-hello.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_le.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_range.yml                                        ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/tags_example.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/job_dependency/ex4.yml                                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/exists.yml                                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/job_dependency/ex2.yml                                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_file_regex_with_linenum.yml                         ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/mode.yml                                                ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_ge.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/burstbuffer_datawarp_executors.yml                                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_eq.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/gcc_version.yml                                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/multi_executors/executor_regex_script.yml                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_eq_exceptions.yml                                ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/compilation/hello_world_compilation.yml                             ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_and_dir_check.yml                                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/shebang.yml                                                         ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_regex_with_linenum.yml                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/skip_tests.yml                                                      ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/containers/run_commands.yml                                         ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_count_file_traverse_limit.yml                      ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/containers/container_executor/python_container.yml                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/status_regex.yml                                        ║
║ Total: 77                                                                    ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  77
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  77
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping all test since 'skip' is defined
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ unable to find maintainer: ['@shahzebsiddiqui'] in buildspec which contains the following maintainers: ['@johndoe', '@bobsmith'] therefore we skip this test
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping test because 'maintainers' field is not specified in buildspec.
Valid Buildspecs: 70
Invalid Buildspecs: 7
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ INVALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ INVALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ INVALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ INVALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ INVALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ INVALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ INVALID
                            Buildspecs Filtered out                             
┃ buildspecs                                                                   ┃
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
Total builder objects created: 1
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ hello_wo │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ hello    │ /home/d │
│ rld/30b5 │        │ │          │       │       │ world    │ ocs/che │
│ 3444     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ example  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /hello_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ world.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
hello_world/30b53444: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/30b53444
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
hello_world/30b53444 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
Builders Eligible to Run
┃ Builder              ┃
│ hello_world/30b53444 │
hello_world/30b53444: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/30b53444/stage
hello_world/30b53444: Running Test via command: bash
hello_world/30b53444: Test completed in 0.005958 seconds with returncode: 0
hello_world/30b53444: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/30b53444/hello_world.out
hello_world/30b53444: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/30b53444/hello_world.err
                                Test Summary                                 
┃ builder              ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ hello_world/30b53444 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │

Passed Tests: 1/1 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/1 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 1 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_wp8qa7hz.log

Please see Query Maintainers (buildtest buildspec maintainers) on list of maintainers and breakdown of buildspecs by maintainers.

We can also filter tests by type field in the buildspec which corresponds to the schema type. In this next example, we filter all tests by script schema type by passing option --filter type=script.

