Regression Tests

buildtest has a suite of regression tests to verify the state of buildtest. These tests are located in the top-level directory tests. buildtest is using pytest for running the regression tests.

Getting Started

In order to write regression tests, you should have pytest and coverage installed in your python environment. You can do this by installing all dependencies found in requirements file:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

Writing Regression Tests

If you want to write a new regression test, you should get familiar with the coverage report gather in codecov and coveralls . The coverage report will give a detailed line-line coverage of source code HIT/MISS when running the regression test. Increasing coverage report would be great way to write a new regression test.

The tests directory is structured in a way that each source file has a corresponding test file that starts with test_. For instance, if you want to write a test for buildtest/utils/, there will be a corresponding test under tests/utils/

If you adding a new directory, make sure the name corresponds to one found under buildtest directory and add a in the new directory. This is required by pytest for test discovery. All test methods must start with test_ in order for pytest to run your regression test.

Shown below is a simple test that always passes

def test_regression_example1():
     assert True

For more details on writing tests with pytest see Getting-Started.

Running Test with pytest

To run all the tests you can run the following:

pytest tests/

Some other options can be useful for troubleshooting such as:

# print passed test with output
pytest -rP tests

# print all failed tests
pytest -rf tests

# print all test with verbose
pytest -v tests

# print all except Pass tests
pytest -ra tests

For a complete list of options refer to pytest documentation or run pytest --help.

You may want to run coverage against your test, this can be done by running:

coverage run -m pytest tests

This can be used with coverage report to show coverage results of your regression test run locally. Shown below is an example output:

$ coverage report
Name                                        Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
buildtest/                           2      0      0      0   100%
buildtest/buildsystem/               0      0      0      0   100%
buildtest/buildsystem/                 222     19     76     19    85%
buildtest/buildsystem/schemas/       0      0      0      0   100%
buildtest/buildsystem/schemas/         53      8     26      8    77%
buildtest/                            65     29     28      5    48%
buildtest/                          18      0      0      0   100%
buildtest/                         5      1      2      1    71%
buildtest/                               18      0      0      0   100%
buildtest/                              11     11      0      0     0%
buildtest/menu/                     62     47      4      0    23%
buildtest/menu/                        62     52     28      0    11%
buildtest/menu/                       35      1     18      0    98%
buildtest/menu/                          31     23     10      0    20%
buildtest/menu/                         17      3      6      3    74%
buildtest/menu/                       11      8      2      0    23%
buildtest/                            37     37     10      0     0%
buildtest/utils/                     0      0      0      0   100%
buildtest/utils/                     49      2     12      3    92%
buildtest/utils/                        46      0     14      2    97%
TOTAL                                         744    241    236     41    63%

You may want to run coverage report -m which will show missing line numbers in report. For more details on coverage refer to coverage documentation.


buildtest provides a tox.ini configuration to allow user to test regression test in isolated virtual environment. To get started install tox:

pip install tox

Refer to tox documentation for more details. To run tox for all envrionment you can run:


If your system has one python instance let’s say python 3.7 you can test for python 3.7 environment by running tox -e py37.