Source code for

import logging
import os
import shutil
from functools import reduce

from rich.color import Color, ColorParseError

from buildtest.utils.file import is_dir, resolve_path

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def deep_get(dictionary, *keys): return reduce( lambda d, key: d.get(key, None) if isinstance(d, dict) else None, keys, dictionary, )
[docs]def checkColor(colorArg): """Checks the provided colorArg against the compatible colors from Rich.Color""" if not colorArg: return Color.default().name if isinstance(colorArg, Color): return if colorArg and isinstance(colorArg, list): colorArg = colorArg[0] return colorArg if isinstance(colorArg, str): try: checkedColor = Color.parse(colorArg).name except ColorParseError: checkedColor = Color.default().name return checkedColor
[docs]def check_binaries(binaries, custom_dirs=None): """Check if binaries exist in $PATH and any additional directories specified by custom_dirs. The return is a dictionary containing the binary name and full path to binary. Args: binaries (list): list of binaries to check for existence in $PATH custom_dirs (list, optional): list of custom directories to check for binaries. Defaults to None. Returns: dict: dictionary containing binary name and full path to binary """ logger.debug(f"Check the following binaries {binaries} for existence.") paths = os.getenv("PATH").split(os.pathsep) if custom_dirs: resolved_path = resolve_path(custom_dirs) if is_dir(resolved_path): paths.append(resolved_path) logger.debug( f"Adding directories {resolved_path} to PATH to check for binaries" ) # convert list back to str with colon separated list of directory paths paths = ":".join(paths) logger.debug(f"Checking PATH directories: {paths}") sched_dict = {} for command in binaries: command_fpath = shutil.which(command, path=paths) if not command_fpath: logger.error(f"Cannot find {command} command") sched_dict[command] = command_fpath logger.debug(f"{command}: {command_fpath}") return sched_dict