buildtest build -b tutorials --filter type=script --dry-run
$ buildtest build -b tutorials --filter type=script --dry-run
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:53                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_exists_with_number.yml                             ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_ge.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/containers/hello_world_singularity.yml                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_count_filetype.yml                                 ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/multi_executors/executors_var_env_declaration.yml                   ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/compilation/hello_world_compilation.yml                             ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_file_regex_invalid_file.yml                         ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/runtime_status_test.yml                                 ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/gcc_version.yml                                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_gt.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/containers/bind_mounts.yml                                          ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/multi_executors/executor_scheduler.yml                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/contains.yml                                            ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/job_dependency/ex3.yml                                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/burstbuffer_datawarp_executors.yml                                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/regex_on_filename.yml                                   ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/invalid_executor.yml                                                ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/exists.yml                                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/is_symlink.yml                                          ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/explicit_state.yml                                      ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-shell.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/environment.yml                                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/job_dependency/ex1.yml                                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/maintainers_example.yml                                             ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_count_file_traverse_limit.yml                      ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/mode.yml                                                ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/hello_world.yml                                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_range.yml                                        ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/vars.yml                                                            ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_with_regex_type.yml                                 ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_linecount_invalid.yml                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_regex_with_linenum.yml                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/sleep.yml                                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/multi_executors/executor_regex_script.yml                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/compilation/compiler_exclude.yml                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/status_regex.yml                                        ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_eq.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/shell_examples.yml                                                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/specify_regex_type.yml                                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_lt.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_regex.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_count.yml                                          ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/csh_shell_examples.yml                                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/skip_buildspec.yml                                                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/invalid_metrics.yml                                         ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/skip_tests.yml                                                      ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_and_dir_check.yml                                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_regex_with_invalid_linenum.yml                      ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/summary_example.yml                                                 ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_exists_exception.yml                               ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_file_regex_with_linenum.yml                         ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/compilation/stream.yml                                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/invalid_buildspec_section.yml                                       ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/invalid_tags.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/job_dependency/ex4.yml                                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_linecount_failure.yml                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/linecount.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_eq_exceptions.yml                                ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/missing_required_in_metrics.yml                             ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_linecount.yml                                      ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/tags_example.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/containers/container_executor/python_container.yml                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/containers/container_executor/ubuntu.yml                            ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/shebang.yml                                                         ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_ne.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/add_numbers.yml                                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/perf_checks/assert_le.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/containers/run_commands.yml                                         ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/containers/run_script.yml                                           ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/invalid_metric_name.yml                                     ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/file_count_pattern.yml                                  ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/job_dependency/ex2.yml                                              ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-hello.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/multi_executors/status_by_executors.yml                             ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/metrics/metrics_file_regex_with_invalid_linenum.yml                 ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/containers/hello_world.yml                                          ║
║ Total: 77                                                                    ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  77
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  77
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
[compiler_exclude_example][/home/docs/checkouts/]: Unable to find any compilers based on regular expression: ['gcc'] so no tests were created.
/home/docs/checkouts/ skipping all test since 'skip' is defined
skip: skipping test due to 'skip' property.
Valid Buildspecs: 70
Invalid Buildspecs: 7
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ INVALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ INVALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ INVALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ INVALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ INVALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ INVALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ INVALID
                            Buildspecs Filtered out                             
┃ buildspecs                                                                   ┃
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
Total builder objects created: 115
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descrip ┃ buildspe ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ tion    ┃ cs       ┃
│ file_exi │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ this    │ /home/do │
│ sts_pass │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ /1669ca8 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ will    │ outs/rea │
│ f        │        │          │          │       │       │ pass    │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /file_ex │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ists_wit │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ h_number │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .yml     │
│ stream_t │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Run     │ /home/do │
│ est/1911 │        │ │          │       │       │ stream  │ cs/check │
│ f09f     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ test    │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ with    │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ metrics │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ example │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ using   │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ assert  │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ greater │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ equal   │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/per │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ f_checks │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /assert_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ge.yml   │
│ hello_wo │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ run     │ /home/do │
│ rld_sing │        │ │          │       │       │ hello-w │ cs/check │
│ ularity/ │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ orld    │ outs/rea │
│ b312d01b │        │          │          │       │       │ contain │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ er      │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ using   │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ singula │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ rity    │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/con │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tainers/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ hello_wo │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rld_sing │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ularity. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ file_cou │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Count   │ /home/do │
│ nt_by_fi │        │ │          │       │       │ the     │ cs/check │
│ letype/0 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ number  │ outs/rea │
│ f38d3ef  │        │          │          │       │       │ of      │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ directo │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ries    │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ symboli │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ c links │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /file_co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ unt_file │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ type.yml │
│ executor │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Declari │ /home/do │
│ s_vars_e │        │ │          │       │       │ ng env  │ cs/check │
│ nv_decla │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ and     │ outs/rea │
│ ration/3 │        │          │          │       │       │ vars by │ dthedocs │
│ fbe0ce4  │        │          │          │       │       │ executo │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ rs      │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ section │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/mul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ti_execu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tors/exe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ cutors_v │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ar_env_d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ eclarati │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ on.yml   │
│ executor │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Declari │ /home/do │
│ s_vars_e │        │ │          │       │       │ ng env  │ cs/check │
│ nv_decla │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ outs/rea │
│ ration/8 │        │          │          │       │       │ vars by │ dthedocs │
│ e6146ad  │        │          │          │       │       │ executo │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ rs      │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ section │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/mul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ti_execu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tors/exe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ cutors_v │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ar_env_d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ eclarati │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ on.yml   │
│ hello_wo │ script │ generic. │ builtin_ │ None  │ None  │ Hello   │ /home/do │
│ rld_c_cp │        │ │ gcc      │       │       │ world   │ cs/check │
│ p/38848d │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ compila │ outs/rea │
│ ef       │        │          │          │       │       │ tion in │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ C and   │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ C++     │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/com │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ pilation │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /hello_w │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ orld_com │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ pilation │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .yml     │
│ metric_f │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ capture │ /home/do │
│ ile_rege │        │ │          │       │       │ result  │ cs/check │
│ x_invali │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ metric  │ outs/rea │
│ d_file/5 │        │          │          │       │       │ from    │ dthedocs │
│ 2a8d1a3  │        │          │          │       │       │ file    │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ path    │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ when we │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ have    │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ invalid │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ file    │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ path    │ ials/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics_fil │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ e_regex_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ invalid_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ file.yml │
│ timelimi │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Run a   │ /home/do │
│ t_min_ma │        │ │          │       │       │ sleep   │ cs/check │
│ x/2d5bdd │        │          │          │       │       │ job for │ outs/rea │
│ 34       │        │          │          │       │       │ 2       │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ seconds │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ test    │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ pass if │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ its     │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ within  │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 1.0-3.0 │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ sec     │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /runtime │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _status_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ test.yml │
│ timelimi │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Run a   │ /home/do │
│ t_min/24 │        │ │          │       │       │ sleep   │ cs/check │
│ 185cce   │        │          │          │       │       │ job for │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 2       │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ seconds │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ test    │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ pass if │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ its     │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ exceeds │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ min     │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ time of │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 1.0 sec │ /runtime │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _status_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ test.yml │
│ timelimi │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Run a   │ /home/do │
│ t_max/15 │        │ │          │       │       │ sleep   │ cs/check │
│ ac74d0   │        │          │          │       │       │ job for │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 2       │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ seconds │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ test    │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ pass if │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ it's    │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ within  │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ max     │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ time:   │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 5.0 sec │ /runtime │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _status_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ test.yml │
│ timelimi │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ t_min_fa │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ il/85c85 │        │          │          │       │       │ fails   │ outs/rea │
│ a1f      │        │          │          │       │       │ because │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ it runs │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ less    │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ than    │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ mintime │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ of 10   │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ second  │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /runtime │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _status_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ test.yml │
│ timelimi │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ t_max_fa │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ il/70399 │        │          │          │       │       │ fails   │ outs/rea │
│ f2b      │        │          │          │       │       │ because │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ it      │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ exceeds │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ maxtime │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ of 1.0  │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ second  │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /runtime │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _status_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ test.yml │
│ gcc_vers │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Print   │ /home/do │
│ ion/b4fe │        │ │          │       │       │ gcc     │ cs/check │
│ 70e3     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ version │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/gcc │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _version │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .yml     │
│ assert_g │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Run     │ /home/do │
│ t_exampl │        │ │          │       │       │ stream  │ cs/check │
│ e/2521b2 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ test    │ outs/rea │
│ 55       │        │          │          │       │       │ with    │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ metrics │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ example │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ using   │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ assert  │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ greater │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ than.   │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/per │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ f_checks │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /assert_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ gt.yml   │
│ bind_mou │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ run a   │ /home/do │
│ nt_in_co │        │ │          │       │       │ python  │ cs/check │
│ ntainer/ │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ script  │ outs/rea │
│ 3efac00e │        │          │          │       │       │ in      │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ contain │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ er      │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/con │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tainers/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ bind_mou │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ nts.yml  │
│ executor │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Declari │ /home/do │
│ s_sbatch │        │ │          │       │       │ ng env  │ cs/check │
│ _declara │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ and     │ outs/rea │
│ tion/d95 │        │          │          │       │       │ vars by │ dthedocs │
│ d1c57    │        │          │          │       │       │ executo │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ rs      │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ section │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/mul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ti_execu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tors/exe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ cutor_sc │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ heduler. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ executor │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Declari │ /home/do │
│ s_sbatch │        │ │          │       │       │ ng env  │ cs/check │
│ _declara │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ outs/rea │
│ tion/58f │        │          │          │       │       │ vars by │ dthedocs │
│ 7a320    │        │          │          │       │       │ executo │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ rs      │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ section │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/mul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ti_execu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tors/exe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ cutor_sc │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ heduler. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ contains │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Status  │ /home/do │
│ _and_not │        │ │          │       │       │ check   │ cs/check │
│ _contain │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ based   │ outs/rea │
│ s/7a1ae5 │        │          │          │       │       │ on      │ dthedocs │
│ aa       │        │          │          │       │       │ contain │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s and   │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ not     │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ contain │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s where │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ test    │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ pass    │ ials/per │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ f_checks │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /contain │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ s.yml    │
│ assert_c │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Status  │ /home/do │
│ ontains_ │        │ │          │       │       │ check   │ cs/check │
│ fail/3f1 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ based   │ outs/rea │
│ 9653c    │        │          │          │       │       │ on      │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ contain │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s where │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ test    │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ fails   │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/per │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ f_checks │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /contain │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ s.yml    │
│ pass_tes │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ t/6eb50e │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ cb       │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ will    │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ always  │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ pass    │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/job │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _depende │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ncy/ex3. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ fail_tes │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ t/8d00c1 │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ 38       │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ will    │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ run if  │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ test    │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 'pass_t │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ est' is │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ in      │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ state   │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 'PASS'  │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/job │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _depende │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ncy/ex3. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ pass_and │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ _fail_te │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ st/4138b │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ will    │ outs/rea │
│ d8c      │        │          │          │       │       │ run if  │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ pass_te │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ st is   │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 'PASS'  │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ fail_te │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ st is   │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 'FAIL'  │ ials/job │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _depende │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ncy/ex3. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ final_te │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Test    │ /home/do │
│ st/78055 │        │ │          │       │       │ will    │ cs/check │
│ 643      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ run     │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ after   │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 'pass_t │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ est',   │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 'fail_t │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ est',   │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 'pass_a │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ nd_fail │ ials/job │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ _test'  │ _depende │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ncy/ex3. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ create_b │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Create  │ /home/do │
│ urst_buf │        │ │          │       │       │ a burst │ cs/check │
│ fer_exec │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ buffer  │ outs/rea │
│ utors/8d │        │          │          │       │       │ for     │ dthedocs │
│ bc12c4   │        │          │          │       │       │ multipl │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ e       │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ executo │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ rs      │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/bur │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ stbuffer │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _datawar │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ p_execut │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ors.yml  │
│ create_b │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Create  │ /home/do │
│ urst_buf │        │ │          │       │       │ a burst │ cs/check │
│ fer_exec │        │          │          │       │       │ buffer  │ outs/rea │
│ utors/3a │        │          │          │       │       │ for     │ dthedocs │
│ a0cd30   │        │          │          │       │       │ multipl │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ e       │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ executo │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ rs      │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/bur │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ stbuffer │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _datawar │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ p_execut │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ors.yml  │
│ regex_on │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Test    │ /home/do │
│ _multipl │        │ │          │       │       │ regex   │ cs/check │
│ e_files/ │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ on      │ outs/rea │
│ 2f1aaccb │        │          │          │       │       │ multipl │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ e files │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /regex_o │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ n_filena │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ me.yml   │
│ regex_on │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Test    │ /home/do │
│ _directo │        │ │          │       │       │ regex   │ cs/check │
│ ry_not_s │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ on      │ outs/rea │
│ upported │        │          │          │       │       │ directo │ dthedocs │
│ /274447d │        │          │          │       │       │ ry is   │ .org/use │
│ 4        │        │          │          │       │       │ not     │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ support │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ed      │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /regex_o │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ n_filena │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ me.yml   │
│ file_exp │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Test    │ /home/do │
│ ansion_s │        │ │          │       │       │ regex   │ cs/check │
│ upported │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ with    │ outs/rea │
│ /3affce6 │        │          │          │       │       │ variabl │ dthedocs │
│ 1        │        │          │          │       │       │ e and   │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ shell   │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ expansi │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ on      │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /regex_o │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ n_filena │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ me.yml   │
│ status_e │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ status  │ /home/do │
│ xists/46 │        │ │          │       │       │ check   │ cs/check │
│ d3726d   │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ based   │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ for     │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ file    │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ directo │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ry      │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /exists. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ status_e │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ status  │ /home/do │
│ xists_fa │        │ │          │       │       │ check   │ cs/check │
│ ilure/3d │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ failure │ outs/rea │
│ a5f4a1   │        │          │          │       │       │ for     │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ existen │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ce      │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /exists. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ symlink_ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ status  │ /home/do │
│ test/123 │        │ │          │       │       │ check   │ cs/check │
│ c80d4    │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ based   │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ on      │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ symboli │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ c link  │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /is_syml │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ink.yml  │
│ always_p │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ ass/83a7 │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ 264f     │        │          │          │       │       │ will    │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ always  │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 'PASS'  │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /explici │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_state. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ always_f │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ ail/703d │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ 37f2     │        │          │          │       │       │ will    │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ always  │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 'FAIL'  │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /explici │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_state. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ test_fai │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ l_return │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ code_mat │        │          │          │       │       │ will    │ outs/rea │
│ ch/3dca6 │        │          │          │       │       │ 'FAIL'  │ dthedocs │
│ dcf      │        │          │          │       │       │ even if │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ we have │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ returnc │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ode     │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ match   │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /explici │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_state. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ test_pas │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ s_return │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ code_mis │        │          │          │       │       │ will    │ outs/rea │
│ match/ab │        │          │          │       │       │ 'PASS'  │ dthedocs │
│ 60aa5c   │        │          │          │       │       │ even if │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ we have │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ returnc │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ode     │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ mismatc │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ h       │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /explici │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_state. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ circle_a │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Calcula │ /home/do │
│ rea/4db5 │        │ │          │       │       │ te      │ cs/check │
│ 09fa     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ circle  │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ of area │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ given a │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ radius  │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/pyt │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ hon-shel │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ l.yml    │
│ bash_env │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Declare │ /home/do │
│ _variabl │        │ │          │       │       │ environ │ cs/check │
│ es/8eacf │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ ment    │ outs/rea │
│ 19f      │        │          │          │       │       │ variabl │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ es in   │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ default │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ shell   │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ (bash)  │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/env │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ironment │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .yml     │
│ csh_env_ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ csh     │ /home/do │
│ declarat │        │ local.cs │          │       │       │ shell   │ cs/check │
│ ion/d2e2 │        │ h        │          │       │       │ example │ outs/rea │
│ c6bc     │        │          │          │       │       │ to      │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ declare │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ environ │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ment    │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ variabl │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ es      │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/env │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ironment │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .yml     │
│ tcsh_env │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ tcsh    │ /home/do │
│ _declara │        │ local.cs │          │       │       │ shell   │ cs/check │
│ tion/a01 │        │ h        │          │       │       │ example │ outs/rea │
│ 88b6f    │        │          │          │       │       │ to      │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ declare │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ environ │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ment    │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ variabl │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ es      │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/env │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ironment │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .yml     │
│ jobA/269 │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ no job  │ /home/do │
│ bb338    │        │ │          │       │       │ depende │ cs/check │
│          │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ ncy     │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/job │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _depende │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ncy/ex1. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ jobB/cb1 │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ job     │ /home/do │
│ 5bd86    │        │ │          │       │       │ depende │ cs/check │
│          │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ ncy on  │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ jobA    │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/job │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _depende │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ncy/ex1. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ jobC/024 │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ job     │ /home/do │
│ c44a7    │        │ │          │       │       │ depende │ cs/check │
│          │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ ncy on  │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ jobA    │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ jobB    │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/job │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _depende │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ncy/ex1. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ foo_bar/ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ prints  │ /home/do │
│ b6fcd8fd │        │ │          │       │       │ variabl │ cs/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ e $FOO  │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/mai │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ntainers │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _example │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .yml     │
│ file_tra │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Use of  │ /home/do │
│ verse_li │        │ │          │       │       │ file_tr │ cs/check │
│ mit/45f2 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ averse_ │ outs/rea │
│ b2d5     │        │          │          │       │       │ limit   │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ to      │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ limit   │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ number  │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ of      │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ files   │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ searche │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ d in a  │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ directo │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ry      │ /file_co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ unt_file │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _travers │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ e_limit. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ status_l │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Using   │ /home/do │
│ ogical_a │        │ │          │       │       │ logical │ cs/check │
│ nd/d2f7b │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ AND to  │ outs/rea │
│ f9a      │        │          │          │       │       │ check   │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ status  │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /mode.ym │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ l        │
│ status_l │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Using   │ /home/do │
│ ogical_o │        │ │          │       │       │ logical │ cs/check │
│ r/ab978e │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ OR to   │ outs/rea │
│ 14       │        │          │          │       │       │ check   │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ status  │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /mode.ym │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ l        │
│ hello_wo │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ hello   │ /home/do │
│ rld/4d23 │        │ │          │       │       │ world   │ cs/check │
│ b479     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ example │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/hel │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ lo_world │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .yml     │
│ assert_r │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Example │ /home/do │
│ ange_ex/ │        │ │          │       │       │ on      │ cs/check │
│ 48860fb3 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ assert_ │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ range   │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/per │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ f_checks │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /assert_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ range.ym │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ l        │
│ variable │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Declare │ /home/do │
│ s_bash/4 │        │ │          │       │       │ shell   │ cs/check │
│ 731f687  │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ variabl │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ es in   │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ bash    │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/var │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ s.yml    │
│ metric_r │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ capture │ /home/do │
│ egex_exa │        │ │          │       │       │ metric  │ cs/check │
│ mple_wit │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ with    │ outs/rea │
│ h_re/89c │        │          │          │       │       │ differe │ dthedocs │
│ d32ba    │        │          │          │       │       │ nt      │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ regex   │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ types   │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics_wit │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ h_regex_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ type.yml │
│ metric_r │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ capture │ /home/do │
│ egex_wit │        │ │          │       │       │ result  │ cs/check │
│ h_linenu │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ metric  │ outs/rea │
│ m_exampl │        │          │          │       │       │ from    │ dthedocs │
│ e/878397 │        │          │          │       │       │ output  │ .org/use │
│ 83       │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics_reg │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ex_with_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ linenum. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ sleep/8b │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ sleep 2 │ /home/do │
│ 1f318d   │        │ │          │       │       │ seconds │ cs/check │
│          │        │ sh       │          │       │       │         │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/sle │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ep.yml   │
│ multiple │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ run     │ /home/do │
│ _executo │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ rs/86d18 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ with    │ outs/rea │
│ 560      │        │          │          │       │       │ executo │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ r       │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ generic │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ .local. │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ bash    │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ generic │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ .local. │ ials/mul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ sh      │ ti_execu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ executo │ tors/exe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ r       │ cutor_re │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ gex_scri │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ pt.yml   │
│ multiple │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ run     │ /home/do │
│ _executo │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ rs/6e430 │        │          │          │       │       │ with    │ outs/rea │
│ 2ef      │        │          │          │       │       │ executo │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ r       │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ generic │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ .local. │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ bash    │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ generic │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ .local. │ ials/mul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ sh      │ ti_execu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ executo │ tors/exe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ r       │ cutor_re │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ gex_scri │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ pt.yml   │
│ status_r │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Pass    │ /home/do │
│ egex_std │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ out_pass │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ based   │ outs/rea │
│ /e052ec3 │        │          │          │       │       │ on      │ dthedocs │
│ d        │        │          │          │       │       │ regular │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ express │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ion     │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /status_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ regex.ym │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ l        │
│ status_r │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Pass    │ /home/do │
│ egex_std │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ out_fail │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ based   │ outs/rea │
│ /3c65516 │        │          │          │       │       │ on      │ dthedocs │
│ e        │        │          │          │       │       │ regular │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ express │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ion     │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /status_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ regex.ym │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ l        │
│ status_r │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Pass    │ /home/do │
│ egex_std │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ err_pass │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ based   │ outs/rea │
│ /6aa8ab3 │        │          │          │       │       │ on      │ dthedocs │
