Building Documentation


buildtest documentation is hosted by ReadTheDocs at which is a documentation platform for building and hosting your docs.

buildtest project can be found at which will show the recent builds and project setting. If you are interested in becoming a maintainer, please contact Shahzeb Siddiqui ( to grant access to this project.


buildtest documentation is located in top-level directory docs. If you want to build the documentation you will need to make sure your python environment has all the packages defined in docs/requirements.txt. If your environment is already setup as described in Installing buildtest then you can skip this step.

To install your python packages, you can run the following:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

Building docs locally

To build your documentation simply run the following:

cd docs
make clean
make html

It is best practice to run make clean to ensure sphinx will remove old html content from previous builds, but it is ok to skip this step if you are making minor changes.

Running make html will build the sphinx project and generate all the html files in docs/_build/html. Once this process is complete you may want to view the documentation. If you have firefox in your system you can simply run the following:

make view

This will open a firefox session to the root of your documentation that was recently generated. Make sure you have X11 forwarding in order for firefox to work properly. Refer to the Makefile to see all of the make tags or run make or make help for additional help.

Automate Documentation Examples

buildtest has a script in $BUILDTEST_ROOT/buildtest/docgen/ to automate documentation examples. This script can be run as follows:

python $BUILDTEST_ROOT/buildtest/docgen/

This assumes your buildtest environment is setup, the script will write documentation test examples in docs/docgen. Consider running this script when adding, modifying, or removing documentation examples. Once the test are complete, you will want to add the tests, commit and push as follows:

git add docs/docgen
git commit -m <MESSAGE>
git push