│ 9        │        │          │          │       │       │ regular │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ express │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ion     │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /status_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ regex.ym │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ l        │
│ status_r │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Pass    │ /home/do │
│ egex_std │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ err_fail │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ based   │ outs/rea │
│ /4530686 │        │          │          │       │       │ on      │ dthedocs │
│ 3        │        │          │          │       │       │ regular │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ express │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ion     │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /status_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ regex.ym │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ l        │
│ assert_e │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Test    │ /home/do │
│ q_exampl │        │ │          │       │       │ for     │ cs/check │
│ e/6e4664 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ assert  │ outs/rea │
│ db       │        │          │          │       │       │ equalit │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ y       │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/per │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ f_checks │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /assert_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ eq.yml   │
│ exit1_fa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 1  │ /home/do │
│ il/9c7a6 │        │ │          │       │       │ by      │ cs/check │
│ 768      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ default │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ is FAIL │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /pass_re │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ turncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .yml     │
│ exit1_pa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ report  │ /home/do │
│ ss/570de │        │ │          │       │       │ exit 1  │ cs/check │
│ 81e      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ as PASS │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /pass_re │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ turncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .yml     │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 2  │ /home/do │
│ de_list_ │        │ │          │       │       │ failed  │ cs/check │
│ mismatch │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ since   │ outs/rea │
│ /3333150 │        │          │          │       │       │ it      │ dthedocs │
│ 9        │        │          │          │       │       │ failed  │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ to      │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ match   │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ returnc │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ode 1   │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /pass_re │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ turncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .yml     │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit    │ /home/do │
│ de_int_m │        │ │          │       │       │ 128     │ cs/check │
│ atch/946 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ matches │ outs/rea │
│ fc7ee    │        │          │          │       │       │ returnc │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ode 128 │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /pass_re │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ turncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .yml     │
│ _bin_sh_ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ /bin/sh │ /home/do │
│ shell/ae │        │ │          │       │       │ shell   │ cs/check │
│ aa29c4   │        │          │          │       │       │ example │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/she │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ll_examp │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ les.yml  │
│ _bin_bas │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ /bin/ba │ /home/do │
│ h_shell/ │        │ │          │       │       │ sh      │ cs/check │
│ d5848cd8 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ shell   │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ example │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/she │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ll_examp │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ les.yml  │
│ bash_she │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ bash    │ /home/do │
│ ll/b65d1 │        │ │          │       │       │ shell   │ cs/check │
│ e23      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ example │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/she │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ll_examp │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ les.yml  │
│ sh_shell │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ sh      │ /home/do │
│ /50bc30b │        │ │          │       │       │ shell   │ cs/check │
│ e        │        │          │          │       │       │ example │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/she │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ll_examp │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ les.yml  │
│ shell_op │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ shell   │ /home/do │
│ tions/26 │        │ │          │       │       │ options │ cs/check │
│ eabeaa   │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/she │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ll_examp │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ les.yml  │
│ re.searc │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Test    │ /home/do │
│ h.stdout │        │ │          │       │       │ re.sear │ cs/check │
│ /a25ddc7 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ ch on   │ outs/rea │
│ 1        │        │          │          │       │       │ stdout  │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /specify │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _regex_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ype.yml  │
│ re.match │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Test    │ /home/do │
│ .stdout/ │        │ │          │       │       │ re.matc │ cs/check │
│ 08becb11 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ h on    │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ stdout  │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /specify │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _regex_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ype.yml  │
│ re.fullm │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Test    │ /home/do │
│ atch.std │        │ │          │       │       │ re.full │ cs/check │
│ out/594e │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ match   │ outs/rea │
│ 58b5     │        │          │          │       │       │ on      │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ stdout  │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /specify │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _regex_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ype.yml  │
│ re.match │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Test    │ /home/do │
│ _on_file │        │ │          │       │       │ re.matc │ cs/check │
│ _regex/9 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ h on    │ outs/rea │
│ 3ff6425  │        │          │          │       │       │ file    │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ regex   │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /specify │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _regex_t │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ype.yml  │
│ assert_l │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Run     │ /home/do │
│ t_exampl │        │ │          │       │       │ stream  │ cs/check │
│ e/52742d │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ test    │ outs/rea │
│ cf       │        │          │          │       │       │ with    │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ metrics │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ example │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ using   │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ assert  │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ less    │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ than    │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/per │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ f_checks │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /assert_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ lt.yml   │
│ metric_r │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ capture │ /home/do │
│ egex_exa │        │ │          │       │       │ result  │ cs/check │
│ mple/b5d │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ metric  │ outs/rea │
│ d7a76    │        │          │          │       │       │ from    │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ output  │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics_reg │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ex.yml   │
│ metric_f │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ capture │ /home/do │
│ ile_rege │        │ │          │       │       │ result  │ cs/check │
│ x/186825 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ metric  │ outs/rea │
│ 92       │        │          │          │       │       │ from    │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ file    │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ path    │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics_reg │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ex.yml   │
│ file_cou │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ file    │ /home/do │
│ nt_on_di │        │ │          │       │       │ count   │ cs/check │
│ rectory/ │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ check   │ outs/rea │
│ 0c41fc2c │        │          │          │       │       │ in      │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ directo │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ry      │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /file_co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ unt.yml  │
│ file_cou │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ file    │ /home/do │
│ nt_by_ex │        │ │          │       │       │ count   │ cs/check │
│ tension/ │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ by      │ outs/rea │
│ 9a9dc43f │        │          │          │       │       │ extensi │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ on      │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /file_co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ unt.yml  │
│ csh_shel │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ csh     │ /home/do │
│ l/3e3b35 │        │ local.cs │          │       │       │ shell   │ cs/check │
│ bf       │        │ h        │          │       │       │ example │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/csh │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _shell_e │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ xamples. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ unskippe │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ d/0f0d6f │        │ │          │       │       │ test is │ cs/check │
│ 2c       │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ not     │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ skipped │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/ski │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ p_tests. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ file_and │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ status  │ /home/do │
│ _dir_che │        │ │          │       │       │ check   │ cs/check │
│ cks/e90d │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ for     │ outs/rea │
│ c87a     │        │          │          │       │       │ files   │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ directo │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ries    │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /file_an │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ d_dir_ch │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ eck.yml  │
│ combined │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ status  │ /home/do │
│ _file_an │        │ │          │       │       │ check   │ cs/check │
│ d_dir_ch │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ for     │ outs/rea │
│ ecks/fc4 │        │          │          │       │       │ files   │ dthedocs │
│ 4950e    │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ directo │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ries    │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /file_an │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ d_dir_ch │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ eck.yml  │
│ metric_r │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ invalid │ /home/do │
│ egex_lin │        │ │          │       │       │ linenum │ cs/check │
│ enum_fai │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ can     │ outs/rea │
│ lure_exa │        │          │          │       │       │ result  │ dthedocs │
│ mple/ba9 │        │          │          │       │       │ in      │ .org/use │
│ f36e2    │        │          │          │       │       │ failure │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics_reg │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ex_with_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ invalid_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ linenum. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ summary_ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ The     │ /home/do │
│ example/ │        │ │          │       │       │ summary │ cs/check │
│ ae43e6ef │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ field   │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ can be  │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ a       │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ multi-l │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ine     │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ string  │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ exceed  │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 80 char │ ials/sum │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ mary_exa │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ mple.yml │
│ metric_f │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ capture │ /home/do │
│ ile_rege │        │ │          │       │       │ result  │ cs/check │
│ x_with_l │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ metric  │ outs/rea │
│ inenum_e │        │          │          │       │       │ from    │ dthedocs │
│ xample/3 │        │          │          │       │       │ file    │ .org/use │
│ 8230052  │        │          │          │       │       │ path    │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics_fil │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ e_regex_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ with_lin │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ enum.yml │
│ stream_o │ script │ generic. │ builtin_ │ None  │ None  │ STREAM  │ /home/do │
│ penmp_c/ │        │ │ gcc      │       │       │ Microbe │ cs/check │
│ 97d3b830 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ nchmark │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │  C Test │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ with    │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ OpenMP  │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/com │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ pilation │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /stream. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ runtime_ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ test/f2b │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ 6612b    │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ will    │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ sleep 5 │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ second  │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ but     │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ will    │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ fail    │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ due to  │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ runtime │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ 2sec    │ ials/job │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _depende │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ncy/ex4. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ runtime_ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ test_pas │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ s/7c4124 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ will    │ outs/rea │
│ 35       │        │          │          │       │       │ run     │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ when    │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ runtime │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ _test_p │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ass is  │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ PASS    │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/job │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _depende │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ncy/ex4. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ runtime_ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ test_fai │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ l/5627f3 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ will    │ outs/rea │
│ 66       │        │          │          │       │       │ run     │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ when    │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ runtime │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ _test_p │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ass is  │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ FAIL    │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/job │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _depende │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ncy/ex4. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ file_lin │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Perform │ /home/do │
│ ecount_e │        │ │          │       │       │ ing     │ cs/check │
│ xception │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ file    │ outs/rea │
│ s/0388d8 │        │          │          │       │       │ count   │ dthedocs │
│ d3       │        │          │          │       │       │ on      │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ directo │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ry or   │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ invalid │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ files   │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ can     │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ result  │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ in      │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ failure │ /file_li │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ necount_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ failure. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ linecoun │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Write   │ /home/do │
│ t_stdout │        │ │          │       │       │ 10      │ cs/check │
│ /277c960 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ lines   │ outs/rea │
│ 8        │        │          │          │       │       │ to      │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ stdout  │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and run │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ linecou │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ nt      │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ check   │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /linecou │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ nt.yml   │
│ linecoun │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Write   │ /home/do │
│ t_stderr │        │ │          │       │       │ 10      │ cs/check │
│ _mismatc │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ lines   │ outs/rea │
│ h/a34081 │        │          │          │       │       │ to      │ dthedocs │
│ b2       │        │          │          │       │       │ stderr  │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and run │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ linecou │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ nt      │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ check   │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /linecou │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ nt.yml   │
│ assert_e │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ An      │ /home/do │
│ q_invali │        │ │          │       │       │ invalid │ cs/check │
│ d_metric │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ metric  │ outs/rea │
│ /c490442 │        │          │          │       │       │ name    │ dthedocs │
│ 1        │        │          │          │       │       │ will    │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ cause   │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ failure │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/per │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ f_checks │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /assert_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ eq_excep │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tions.ym │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ l        │
│ assert_e │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ q_mismat │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│ ch/2ceb7 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ will    │ outs/rea │
│ a45      │        │          │          │       │       │ fail    │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ because │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ there   │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ is a    │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ mismatc │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ h in    │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ metric  │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ x       │ ials/per │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ assert  │ f_checks │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ equalit │ /assert_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ y       │ eq_excep │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tions.ym │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ l        │
│ file_lin │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Perform │ /home/do │
│ ecount/f │        │ │          │       │       │ linecou │ cs/check │
│ 102ac17  │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ nt      │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ compari │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ son on  │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ files   │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /file_li │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ necount. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ string_t │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ tags    │ /home/do │
│ ag/fa3fc │        │ │          │       │       │ can be  │ cs/check │
│ a84      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ a       │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ string  │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tag │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ s_exampl │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ e.yml    │
│ list_of_ │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ tags    │ /home/do │
│ strings_ │        │ │          │       │       │ can be  │ cs/check │
│ tags/205 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ a list  │ outs/rea │
│ 56dc3    │        │          │          │       │       │ of      │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ strings │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tag │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ s_exampl │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ e.yml    │
│ bash_log │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ customi │ /home/do │
│ in_sheba │        │ │          │       │       │ ze      │ cs/check │
│ ng/f8643 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ shebang │ outs/rea │
│ a4f      │        │          │          │       │       │ line    │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ with    │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ bash    │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ login   │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ shell   │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/she │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ bang.yml │
│ bash_non │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ customi │ /home/do │
│ login_sh │        │ │          │       │       │ ze      │ cs/check │
│ ebang/ed │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ shebang │ outs/rea │
│ 8f9a3a   │        │          │          │       │       │ line    │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ with    │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ default │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ bash    │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ (nonlog │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ in)     │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ shell   │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/she │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ bang.yml │
│ assert_n │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Test    │ /home/do │
│ e_exampl │        │ │          │       │       │ for     │ cs/check │
│ e/5208e8 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ assert  │ outs/rea │
│ 26       │        │          │          │       │       │ not     │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ equal   │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/per │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ f_checks │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /assert_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ne.yml   │
│ add_numb │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Add X+Y │ /home/do │
│ ers/706e │        │ │          │       │       │         │ cs/check │
│ 823f     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │         │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/add │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _numbers │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .yml     │
│ assert_l │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Run     │ /home/do │
│ e_exampl │        │ │          │       │       │ stream  │ cs/check │
│ e/5d3d5a │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ test    │ outs/rea │
│ e3       │        │          │          │       │       │ with    │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ metrics │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ example │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ using   │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ assert  │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ less    │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ than    │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ equal   │ ials/per │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ f_checks │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /assert_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ le.yml   │
│ containe │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ run     │ /home/do │
│ r_comman │        │ │          │       │       │ arbitra │ cs/check │
│ ds_ubunt │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ ry      │ outs/rea │
│ u/647a81 │        │          │          │       │       │ linux   │ dthedocs │
│ cc       │        │          │          │       │       │ command │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s in    │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ubuntu  │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ contain │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ er      │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/con │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tainers/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ run_comm │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ands.yml │
│ containe │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ run     │ /home/do │
│ r_option │        │ │          │       │       │ arbitra │ cs/check │
│ s/6e7a33 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ ry      │ outs/rea │
│ 88       │        │          │          │       │       │ linux   │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ command │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s in    │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ubuntu  │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ contain │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ er      │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/con │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tainers/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ run_comm │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ands.yml │
│ run_scri │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ run a   │ /home/do │
│ pt_in_co │        │ │          │       │       │ python  │ cs/check │
│ ntainer/ │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ script  │ outs/rea │
│ 9a3505f6 │        │          │          │       │       │ in      │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ contain │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ er      │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/con │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tainers/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ run_scri │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ pt.yml   │
│ file_cou │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ file    │ /home/do │
│ nt_by_ex │        │ │          │       │       │ count   │ cs/check │
│ pression │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ by      │ outs/rea │
│ /eac106e │        │          │          │       │       │ express │ dthedocs │
│ 6        │        │          │          │       │       │ ion     │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /file_co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ unt_patt │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ern.yml  │
│ file_ext │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ file    │ /home/do │
│ ension_a │        │ │          │       │       │ count   │ cs/check │
│ nd_filep │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ by file │ outs/rea │
│ attern/5 │        │          │          │       │       │ extensi │ dthedocs │
│ 6545448  │        │          │          │       │       │ on and  │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ file    │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ pattern │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/tes │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ t_status │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /file_co │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ unt_patt │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ern.yml  │
│ test1/57 │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ b8d9c8   │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│          │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ will    │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ pass    │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ with    │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ exit 1  │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/job │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _depende │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ncy/ex2. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ test2/fa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ 02a18a   │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│          │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ will    │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ run if  │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ test1   │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ has     │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ returnc │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ode 1   │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/job │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ _depende │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ncy/ex2. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ test3/81 │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ This    │ /home/do │
│ 7fbec0   │        │ │          │       │       │ test    │ cs/check │
│          │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ will    │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ run if  │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ test1   │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ has     │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ returnc │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ode 1   │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ and     │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ test2   │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ has     │ ials/job │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ returnc │ _depende │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ ode 2   │ ncy/ex2. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ yml      │
│ python_h │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Hello   │ /home/do │
│ ello/582 │        │ │          │       │       │ World   │ cs/check │
│ bc1ba    │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ python  │ outs/rea │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/pyt │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ hon-hell │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ o.yml    │
│ status_r │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ define  │ /home/do │
│ eturncod │        │ │          │       │       │ status  │ cs/check │
│ e_by_exe │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ per     │ outs/rea │
│ cutors/1 │        │          │          │       │       │ executo │ dthedocs │
│ bfa2a93  │        │          │          │       │       │ r type. │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/mul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ti_execu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tors/sta │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tus_by_e │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ xecutors │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .yml     │
│ status_r │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ define  │ /home/do │
│ eturncod │        │ │          │       │       │ status  │ cs/check │
│ e_by_exe │        │          │          │       │       │ per     │ outs/rea │
│ cutors/5 │        │          │          │       │       │ executo │ dthedocs │
│ 8479720  │        │          │          │       │       │ r type. │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/mul │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ti_execu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tors/sta │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tus_by_e │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ xecutors │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ .yml     │
│ metric_f │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ capture │ /home/do │
│ ile_rege │        │ │          │       │       │ result  │ cs/check │
│ x_with_l │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ metric  │ outs/rea │
│ inenum_f │        │          │          │       │       │ from    │ dthedocs │
│ ailure_e │        │          │          │       │       │ file    │ .org/use │
│ xample/1 │        │          │          │       │       │ path    │ r_builds │
│ df0fb83  │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics/met │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rics_fil │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ e_regex_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ with_inv │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ alid_lin │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ enum.yml │
│ hello_wo │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ run     │ /home/do │
│ rld_dock │        │ │          │       │       │ hello-w │ cs/check │
│ er/83bcc │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ orld    │ outs/rea │
│ e6a      │        │          │          │       │       │ contain │ dthedocs │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ er with │ .org/use │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ docker  │ r_builds │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ /buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ st/check │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ outs/dev │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ el/tutor │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ ials/con │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ tainers/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ hello_wo │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │         │ rld.yml  │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
file_exists_pass/1669ca8f: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/file_exists_with_number/file_exists_pass/1669ca8f
stream_test/1911f09f: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/assert_ge/stream_test/1911f09f
hello_world_singularity/b312d01b: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world_singularity/hello_world_singularity/b312d01b
file_count_by_filetype/0f38d3ef: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/file_count_filetype/file_count_by_filetype/0f38d3ef
executors_vars_env_declaration/3fbe0ce4: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/executors_var_env_declaration/executors_vars_env_declaration/3fbe0ce4
executors_vars_env_declaration/8e6146ad: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
hello_world_c_cpp/38848def: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world_compilation/hello_world_c_cpp/38848def
metric_file_regex_invalid_file/52a8d1a3: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_file_regex_invalid_file/metric_file_regex_invalid_file/52a8d1a3
timelimit_min_max/2d5bdd34: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
timelimit_min/24185cce: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
timelimit_max/15ac74d0: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
timelimit_min_fail/85c85a1f: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
timelimit_max_fail/70399f2b: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
gcc_version/b4fe70e3: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/gcc_version/gcc_version/b4fe70e3
assert_gt_example/2521b255: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/assert_gt/assert_gt_example/2521b255
bind_mount_in_container/3efac00e: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/bind_mounts/bind_mount_in_container/3efac00e
executors_sbatch_declaration/d95d1c57: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/executor_scheduler/executors_sbatch_declaration/d95d1c57
executors_sbatch_declaration/58f7a320: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
contains_and_not_contains/7a1ae5aa: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/contains/contains_and_not_contains/7a1ae5aa
assert_contains_fail/3f19653c: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/contains/assert_contains_fail/3f19653c
pass_test/6eb50ecb: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ex3/pass_test/6eb50ecb
fail_test/8d00c138: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ex3/fail_test/8d00c138
pass_and_fail_test/4138bd8c: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ex3/pass_and_fail_test/4138bd8c
final_test/78055643: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ex3/final_test/78055643
create_burst_buffer_executors/8dbc12c4: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/burstbuffer_datawarp_executors/create_burst_buffer_executors/8dbc12c4
create_burst_buffer_executors/3aa0cd30: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
regex_on_multiple_files/2f1aaccb: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/regex_on_filename/regex_on_multiple_files/2f1aaccb
regex_on_directory_not_supported/274447d4: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/regex_on_filename/regex_on_directory_not_supported/274447d4
file_expansion_supported/3affce61: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/regex_on_filename/file_expansion_supported/3affce61
status_exists/46d3726d: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/exists/status_exists/46d3726d
status_exists_failure/3da5f4a1: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/exists/status_exists_failure/3da5f4a1
symlink_test/123c80d4: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/is_symlink/symlink_test/123c80d4
always_pass/83a7264f: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
always_fail/703d37f2: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
test_fail_returncode_match/3dca6dcf: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
test_pass_returncode_mismatch/ab60aa5c: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
circle_area/4db509fa: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/4db509fa
bash_env_variables/8eacf19f: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/environment/bash_env_variables/8eacf19f
csh_env_declaration/d2e2c6bc: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.csh/environment/csh_env_declaration/d2e2c6bc
tcsh_env_declaration/a0188b6f: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.csh/environment/tcsh_env_declaration/a0188b6f
jobA/269bb338: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ex1/jobA/269bb338
jobB/cb15bd86: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ex1/jobB/cb15bd86
jobC/024c44a7: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ex1/jobC/024c44a7
foo_bar/b6fcd8fd: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
file_traverse_limit/45f2b2d5: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/file_count_file_traverse_limit/file_traverse_limit/45f2b2d5
status_logical_and/d2f7bf9a: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/mode/status_logical_and/d2f7bf9a
status_logical_or/ab978e14: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/mode/status_logical_or/ab978e14
hello_world/4d23b479: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/4d23b479
assert_range_ex/48860fb3: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/assert_range/assert_range_ex/48860fb3
variables_bash/4731f687: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/4731f687
metric_regex_example_with_re/89cd32ba: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_with_regex_type/metric_regex_example_with_re/89cd32ba
metric_regex_with_linenum_example/87839783: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex_with_linenum/metric_regex_with_linenum_example/87839783
sleep/8b1f318d: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/sleep/sleep/8b1f318d
multiple_executors/86d18560: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/executor_regex_script/multiple_executors/86d18560
multiple_executors/6e4302ef: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
status_regex_stdout_pass/e052ec3d: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/status_regex/status_regex_stdout_pass/e052ec3d
status_regex_stdout_fail/3c65516e: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/status_regex/status_regex_stdout_fail/3c65516e
status_regex_stderr_pass/6aa8ab39: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/status_regex/status_regex_stderr_pass/6aa8ab39
status_regex_stderr_fail/45306863: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/status_regex/status_regex_stderr_fail/45306863
assert_eq_example/6e4664db: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/assert_eq/assert_eq_example/6e4664db
exit1_fail/9c7a6768: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/9c7a6768
exit1_pass/570de81e: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/570de81e
returncode_list_mismatch/33331509: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/33331509
returncode_int_match/946fc7ee: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/946fc7ee
_bin_sh_shell/aeaa29c4: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
_bin_bash_shell/d5848cd8: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/shell_examples/_bin_bash_shell/d5848cd8
bash_shell/b65d1e23: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/shell_examples/bash_shell/b65d1e23
sh_shell/50bc30be: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
shell_options/26eabeaa: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/ Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/specify_regex_type/
re.match.stdout/08becb11: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/specify_regex_type/re.match.stdout/08becb11
re.fullmatch.stdout/594e58b5: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/specify_regex_type/re.fullmatch.stdout/594e58b5
re.match_on_file_regex/93ff6425: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/specify_regex_type/re.match_on_file_regex/93ff6425
assert_lt_example/52742dcf: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/assert_lt/assert_lt_example/52742dcf
metric_regex_example/b5dd7a76: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_regex_example/b5dd7a76
metric_file_regex/18682592: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex/metric_file_regex/18682592
file_count_on_directory/0c41fc2c: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/file_count/file_count_on_directory/0c41fc2c
file_count_by_extension/9a9dc43f: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/file_count/file_count_by_extension/9a9dc43f
csh_shell/3e3b35bf: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.csh/csh_shell_examples/csh_shell/3e3b35bf
unskipped/0f0d6f2c: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/skip_tests/unskipped/0f0d6f2c
file_and_dir_checks/e90dc87a: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/file_and_dir_check/file_and_dir_checks/e90dc87a
combined_file_and_dir_checks/fc44950e: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/file_and_dir_check/combined_file_and_dir_checks/fc44950e
metric_regex_linenum_failure_example/ba9f36e2: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_regex_with_invalid_linenum/metric_regex_linenum_failure_example/ba9f36e2
summary_example/ae43e6ef: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/summary_example/summary_example/ae43e6ef
metric_file_regex_with_linenum_example/38230052: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_file_regex_with_linenum/metric_file_regex_with_linenum_example/38230052
stream_openmp_c/97d3b830: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/stream/stream_openmp_c/97d3b830
runtime_test/f2b6612b: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ex4/runtime_test/f2b6612b
runtime_test_pass/7c412435: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ex4/runtime_test_pass/7c412435
runtime_test_fail/5627f366: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ex4/runtime_test_fail/5627f366
file_linecount_exceptions/0388d8d3: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/file_linecount_failure/file_linecount_exceptions/0388d8d3
linecount_stdout/277c9608: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/linecount/linecount_stdout/277c9608
linecount_stderr_mismatch/a34081b2: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/linecount/linecount_stderr_mismatch/a34081b2
assert_eq_invalid_metric/c4904421: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/assert_eq_exceptions/assert_eq_invalid_metric/c4904421
assert_eq_mismatch/2ceb7a45: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/assert_eq_exceptions/assert_eq_mismatch/2ceb7a45
file_linecount/f102ac17: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/file_linecount/file_linecount/f102ac17
string_tag/fa3fca84: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/string_tag/fa3fca84
list_of_strings_tags/20556dc3: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/tags_example/list_of_strings_tags/20556dc3
bash_login_shebang/f8643a4f: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/shebang/bash_login_shebang/f8643a4f
bash_nonlogin_shebang/ed8f9a3a: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/shebang/bash_nonlogin_shebang/ed8f9a3a
assert_ne_example/5208e826: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/assert_ne/assert_ne_example/5208e826
add_numbers/706e823f: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/add_numbers/add_numbers/706e823f
assert_le_example/5d3d5ae3: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/assert_le/assert_le_example/5d3d5ae3
container_commands_ubuntu/647a81cc: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/run_commands/container_commands_ubuntu/647a81cc
container_options/6e7a3388: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/run_commands/container_options/6e7a3388
run_script_in_container/9a3505f6: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/run_script/run_script_in_container/9a3505f6
file_count_by_expression/eac106e6: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/file_count_pattern/file_count_by_expression/eac106e6
file_extension_and_filepattern/56545448: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/file_count_pattern/file_extension_and_filepattern/56545448
test1/57b8d9c8: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ex2/test1/57b8d9c8
test2/fa02a18a: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ex2/test2/fa02a18a
test3/817fbec0: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/ex2/test3/817fbec0
python_hello/582bc1ba: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/582bc1ba
status_returncode_by_executors/1bfa2a93: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/status_by_executors/status_returncode_by_executors/1bfa2a93
status_returncode_by_executors/58479720: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/
metric_file_regex_with_linenum_failure_example/1df0fb83: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_file_regex_with_invalid_linenum/metric_file_regex_with_linenum_failure_example/1df0fb83
hello_world_docker/83bcce6a: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world_docker/83bcce6a

Filter By Executor Type

In a HPC environment, you may want to run test locally on a login node or perhaps you only want to run batch jobs given a list of buildspecs specified on command line. This can be done in buildtest via option buildtest build –executor-type which takes one of two values local or batch. If you want to filter all tests by local executor you can do buildtest build --executor-type local. buildtest will filter test based on the executor property defined in the buildspec. Let’s assume we want to run all test by python tag on local executor you can do the following:

buildtest build -t python --executor-type local
$ buildtest build -t python --executor-type local
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:55                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-shell.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-hello.yml                                                    ║
║ Total: 2                                                                     ║
                            Buildspecs By Tag=python                            
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-shell.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-hello.yml                                                    ║
║ Total: 2                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  2
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  2
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 2
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 2
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ circle_a │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Calculat │ /home/d │
│ rea/e9b7 │        │ │          │       │       │ e circle │ ocs/che │
│ 381b     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ of area  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ given a  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ radius   │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /python │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ -shell. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
│ python_h │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Hello    │ /home/d │
│ ello/ca2 │        │ │          │       │       │ World    │ ocs/che │
│ acca3    │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ python   │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /python │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ -hello. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
circle_area/e9b7381b: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/e9b7381b
python_hello/ca2acca3: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/ca2acca3
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
circle_area/e9b7381b does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
python_hello/ca2acca3 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
Builders Eligible to Run 
┃ Builder               ┃
│ circle_area/e9b7381b  │
│ python_hello/ca2acca3 │
circle_area/e9b7381b: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/e9b7381b/stage
circle_area/e9b7381b: Running Test via command: bash
circle_area/e9b7381b: Test completed in 0.03146 seconds with returncode: 0
circle_area/e9b7381b: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/e9b7381b/circle_area.out
circle_area/e9b7381b: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/e9b7381b/circle_area.err
python_hello/ca2acca3: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/ca2acca3/stage
python_hello/ca2acca3: Running Test via command: bash
python_hello/ca2acca3: Test completed in 0.030706 seconds with returncode: 0
python_hello/ca2acca3: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/ca2acca3/python_hello.out
python_hello/ca2acca3: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/ca2acca3/python_hello.err
                                 Test Summary                                 
┃ builder               ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ circle_area/e9b7381b  │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.031   │
│ python_hello/ca2acca3 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.031   │

Passed Tests: 2/2 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/2 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 2 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_x_su80d2.log

Now let’s say we want to rerun same command but now only run test that are batch, we can specify --executor-type batch and buildtest will filter tests by executor and find all batch executors. In this case we see that all tests were filtered out and we have no test run.

buildtest build -t python --executor-type batch
$ buildtest build -t python --executor-type batch
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:56                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-hello.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-shell.yml                                                    ║
║ Total: 2                                                                     ║
                            Buildspecs By Tag=python                            
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-hello.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-shell.yml                                                    ║
║ Total: 2                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  2
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  2
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
python_hello/109a1155 is excluded since its not using batch executor
circle_area/e4fb51a1 is excluded since its not using batch executor
Valid Buildspecs: 2
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
                            Buildspecs Filtered out                             
┃ buildspecs                                                                   ┃
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │

buildtest is unable to create any tests because there are no valid buildspecs. 

Please see logfile: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/buildtest.log

This option can be particularly useful if want to run a lot of tests and you are not sure which ones will run locally or batch. Let’s say you have all your buildspecs in a directory name tests and you want to run all test that will use local executor and you don’t want to run the batch jobs then you can do the following:

buildtest build -b tests --executor-type local

Configure Build Stages

We can control behavior of buildtest build command to stop at certain phase using --validate and --dry-run options.

Buildtest will validate all the buildspecs in the parse stage, so you can instruct buildtest to stop at parse stage via --validate. This can be useful when debugging buildspecs that are invalid. In this example below, we instruct buildtest to stop after parse stage.

buildtest build -b tutorials/vars.yml --validate
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/vars.yml --validate
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:56                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/vars.yml                                                            ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 1
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ variable │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Declare  │ /home/d │
│ s_bash/7 │        │ │          │       │       │ shell    │ ocs/che │
│ 9eb0f97  │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ variable │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s in     │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ bash     │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /vars.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │

Invalid Buildspecs

buildtest will skip any buildspecs that fail to validate, in that case the test script will not be generated. Here is an example where we have an invalid buildspec.

buildtest build -b tutorials/invalid_buildspec_section.yml
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/invalid_buildspec_section.yml
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:57                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/invalid_buildspec_section.yml                                       ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 0
Invalid Buildspecs: 1
/home/docs/checkouts/ INVALID

buildtest is unable to create any tests because there are no valid buildspecs. 

Please see logfile: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/buildtest.log

buildtest may skip tests from running if buildspec specifies an invalid executor name since buildtest needs to know this in order to delegate test to Executor class responsible for running the test. Here is an example where test failed to run since we provided invalid executor.

buildtest build -b tutorials/invalid_executor.yml
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/invalid_executor.yml
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:57                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/invalid_executor.yml                                                ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
                            Buildspecs Filtered out                             
┃ buildspecs                                                                   ┃
│ /home/docs/checkouts/… │

buildtest is unable to create any tests because there are no valid buildspecs. 

Please see logfile: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/buildtest.log

Validate Tests (buildtest build --validate)

When you use the buildtest build command, you have the option to enter a validate mode by adding the --validate option. In this mode, the command will validate given buildspecs and stop after the parse stage. It’s particularly useful when you’re creating or editing a buildspec file and want to check its validity before entering the build stage. For instance, in the following example, we demonstrate how to instruct buildtest to halt after the parse stage.

buildtest build -b tutorials/vars.yml --validate
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/vars.yml --validate
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:56                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/vars.yml                                                            ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 1
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ variable │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Declare  │ /home/d │
│ s_bash/7 │        │ │          │       │       │ shell    │ ocs/che │
│ 9eb0f97  │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ variable │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s in     │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ bash     │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /vars.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │

Dry Run (buildtest build --dry-run)

When you use the buildtest build command, you have the option to enter a dry run mode by adding the --dry-run option. In this mode, the command will simulate the build process but won’t execute the tests. It’s particularly useful when you’re creating or editing a buildspec file and want to see how the test script is generated without actually running the tests. For instance, in the following example, we demonstrate how to instruct buildtest to halt after the build stage.

buildtest build -b tutorials/vars.yml --dry-run
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/vars.yml --dry-run
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:58                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/vars.yml                                                            ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 1
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ variable │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Declare  │ /home/d │
│ s_bash/1 │        │ │          │       │       │ shell    │ ocs/che │
│ 71c39a1  │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ variable │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s in     │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ bash     │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /vars.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
variables_bash/171c39a1: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/171c39a1

Rebuild Tests (buildtest build --rebuild)

buildtest can rebuild tests using the --rebuild option which can be useful if you want to test a particular test multiple times. The rebuild option works across all discovered buildspecs and create a new test instance (unique id) and test directory path. To demonstrate we will build tutorials/python-shell.yml three times using --rebuild=3.

buildtest build -b tutorials/python-shell.yml --rebuild=3
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/python-shell.yml --rebuild=3
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:58                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-shell.yml                                                    ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 3
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ circle_a │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Calculat │ /home/d │
│ rea/8bbc │        │ │          │       │       │ e circle │ ocs/che │
│ 208a     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ of area  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ given a  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ radius   │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /python │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ -shell. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
│ circle_a │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Calculat │ /home/d │
│ rea/612d │        │ │          │       │       │ e circle │ ocs/che │
│ 8a25     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ of area  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ given a  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ radius   │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /python │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ -shell. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
│ circle_a │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Calculat │ /home/d │
│ rea/606b │        │ │          │       │       │ e circle │ ocs/che │
│ ee1d     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ of area  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ given a  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ radius   │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /python │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ -shell. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
circle_area/8bbc208a: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/8bbc208a
circle_area/612d8a25: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/612d8a25
circle_area/606bee1d: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/606bee1d
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
circle_area/8bbc208a does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
circle_area/606bee1d does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
circle_area/612d8a25 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
Builders Eligible to Run
┃ Builder              ┃
│ circle_area/8bbc208a │
│ circle_area/606bee1d │
│ circle_area/612d8a25 │
circle_area/8bbc208a: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/8bbc208a/stage
circle_area/8bbc208a: Running Test via command: bash
circle_area/8bbc208a: Test completed in 0.031564 seconds with returncode: 0
circle_area/8bbc208a: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/8bbc208a/circle_area.out
circle_area/8bbc208a: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/8bbc208a/circle_area.err
circle_area/606bee1d: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/606bee1d/stage
circle_area/606bee1d: Running Test via command: bash
circle_area/606bee1d: Test completed in 0.0315 seconds with returncode: 0
circle_area/606bee1d: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/606bee1d/circle_area.out
circle_area/606bee1d: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/606bee1d/circle_area.err
circle_area/612d8a25: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/612d8a25/stage
circle_area/612d8a25: Running Test via command: bash
circle_area/612d8a25: Test completed in 0.031133 seconds with returncode: 0
circle_area/612d8a25: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/612d8a25/circle_area.out
circle_area/612d8a25: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/612d8a25/circle_area.err
                                Test Summary                                 
┃ builder              ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ circle_area/612d8a25 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.031   │
│ circle_area/8bbc208a │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.032   │
│ circle_area/606bee1d │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.032   │

Passed Tests: 3/3 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/3 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 3 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_puiq7lip.log

The rebuild works with all options including: --buildspec, --exclude, --tags and --executor. buildtest will perform rebuild for all discovered tests, for instance in this next example we will discover all tests by tag name fail and each test is rebuild twice.

buildtest build -t fail --rebuild 2
$ buildtest build -t fail --rebuild 2
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:42:59                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║
                             Buildspecs By Tag=fail                             
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 8
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ exit1_fa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 1   │ /home/d │
│ il/82278 │        │ │          │       │       │ by       │ ocs/che │
│ 080      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ default  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ is FAIL  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ exit1_pa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ report   │ /home/d │
│ ss/ac5bf │        │ │          │       │       │ exit 1   │ ocs/che │
│ edf      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ as PASS  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 2   │ /home/d │
│ de_list_ │        │ │          │       │       │ failed   │ ocs/che │
│ mismatch │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ since it │ ckouts/ │
│ /6995712 │        │          │          │       │       │ failed   │ readthe │
│ 0        │        │          │          │       │       │ to match │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ returnco │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ de 1     │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 128 │ /home/d │
│ de_int_m │        │ │          │       │       │ matches  │ ocs/che │
│ atch/d71 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ returnco │ ckouts/ │
│ b015b    │        │          │          │       │       │ de 128   │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ exit1_fa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 1   │ /home/d │
│ il/65aea │        │ │          │       │       │ by       │ ocs/che │
│ 9cf      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ default  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ is FAIL  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ exit1_pa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ report   │ /home/d │
│ ss/7ab64 │        │ │          │       │       │ exit 1   │ ocs/che │
│ e4b      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ as PASS  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 2   │ /home/d │
│ de_list_ │        │ │          │       │       │ failed   │ ocs/che │
│ mismatch │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ since it │ ckouts/ │
│ /30d3f58 │        │          │          │       │       │ failed   │ readthe │
│ e        │        │          │          │       │       │ to match │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ returnco │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ de 1     │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 128 │ /home/d │
│ de_int_m │        │ │          │       │       │ matches  │ ocs/che │
│ atch/ca2 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ returnco │ ckouts/ │
│ 6d9e2    │        │          │          │       │       │ de 128   │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
exit1_fail/82278080: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/82278080
exit1_pass/ac5bfedf: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/ac5bfedf
returncode_list_mismatch/69957120: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/69957120
returncode_int_match/d71b015b: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/d71b015b
exit1_fail/65aea9cf: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/65aea9cf
exit1_pass/7ab64e4b: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/7ab64e4b
returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e
returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
returncode_int_match/d71b015b does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
exit1_pass/7ab64e4b does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
exit1_fail/82278080 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
returncode_list_mismatch/69957120 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
exit1_pass/ac5bfedf does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
exit1_fail/65aea9cf does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
      Builders Eligible to Run       
┃ Builder                           ┃
│ returncode_int_match/d71b015b     │
│ exit1_pass/7ab64e4b               │
│ exit1_fail/82278080               │
│ returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e │
│ returncode_list_mismatch/69957120 │
│ returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2     │
│ exit1_pass/ac5bfedf               │
│ exit1_fail/65aea9cf               │
returncode_int_match/d71b015b: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/d71b015b/stage
returncode_int_match/d71b015b: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_int_match/d71b015b: failed to submit job with returncode: 128
─────────────── Error Message for returncode_int_match/d71b015b ────────────────

returncode_int_match/d71b015b: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
returncode_int_match/d71b015b: Run - 1/1
returncode_int_match/d71b015b: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_int_match/d71b015b: failed to submit job with returncode: 128
returncode_int_match/d71b015b: Test completed in 0.015059 seconds with returncode: 128
returncode_int_match/d71b015b: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/d71b015b/returncode_int_match.out
returncode_int_match/d71b015b: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/d71b015b/returncode_int_match.err
returncode_int_match/d71b015b: Checking returncode - 128 is matched in list [128]
exit1_pass/7ab64e4b: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/7ab64e4b/stage
exit1_pass/7ab64e4b: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/7ab64e4b: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_pass/7ab64e4b ─────────────────────

exit1_pass/7ab64e4b: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_pass/7ab64e4b: Run - 1/1
exit1_pass/7ab64e4b: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/7ab64e4b: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/7ab64e4b: Test completed in 0.014265 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/7ab64e4b: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/7ab64e4b/exit1_pass.out
exit1_pass/7ab64e4b: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/7ab64e4b/exit1_pass.err
exit1_pass/7ab64e4b: Checking returncode - 1 is matched in list [1]
exit1_fail/82278080: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/82278080/stage
exit1_fail/82278080: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/82278080: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_fail/82278080 ─────────────────────

exit1_fail/82278080: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_fail/82278080: Run - 1/1
exit1_fail/82278080: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/82278080: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/82278080: Test completed in 0.014518 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/82278080: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/82278080/exit1_fail.out
exit1_fail/82278080: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/82278080/exit1_fail.err
returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e/stage
returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e: failed to submit job with returncode: 2
───────────── Error Message for returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e ──────────────

returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e: Run - 1/1
returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e: failed to submit job with returncode: 2
returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e: Test completed in 0.015026 seconds with returncode: 2
returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e/returncode_list_mismatch.out
returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e/returncode_list_mismatch.err
returncode_list_mismatch/30d3f58e: Checking returncode - 2 is matched in list [1, 3]
returncode_list_mismatch/69957120: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/69957120/stage
returncode_list_mismatch/69957120: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_list_mismatch/69957120: failed to submit job with returncode: 2
───────────── Error Message for returncode_list_mismatch/69957120 ──────────────

returncode_list_mismatch/69957120: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
returncode_list_mismatch/69957120: Run - 1/1
returncode_list_mismatch/69957120: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_list_mismatch/69957120: failed to submit job with returncode: 2
returncode_list_mismatch/69957120: Test completed in 0.014733 seconds with returncode: 2
returncode_list_mismatch/69957120: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/69957120/returncode_list_mismatch.out
returncode_list_mismatch/69957120: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/69957120/returncode_list_mismatch.err
returncode_list_mismatch/69957120: Checking returncode - 2 is matched in list [1, 3]
returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2/stage
returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2: failed to submit job with returncode: 128
─────────────── Error Message for returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2 ────────────────

returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2: Run - 1/1
returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2: failed to submit job with returncode: 128
returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2: Test completed in 0.014374 seconds with returncode: 128
returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2/returncode_int_match.out
returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2/returncode_int_match.err
returncode_int_match/ca26d9e2: Checking returncode - 128 is matched in list [128]
exit1_pass/ac5bfedf: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/ac5bfedf/stage
exit1_pass/ac5bfedf: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/ac5bfedf: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_pass/ac5bfedf ─────────────────────

exit1_pass/ac5bfedf: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_pass/ac5bfedf: Run - 1/1
exit1_pass/ac5bfedf: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/ac5bfedf: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/ac5bfedf: Test completed in 0.015343 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/ac5bfedf: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/ac5bfedf/exit1_pass.out
exit1_pass/ac5bfedf: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/ac5bfedf/exit1_pass.err
exit1_pass/ac5bfedf: Checking returncode - 1 is matched in list [1]
exit1_fail/65aea9cf: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/65aea9cf/stage
exit1_fail/65aea9cf: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/65aea9cf: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_fail/65aea9cf ─────────────────────

exit1_fail/65aea9cf: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_fail/65aea9cf: Run - 1/1
exit1_fail/65aea9cf: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/65aea9cf: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/65aea9cf: Test completed in 0.015247 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/65aea9cf: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/65aea9cf/exit1_fail.out
exit1_fail/65aea9cf: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/65aea9cf/exit1_fail.err
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ returncode_list_mismatc │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 2          │ 0.015   │
│ h/69957120              │                    │        │            │         │
│ returncode_list_mismatc │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 2          │ 0.015   │
│ h/30d3f58e              │                    │        │            │         │
│ exit1_pass/7ab64e4b     │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 1          │ 0.014   │
│ exit1_pass/ac5bfedf     │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 1          │ 0.015   │
│ returncode_int_match/d7 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 128        │ 0.015   │
│ 1b015b                  │                    │        │            │         │
│ exit1_fail/82278080     │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 1          │ 0.015   │
│ exit1_fail/65aea9cf     │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 1          │ 0.015   │
│ returncode_int_match/ca │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 128        │ 0.014   │
│ 26d9e2                  │                    │        │            │         │

Passed Tests: 4/8 Percentage: 50.000%
Failed Tests: 4/8 Percentage: 50.000%

Adding 8 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_em513whk.log

The rebuild option expects a range between 1-50, the --rebuild=1 is equivalent to running without --rebuild option. We set a max limit for rebuild option to avoid system degredation due to high workload.

If you try to exceed this bound you will get an error such as

buildtest build -b tutorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml --rebuild 51
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml --rebuild 51
╭───────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ──────────────────────╮
│ /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ in/buildtest:38 in <module>                                                  │
│                                                                              │
│   35                                                                         │
│   36 if __name__ == "__main__":                                              │
│   37                                                                         │
│ ❱ 38   sys.exit(main())                                                      │
│   39                                                                         │
│                                                                              │
│ ╭───────────────────────────────── locals ─────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │ buildtest_file = '/home/docs/checkouts/… │ │
│ │           main = <function main at 0x7f2d9a1c9ee0>                       │ │
│ │             os = <module 'os' from                                       │ │
│ │                  '/home/docs/.asdf/installs/python/3.8.18/lib/python3.8… │ │
│ │         prefix = '/home/docs/checkouts/… │ │
│ │            sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)>                               │ │
│ ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
│                                                                              │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ uildtest/ in main                                                 │
│                                                                              │
│   160 │   if args.subcommands in ["build", "bd"]:                            │
│   161 │   │   stdout_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True, suffix= │
│   162 │   │   with Tee(                                    │
│ ❱ 163 │   │   │   cmd = BuildTest(                                           │
│   164 │   │   │   │   configuration=configuration,                           │
│   165 │   │   │   │   buildspecs=args.buildspec,                             │
│   166 │   │   │   │   exclude_buildspecs=args.exclude,                       │
│                                                                              │
│ ╭───────────────────────────────── locals ─────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │             args = Namespace(account=None,                               │ │
│ │                    buildspec=['tutorials/test_status/pass_returncode.ym… │ │
│ │                    color=None, configfile=None, debug=False,             │ │
│ │                    dry_run=False, editor=None, exclude=None,             │ │
│ │                    exclude_tags=None, executor=None, executor_type=None, │ │
│ │                    filter=None, helpcolor=False, helpfilter=False,       │ │
│ │                    limit=None, listopts=False, loglevel='DEBUG',         │ │
│ │                    logpath=False, max_jobs=None, maxpendtime=None,       │ │
│ │                    module_purge=False, modules=None, name=None,          │ │
│ │                    no_color=False, nodes=None, pollinterval=None,        │ │
│ │                    print_log=False, procs=None, profile=None,            │ │
│ │                    rebuild=51, remove_stagedir=False, report=None,       │ │
│ │                    rerun=False, retry=1, save_profile=None,              │ │
│ │                    subcommands='build', tags=None, testdir=None,         │ │
│ │                    timeout=None, unload_modules=None, validate=False,    │ │
│ │                    verbose=False, view_log=False,                        │ │
│ │                    write_config_file=None)                               │ │
│ │ buildtest_editor = '/usr/bin/vim'                                        │ │
│ │      config_file = None                                                  │ │
│ │    configuration = <buildtest.config.SiteConfiguration object at         │ │
│ │                    0x7f2d983137c0>                                       │ │
│ │           logger = <Logger buildtest (DEBUG)>                            │ │
│ │         no_color = False                                                 │ │
│ │           parser = <buildtest.cli.BuildTestParser object at              │ │
│ │                    0x7f2d9a26dac0>                                       │ │
│ │      report_file = None                                                  │ │
│ │      stdout_file = <tempfile._TemporaryFileWrapper object at             │ │
│ │                    0x7f2d98339b80>                                       │ │
│ │           system = <buildtest.system.BuildTestSystem object at           │ │
│ │                    0x7f2d98313550>                                       │ │
│ ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
│                                                                              │
│ /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ uildtest/cli/ in __init__                                        │
│                                                                              │
│    702 │   │   │   │   raise BuildTestError(f"{rebuild} is not of type int") │
│    703 │   │   │                                                             │
│    704 │   │   │   if rebuild > 50:                                          │
│ ❱  705 │   │   │   │   raise BuildTestError(                                 │
│    706 │   │   │   │   │   f"--rebuild {rebuild} exceeds maximum rebuild lim │
│    707 │   │   │   │   )                                                     │
│    708                                                                       │
│                                                                              │
│ ╭───────────────────────────────── locals ─────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │            account = None                                                │ │
│ │           arg_name = None                                                │ │
│ │         buildspecs = ['tutorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml']       │ │
│ │      configuration = <buildtest.config.SiteConfiguration object at       │ │
│ │                      0x7f2d983137c0>                                     │ │
│ │            dry_run = False                                               │ │
│ │ exclude_buildspecs = None                                                │ │
│ │       exclude_tags = None                                                │ │
│ │      executor_type = None                                                │ │
│ │          executors = None                                                │ │
│ │  filter_buildspecs = None                                                │ │
│ │         helpfilter = False                                               │ │
│ │              limit = None                                                │ │
│ │           max_jobs = None                                                │ │
│ │        maxpendtime = None                                                │ │
│ │        modulepurge = False                                               │ │
│ │            modules = None                                                │ │
│ │               name = None                                                │ │
│ │           numnodes = None                                                │ │
│ │           numprocs = None                                                │ │
│ │      poll_interval = None                                                │ │
│ │            profile = None                                                │ │
│ │            rebuild = 51                                                  │ │
│ │    remove_stagedir = False                                               │ │
│ │        report_file = None                                                │ │
│ │              rerun = False                                               │ │
│ │              retry = 1                                                   │ │
│ │       save_profile = None                                                │ │
│ │               self = < object at            │ │
│ │                      0x7f2d98364f10>                                     │ │
│ │               tags = None                                                │ │
│ │            testdir = None                                                │ │
│ │            timeout = None                                                │ │
│ │     unload_modules = None                                                │ │
│ │           validate = False                                               │ │
│ │            verbose = False                                               │ │
│ │  write_config_file = None                                                │ │
│ ╰──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
BuildTestError: '--rebuild 51 exceeds maximum rebuild limit of 50'

Limit Number of Tests (buildtest build --limit)

The buildtest build command can limit the number of tests that can run via --limit option. This can be useful when running large number of tests and you have no idea how many tests will run. The --limit <NUM> option expects a positive number which will limit number of tests to the total limit. If there are less tests to run than the value specified by --limit, then buildtest will run all the test. When buildtest has more tests to run than the value specified by --limit, then buildtest will exclude some tests.

To demonstrate this feature, we will run the same command with and without –limit option.

In first example, we will run a test that will run 4 tests.

buildtest build -b tutorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:43:01                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 4
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ exit1_fa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 1   │ /home/d │
│ il/01c85 │        │ │          │       │       │ by       │ ocs/che │
│ f88      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ default  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ is FAIL  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ exit1_pa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ report   │ /home/d │
│ ss/89eeb │        │ │          │       │       │ exit 1   │ ocs/che │
│ c4b      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ as PASS  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 2   │ /home/d │
│ de_list_ │        │ │          │       │       │ failed   │ ocs/che │
│ mismatch │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ since it │ ckouts/ │
│ /312f174 │        │          │          │       │       │ failed   │ readthe │
│ 8        │        │          │          │       │       │ to match │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ returnco │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ de 1     │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 128 │ /home/d │
│ de_int_m │        │ │          │       │       │ matches  │ ocs/che │
│ atch/1d2 │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ returnco │ ckouts/ │
│ d44b5    │        │          │          │       │       │ de 128   │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
exit1_fail/01c85f88: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/01c85f88
exit1_pass/89eebc4b: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/89eebc4b
returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748
returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
exit1_fail/01c85f88 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
exit1_pass/89eebc4b does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
      Builders Eligible to Run       
┃ Builder                           ┃
│ exit1_fail/01c85f88               │
│ exit1_pass/89eebc4b               │
│ returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748 │
│ returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5     │
exit1_fail/01c85f88: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/01c85f88/stage
exit1_fail/01c85f88: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/01c85f88: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_fail/01c85f88 ─────────────────────

exit1_fail/01c85f88: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_fail/01c85f88: Run - 1/1
exit1_fail/01c85f88: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/01c85f88: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/01c85f88: Test completed in 0.015371 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/01c85f88: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/01c85f88/exit1_fail.out
exit1_fail/01c85f88: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/01c85f88/exit1_fail.err
exit1_pass/89eebc4b: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/89eebc4b/stage
exit1_pass/89eebc4b: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/89eebc4b: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_pass/89eebc4b ─────────────────────

exit1_pass/89eebc4b: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_pass/89eebc4b: Run - 1/1
exit1_pass/89eebc4b: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/89eebc4b: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/89eebc4b: Test completed in 0.014809 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/89eebc4b: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/89eebc4b/exit1_pass.out
exit1_pass/89eebc4b: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/89eebc4b/exit1_pass.err
exit1_pass/89eebc4b: Checking returncode - 1 is matched in list [1]
returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748/stage
returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748: failed to submit job with returncode: 2
───────────── Error Message for returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748 ──────────────

returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748: Run - 1/1
returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748: failed to submit job with returncode: 2
returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748: Test completed in 0.015445 seconds with returncode: 2
returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748/returncode_list_mismatch.out
returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748/returncode_list_mismatch.err
returncode_list_mismatch/312f1748: Checking returncode - 2 is matched in list [1, 3]
returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5/stage
returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5: failed to submit job with returncode: 128
─────────────── Error Message for returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5 ────────────────

returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5: Run - 1/1
returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5: Running Test via command: bash
returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5: failed to submit job with returncode: 128
returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5: Test completed in 0.015015 seconds with returncode: 128
returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5/returncode_int_match.out
returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5/returncode_int_match.err
returncode_int_match/1d2d44b5: Checking returncode - 128 is matched in list [128]
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ exit1_pass/89eebc4b     │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 1          │ 0.015   │
│ returncode_list_mismatc │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 2          │ 0.015   │
│ h/312f1748              │                    │        │            │         │
│ returncode_int_match/1d │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 128        │ 0.015   │
│ 2d44b5                  │                    │        │            │         │
│ exit1_fail/01c85f88     │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 1          │ 0.015   │

Passed Tests: 2/4 Percentage: 50.000%
Failed Tests: 2/4 Percentage: 50.000%

Adding 4 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_xc0mpx5j.log

Now let’s run this same test with --limit=2 and notice buildtest will run 2/4 tests

buildtest build -b tutorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml --limit=2
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml --limit=2
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:43:02                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 4
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ exit1_fa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 1   │ /home/d │
│ il/360f5 │        │ │          │       │       │ by       │ ocs/che │
│ 896      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ default  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ is FAIL  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ exit1_pa │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ report   │ /home/d │
│ ss/ff581 │        │ │          │       │       │ exit 1   │ ocs/che │
│ 48f      │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ as PASS  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 2   │ /home/d │
│ de_list_ │        │ │          │       │       │ failed   │ ocs/che │
│ mismatch │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ since it │ ckouts/ │
│ /ba12679 │        │          │          │       │       │ failed   │ readthe │
│ 1        │        │          │          │       │       │ to match │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ returnco │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ de 1     │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
│ returnco │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ exit 128 │ /home/d │
│ de_int_m │        │ │          │       │       │ matches  │ ocs/che │
│ atch/9dc │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ returnco │ ckouts/ │
│ 403de    │        │          │          │       │       │ de 128   │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /test_s │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ tatus/p │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ass_ret │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ urncode │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ .yml    │
Limit number of tests to 2 for Building and Running. 
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
exit1_fail/360f5896: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/360f5896
exit1_pass/ff58148f: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/ff58148f
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
exit1_fail/360f5896 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
exit1_pass/ff58148f does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
Builders Eligible to Run
┃ Builder             ┃
│ exit1_fail/360f5896 │
│ exit1_pass/ff58148f │
exit1_fail/360f5896: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/360f5896/stage
exit1_fail/360f5896: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/360f5896: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_fail/360f5896 ─────────────────────

exit1_fail/360f5896: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_fail/360f5896: Run - 1/1
exit1_fail/360f5896: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_fail/360f5896: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/360f5896: Test completed in 0.015056 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_fail/360f5896: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/360f5896/exit1_fail.out
exit1_fail/360f5896: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_fail/360f5896/exit1_fail.err
exit1_pass/ff58148f: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/ff58148f/stage
exit1_pass/ff58148f: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/ff58148f: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
──────────────────── Error Message for exit1_pass/ff58148f ─────────────────────

exit1_pass/ff58148f: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
exit1_pass/ff58148f: Run - 1/1
exit1_pass/ff58148f: Running Test via command: bash
exit1_pass/ff58148f: failed to submit job with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/ff58148f: Test completed in 0.014319 seconds with returncode: 1
exit1_pass/ff58148f: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/ff58148f/exit1_pass.out
exit1_pass/ff58148f: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/pass_returncode/exit1_pass/ff58148f/exit1_pass.err
exit1_pass/ff58148f: Checking returncode - 1 is matched in list [1]
                                Test Summary                                
┃ builder             ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ exit1_pass/ff58148f │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 1          │ 0.014   │
│ exit1_fail/360f5896 │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ 1          │ 0.015   │

Passed Tests: 1/2 Percentage: 50.000%
Failed Tests: 1/2 Percentage: 50.000%

Adding 2 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_9v2nt0n5.log

If you specify 0 or negative number you will get an error as follows

buildtest build -b tutorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml --limit=0
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/test_status/pass_returncode.yml --limit=0
usage: buildtest [options] [COMMANDS] build [-h] [-b BUILDSPEC] [-x EXCLUDE]
                                            [-n NAME] [-e EXECUTOR]
                                            [-xt EXCLUDE_TAGS] [-t TAGS]
                                            [--rerun] [-f FILTER]
                                            [--helpfilter] [-et {local,batch}]
                                            [--module-purge] [-m MODULES]
                                            [-u UNLOAD_MODULES]
                                            [--account ACCOUNT]
                                            [--maxpendtime MAXPENDTIME]
                                            [--pollinterval POLLINTERVAL]
                                            [--procs PROCS [PROCS ...]]
                                            [--nodes NODES [NODES ...]]
                                            [--dry-run] [--limit LIMIT]
                                            [--max-jobs MAX_JOBS]
                                            [--profile PROFILE]
                                            [--rebuild REBUILD]
                                            [--retry RETRY]
                                            [--save-profile SAVE_PROFILE]
                                            [--testdir TESTDIR]
                                            [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--validate]
                                            [--write-config-file WRITE_CONFIG_FILE]
buildtest [options] [COMMANDS] build: error: argument --limit: Input: 0 converted to int: 0 must be a positive number

Rerun Last Command (buildtest build --rerun)

The buildtest build --rerun command can be used to rerun last successful buildtest build command, this can be useful if you want to repeat a certain build without having to remember the command or going through your command history to find the command you ran. When using this option all other options passed to buildtest will be ignored. In order to use –rerun option you must run buildtest build command such that buildtest can rerun your last successful command.

Let’s start by building a simple test.

buildtest build -b tutorials/vars.yml
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/vars.yml
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:43:03                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/vars.yml                                                            ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 1
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ variable │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Declare  │ /home/d │
│ s_bash/4 │        │ │          │       │       │ shell    │ ocs/che │
│ 1e9e015  │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ variable │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s in     │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ bash     │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /vars.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
variables_bash/41e9e015: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/41e9e015
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
variables_bash/41e9e015 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
 Builders Eligible to Run  
┃ Builder                 ┃
│ variables_bash/41e9e015 │
variables_bash/41e9e015: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/41e9e015/stage
variables_bash/41e9e015: Running Test via command: bash
variables_bash/41e9e015: Test completed in 0.00938 seconds with returncode: 0
variables_bash/41e9e015: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/41e9e015/variables_bash.out
variables_bash/41e9e015: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/41e9e015/variables_bash.err
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ variables_bash/41e9e015 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.009   │

Passed Tests: 1/1 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/1 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 1 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_1v5tqjnf.log

Next let’s rerun the same command via buildtest build --rerun and take note that it will rerun same command as before

buildtest build --rerun
$ buildtest build --rerun
Reading content of rerun file /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/rerun.json all other options will be ignored.
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:43:03                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/vars.yml                                                            ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 1
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ variable │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Declare  │ /home/d │
│ s_bash/f │        │ │          │       │       │ shell    │ ocs/che │
│ 76fa187  │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ variable │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s in     │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ bash     │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /vars.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
variables_bash/f76fa187: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/f76fa187
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
variables_bash/f76fa187 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
 Builders Eligible to Run  
┃ Builder                 ┃
│ variables_bash/f76fa187 │
variables_bash/f76fa187: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/f76fa187/stage
variables_bash/f76fa187: Running Test via command: bash
variables_bash/f76fa187: Test completed in 0.009661 seconds with returncode: 0
variables_bash/f76fa187: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/f76fa187/variables_bash.out
variables_bash/f76fa187: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/f76fa187/variables_bash.err
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ variables_bash/f76fa187 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.010   │

Passed Tests: 1/1 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/1 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 1 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_8kraqnwu.log

If you pass additional options with --rerun it will simply be ignored. In this case -t python --dry-run will not be read by buildtest instead we will rerun same command.

buildtest build --rerun -t python --dry-run
$ buildtest build --rerun -t python --dry-run
Reading content of rerun file /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/rerun.json all other options will be ignored.
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:43:04                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/vars.yml                                                            ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 1
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ variable │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Declare  │ /home/d │
│ s_bash/0 │        │ │          │       │       │ shell    │ ocs/che │
│ 28cefd8  │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ variable │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ s in     │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ bash     │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /vars.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
variables_bash/028cefd8: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/028cefd8
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
variables_bash/028cefd8 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
 Builders Eligible to Run  
┃ Builder                 ┃
│ variables_bash/028cefd8 │
variables_bash/028cefd8: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/028cefd8/stage
variables_bash/028cefd8: Running Test via command: bash
variables_bash/028cefd8: Test completed in 0.00942 seconds with returncode: 0
variables_bash/028cefd8: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/028cefd8/variables_bash.out
variables_bash/028cefd8: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/vars/variables_bash/028cefd8/variables_bash.err
                                  Test Summary                                  
┃ builder                 ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ variables_bash/028cefd8 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.009   │

Passed Tests: 1/1 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/1 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 1 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_bqzl8zen.log


The buildtest clean will erase all history of builds and if you run buildtest build --rerun will raise an exception

Specify Modules in command line

If your system supports modules such as environment-modules or Lmod you can specify a list of modules to load (module load) in the test via buildtest build --modules. You can specify a comma separated list of modules to load, for example if you want to load gcc and python module in your test you can run buildtest build --modules gcc,python. You may specify full name of module with version for instance you want test to load gcc/9.3.0 and python/3.7 you can run buildtest build --modules gcc/9.3.0,python/3.7.

If you want test to run module purge before running test you can specify buildtest build --module-purge option. If you specify --module-purge and --modules then module purge will be run prior to loading any modules.

Similarly, you can unload modules before running any test via buildtest build --unload-modules which is a list of modules to run module unload command and works similar to --modules option. Buildtest will unload modules before loading modules if both –modules and –unload-modules are specified. If –module-purge is also specified then we run module purge first before loading/unloading any modules.

Use Alternate Configuration file

If you want to use an alternate configuration file when building test you can use buildtest -c <config> build. buildtest will prefer configuration file on command line over the user configuration ($HOME/.buildtest/config.yml). For more details see Which configuration file does buildtest read?.

Removing Stage Directory

buildtest will write the tests in stage directory where test will be executed, typically buildtest will keep the stage directory but if you want to remove the directory you can use buildtest build --remove-stagedir.

Specify Project Account for batch jobs (buildtest build --account)

For batch jobs you typically require one to specify a project account in order to charge jobs depending on your scheduler you can use buildtest build --account option and specify an account name. The command line argument --account will override configuration setting. For more details see Specifying Project Account

Test Timeout (buildtest build --timeout)

Buildtest can terminate test based on timeout value specified via --timeout option which can be used to terminate long running test. The timeout is in seconds and value must be a positive integer which is applied to all test that are run via buildtest build command. If test exceeds the timeout value, then process will be terminated.

To demonstrate this behavior, we will run the following test with a timeout of 1 sec which is expected to fail. Take note of the test returncode of test.

buildtest build -b tutorials/sleep.yml --timeout 1
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/sleep.yml --timeout 1
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:43:05                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/sleep.yml                                                           ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 1
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ sleep/7b │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ sleep 2  │ /home/d │
│ f1b759   │        │ │          │       │       │ seconds  │ ocs/che │
│          │        │ sh       │          │       │       │          │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /sleep. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
sleep/7bf1b759: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/sleep/sleep/7bf1b759
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
sleep/7bf1b759 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
Builders Eligible to Run
┃ Builder        ┃
│ sleep/7bf1b759 │
sleep/7bf1b759: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/sleep/sleep/7bf1b759/stage
sleep/7bf1b759: Running Test via command: bash
sleep/7bf1b759: failed to submit job with returncode: -9
─────────────────────── Error Message for sleep/7bf1b759 ───────────────────────

sleep/7bf1b759: Detected failure in running test, will attempt to retry test: 1 times
sleep/7bf1b759: Run - 1/1
sleep/7bf1b759: Running Test via command: bash
sleep/7bf1b759: failed to submit job with returncode: -9
sleep/7bf1b759: Test completed in 2.010995 seconds with returncode: -9
sleep/7bf1b759: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/sleep/sleep/7bf1b759/sleep.out
sleep/7bf1b759: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/sleep/sleep/7bf1b759/sleep.err
                             Test Summary                              
┃ builder        ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ sleep/7bf1b759 │ generic.local.bash │ FAIL   │ -9         │ 2.011   │

Passed Tests: 0/1 Percentage: 0.000%
Failed Tests: 1/1 Percentage: 100.000%

Adding 1 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_v_7ggrll.log

Now if we run this test with a higher timeout value we will see this test will pass, if no timeout is specified then test will run until completion.

buildtest build -b tutorials/sleep.yml --timeout 10
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/sleep.yml --timeout 10
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:43:07                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/sleep.yml                                                           ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 1
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ sleep/57 │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ sleep 2  │ /home/d │
│ 433476   │        │ │          │       │       │ seconds  │ ocs/che │
│          │        │ sh       │          │       │       │          │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /sleep. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
sleep/57433476: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/sleep/sleep/57433476
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
sleep/57433476 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
Builders Eligible to Run
┃ Builder        ┃
│ sleep/57433476 │
sleep/57433476: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/sleep/sleep/57433476/stage
sleep/57433476: Running Test via command: bash
sleep/57433476: Test completed in 2.020256 seconds with returncode: 0
sleep/57433476: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/sleep/sleep/57433476/sleep.out
sleep/57433476: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/sleep/sleep/57433476/sleep.err
                             Test Summary                              
┃ builder        ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ sleep/57433476 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 2.020   │

Passed Tests: 1/1 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/1 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 1 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_bqg7_3fr.log

Using Profiles (buildtest build --profile)

Buildtest has a concept of profiles, which allows one to run a set of buildtest build options without having to remember all the options. This can be useful if you are running a set of tests repeatedly. In-order to use profiles you must first, create a profile by using --save-profile.

For example, let’s create a profile called python-tests for all tests with tag python

buildtest build -t python --save-profile=python-tests
$ buildtest build -t python --save-profile=python-tests
Saved profile python-tests to configuration file /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml

Next, let’s see our configuration file, you will notice a new section called profiles with a profile called python-tests

buildtest configuration with profile
$ buildtest config view
───────────────────────── /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml ──────────────────────────
    1 system:
    2   generic:
    3     # specify a list of hostnames that is a regular expression where buildtest can run.
    4     hostnames: ['.*']
    5     # system description
    6     description: Generic System
    7     # specify module system to use. Supported module systems are [lmod, environment-modules, none]
    8     moduletool: none
   10     # specify size of job pool ( This will configure the number of processes that can run in parallel.
   11     # If not specified then buildtest will use all available cores on the system.
   12     poolsize: 1
   14     # maximum number of jobs that can run in parallel. If not specified, buildtest will run all jobs in parallel.
   15     #max_jobs: 1
   17     # test timeout in number of seconds
   18     # timeout: 3600
   20     # enable pagination for buildtest
   21     pager: false
   23     # options for buildtest buildspec find command
   24     buildspecs:
   25       # determine whether to rebuild buildspec cache
   26       rebuild: false
   27       # determine number of records to display
   28       count: 15
   30       # specify format fields
   31       #format: name,description
   33       # display output in terse mode
   34       terse: false
   36       # list of paths to search for buildspecs
   37       #root: ["$BUILDTEST_ROOT/tutorials", "$BUILDTEST_ROOT/examples"]
   39     # options for buildtest report command
   40     report:
   41       # number of records to display
   42       count: 25
   43       # display output in terse mode
   44       terse: false
   45       # specify format fields
   46       format: name,id,state,runtime,returncode
   48     # specify directory paths to search for binaries
   49     #paths:
   50       # directory path to search for slurm binaries.
   51       #slurm: "/usr/bin"
   53       # directory path to search for lsf binaries.
   54       #lsf: "/usr/bin"
   56       # directory path to search for pbs binaries.
   57       #pbs: "/usr/bin"
   59       # directory path to search for torque binaries.
   60       #torque: "/usr/bin"
   62       # directory path to search for cobalt binaries.
   63       #cobalt: "/usr/bin"
   66     # start of executor configuration
   67     executors:
   68       # local executor is used to submit jobs on local machine. In this example we have 4 executors: bash, sh, csh, zsh that will submit jobs using bash, sh, csh, zsh shell respectively.
   69       local:
   70         bash:
   71           description: submit jobs on local machine using bash shell
   72           shell: bash
   73         sh:
   74           description: submit jobs on local machine using sh shell
   75           shell: sh
   76         csh:
   77           description: submit jobs on local machine using csh shell
   78           shell: csh
   79         zsh:
   80           description: submit jobs on local machine using zsh shell
   81           shell: zsh
   82     # specify compiler declaration
   83     compilers:
   84       compiler:
   85         # declaration of all gcc compilers
   86         gcc:
   87           # name of compiler
   88           builtin_gcc:
   89             cc: gcc
   90             fc: gfortran
   91             cxx: g++
   92     # specify CDASH configuration when using 'buildtest cdash upload'
   93     cdash:
   94       # CDASH server
   95       url:
   96       # name of CDASH project where to push test reports
   97       project: buildtest
   98       # specify the site name which should generally by name of your HPC system. This is used by CDASH to group test results by site
   99       site: generic
  100       # specify the build name which is used to group test results by build name
  101       buildname: tutorials

Next, let’s build the tests via newly created profile and take note that it will run all tests with tag python

buildtest build --profile=python-tests
$ buildtest build --profile=python-tests
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:43:11                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-shell.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-hello.yml                                                    ║
║ Total: 2                                                                     ║
                            Buildspecs By Tag=python                            
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-shell.yml                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/python-hello.yml                                                    ║
║ Total: 2                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  2
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  2
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 2
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 2
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ circle_a │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Calculat │ /home/d │
│ rea/394b │        │ │          │       │       │ e circle │ ocs/che │
│ 6adf     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ of area  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ given a  │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │ radius   │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /python │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ -shell. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
│ python_h │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ Hello    │ /home/d │
│ ello/51a │        │ │          │       │       │ World    │ ocs/che │
│ 2583d    │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ python   │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /python │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ -hello. │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ yml     │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
circle_area/394b6adf: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/394b6adf
python_hello/51a2583d: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/51a2583d
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
python_hello/51a2583d does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
circle_area/394b6adf does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
Builders Eligible to Run 
┃ Builder               ┃
│ python_hello/51a2583d │
│ circle_area/394b6adf  │
python_hello/51a2583d: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/51a2583d/stage
python_hello/51a2583d: Running Test via command: bash
python_hello/51a2583d: Test completed in 0.031258 seconds with returncode: 0
python_hello/51a2583d: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/51a2583d/python_hello.out
python_hello/51a2583d: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-hello/python_hello/51a2583d/python_hello.err
circle_area/394b6adf: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/394b6adf/stage
circle_area/394b6adf: Running Test via command: bash
circle_area/394b6adf: Test completed in 0.031229 seconds with returncode: 0
circle_area/394b6adf: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/394b6adf/circle_area.out
circle_area/394b6adf: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/python-shell/circle_area/394b6adf/circle_area.err
                                 Test Summary                                 
┃ builder               ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ python_hello/51a2583d │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.031   │
│ circle_area/394b6adf  │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.031   │

Passed Tests: 2/2 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/2 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 2 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_vxr15_gn.log

You can also specify an alternate location to write configuration file via --write-config-file when saving profile configuration. This can be useful if one wants to use a new configuration file without overwriting the current file for testing purposes. To demonstrate this, we will save the profile to configuration file /tmp/my_config.yml

buildtest build -t python --save-profile=python --write-config-file=/tmp/my_config.yml
$ buildtest build -t python --save-profile=python --write-config-file=/tmp/my_config.yml
Saved profile python to configuration file /tmp/my_config.yml

We can view the profile configuration file by specifying the path to the configuration file.

$ buildtest --config /tmp/my_config.yml config view
────────────────────────────── /tmp/my_config.yml ──────────────────────────────
   1 system:
   2   generic:
   3     hostnames:
   4     - .*
   5     description: Generic System
   6     moduletool: none
   7     poolsize: 1
   8     pager: false
   9     buildspecs:
  10       rebuild: false
  11       count: 15
  12       terse: false
  13     report:
  14       count: 25
  15       terse: false
  16       format: name,id,state,runtime,returncode
  17     executors:
  18       local:
  19         bash:
  20           description: submit jobs on local machine using bash shell
  21           shell: bash
  22         sh:
  23           description: submit jobs on local machine using sh shell
  24           shell: sh
  25         csh:
  26           description: submit jobs on local machine using csh shell
  27           shell: csh
  28     compilers:
  29       compiler:
  30         gcc:
  31           builtin_gcc:
  32             cc: gcc
  33             fc: gfortran
  34             cxx: g++
  35     cdash:
  36       url:
  37       project: buildtest
  38       site: generic
  39       buildname: tutorials
  40     profiles:
  41       python:
  42         tags:
  43         - python
  44         validate: false
  45         dry-run: false
  46         testdir: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests
  47         remove-stagedir: false
  48       prof1:
  49         tags:
  50         - python
  51         validate: false
  52         dry-run: false
  53         testdir: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests
  54         remove-stagedir: false
  55       prof2:
  56         buildspecs:
  57         - /home/docs/checkouts/
  58         validate: false
  59         dry-run: false
  60         testdir: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests
  61         remove-stagedir: false
  62       python-tests:
  63         tags:
  64         - python
  65         validate: false
  66         dry-run: false
  67         testdir: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests
  68         remove-stagedir: false

Please note that when using -write-config-file, the path must be a file path and file must not exist. If you specify a directory path or file already exists you will get an error message.

Limit Maximum Jobs that can run concurrently (buildtest build --max-jobs)

Buildtest can cap a limit on number of tests that can run concurrently. This can be set in configuration file via max_jobs field or overridden on command line option via --max-jobs. By default, buildtest will run all jobs concurrently, however with --max-jobs, buildtest will limit number of concurrent jobs specified by --max-jobs.

Let’s limit the number of concurrent jobs to 2 tests, take note that buildtest will run 2 tests per iteration, and wait until test is completed and then proceed to next test.

buildtest build -b tutorials/hello_world.yml --rebuild=5 --max-jobs=2
$ buildtest build -b tutorials/hello_world.yml --rebuild=5 --max-jobs=2
╭───────────────────────────── buildtest summary ──────────────────────────────╮
│                                                                              │
│ User:               docs                                                     │
│ Hostname:           build-24186293-project-280831-buildtest                  │
│ Platform:           Linux                                                    │
│ Current Time:       2024/04/25 15:43:12                                      │
│ buildtest path:     /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ buildtest version:  2.0                                                      │
│ python path:        /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│ python version:     3.8.18                                                   │
│ Configuration File: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/config.yml                              │
│ Test Directory:     /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests                               │
│ Report File:        /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json                         │
│ Command:            /home/docs/checkouts/ │
│                                                                              │
───────────────────────────  Discovering Buildspecs ────────────────────────────
                             Discovered buildspecs                              
║ buildspec                                                                    ║
║ /home/docs/checkouts/ ║
║ utorials/hello_world.yml                                                     ║
║ Total: 1                                                                     ║

Total Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Total Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1
────────────────────────────── Parsing Buildspecs ──────────────────────────────
Valid Buildspecs: 1
Invalid Buildspecs: 0
/home/docs/checkouts/ VALID
Total builder objects created: 5
                            Builders by type=script                             
┃          ┃        ┃          ┃          ┃       ┃       ┃ descript ┃ buildsp ┃
┃ builder  ┃ type   ┃ executor ┃ compiler ┃ nodes ┃ procs ┃ ion      ┃ ecs     ┃
│ hello_wo │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ hello    │ /home/d │
│ rld/6fb4 │        │ │          │       │       │ world    │ ocs/che │
│ 2a21     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ example  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /hello_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ world.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ hello_wo │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ hello    │ /home/d │
│ rld/a3cc │        │ │          │       │       │ world    │ ocs/che │
│ 688e     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ example  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /hello_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ world.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ hello_wo │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ hello    │ /home/d │
│ rld/5a15 │        │ │          │       │       │ world    │ ocs/che │
│ 78c2     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ example  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /hello_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ world.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ hello_wo │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ hello    │ /home/d │
│ rld/c4e5 │        │ │          │       │       │ world    │ ocs/che │
│ 3dbb     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ example  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /hello_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ world.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
│ hello_wo │ script │ generic. │ None     │ None  │ None  │ hello    │ /home/d │
│ rld/9418 │        │ │          │       │       │ world    │ ocs/che │
│ ac53     │        │ sh       │          │       │       │ example  │ ckouts/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ readthe │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ docs.or │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ g/user_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ builds/ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ buildte │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ st/chec │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ kouts/d │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ evel/tu │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ torials │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ /hello_ │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ world.y │
│          │        │          │          │       │       │          │ ml      │
──────────────────────────────── Building Test ─────────────────────────────────
hello_world/6fb42a21: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/6fb42a21
hello_world/a3cc688e: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/a3cc688e
hello_world/5a1578c2: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/5a1578c2
hello_world/c4e53dbb: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/c4e53dbb
hello_world/9418ac53: Creating Test Directory: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/9418ac53
──────────────────────────────── Running Tests ─────────────────────────────────
Spawning 1 processes for processing builders
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 1 ──────────────────────────────────
hello_world/a3cc688e does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
hello_world/c4e53dbb does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
hello_world/6fb42a21 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
hello_world/5a1578c2 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
hello_world/9418ac53 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
Builders Eligible to Run
┃ Builder              ┃
│ hello_world/a3cc688e │
│ hello_world/c4e53dbb │
hello_world/a3cc688e: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/a3cc688e/stage
hello_world/a3cc688e: Running Test via command: bash
hello_world/a3cc688e: Test completed in 0.005969 seconds with returncode: 0
hello_world/a3cc688e: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/a3cc688e/hello_world.out
hello_world/a3cc688e: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/a3cc688e/hello_world.err
hello_world/c4e53dbb: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/c4e53dbb/stage
hello_world/c4e53dbb: Running Test via command: bash
hello_world/c4e53dbb: Test completed in 0.005662 seconds with returncode: 0
hello_world/c4e53dbb: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/c4e53dbb/hello_world.out
hello_world/c4e53dbb: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/c4e53dbb/hello_world.err
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 2 ──────────────────────────────────
hello_world/6fb42a21 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
hello_world/5a1578c2 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
hello_world/9418ac53 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
Builders Eligible to Run
┃ Builder              ┃
│ hello_world/9418ac53 │
│ hello_world/6fb42a21 │
hello_world/9418ac53: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/9418ac53/stage
hello_world/9418ac53: Running Test via command: bash
hello_world/9418ac53: Test completed in 0.00605 seconds with returncode: 0
hello_world/9418ac53: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/9418ac53/hello_world.out
hello_world/9418ac53: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/9418ac53/hello_world.err
hello_world/6fb42a21: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/6fb42a21/stage
hello_world/6fb42a21: Running Test via command: bash
hello_world/6fb42a21: Test completed in 0.005832 seconds with returncode: 0
hello_world/6fb42a21: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/6fb42a21/hello_world.out
hello_world/6fb42a21: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/6fb42a21/hello_world.err
───────────────────────────────── Iteration 3 ──────────────────────────────────
hello_world/5a1578c2 does not have any dependencies adding test to queue
Builders Eligible to Run
┃ Builder              ┃
│ hello_world/5a1578c2 │
hello_world/5a1578c2: Current Working Directory : /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/5a1578c2/stage
hello_world/5a1578c2: Running Test via command: bash
hello_world/5a1578c2: Test completed in 0.006001 seconds with returncode: 0
hello_world/5a1578c2: Writing output file -  /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/5a1578c2/hello_world.out
hello_world/5a1578c2: Writing error file - /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/tests/generic.local.bash/hello_world/hello_world/5a1578c2/hello_world.err
                                Test Summary                                 
┃ builder              ┃ executor           ┃ status ┃ returncode ┃ runtime ┃
│ hello_world/c4e53dbb │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ hello_world/5a1578c2 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ hello_world/6fb42a21 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ hello_world/a3cc688e │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │
│ hello_world/9418ac53 │ generic.local.bash │ PASS   │ 0          │ 0.006   │

Passed Tests: 5/5 Percentage: 100.000%
Failed Tests: 0/5 Percentage: 0.000%

Adding 5 test results to report file: /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/report.json
Writing Logfile to /tmp/tmp0ns2hqkt/var/logs/buildtest_v0nqq6bu.log