Source code for buildtest.buildsystem.parser

BuildspecParser is will validate a Buildspec file with the global schema
and each test will be validated with one of the subschemnas based on the
type field. The BuilderBase is the base class for all builders that
expose functions to run builds.

import logging
import os
import re

from buildtest.exceptions import (
from buildtest.executors.setup import BuildExecutor
from buildtest.schemas.defaults import custom_validator, schema_table
from buildtest.schemas.utils import load_recipe
from buildtest.utils.file import is_dir, resolve_path

[docs] class BuildspecParser: """A BuildspecParser is responsible for validating a Buildspec file with JSON Schema. The type (e.g., script) and version are derived from reading in the file, and then matching to a Buildspec schema. The schemas are located in folder `buildtest/schemas <>`_, we load the schema dictionary and validate each buildspec with global schema and a sub-schema based on the ``type`` field. If the schema fails validation check, then we stop immediately. """ def __init__(self, buildspec, buildexecutor, executor_match=False): """The init method will run some checks against buildspec before loading buildspec. buildtest will validate the entire buildspec with `global.schema.json <>`_ and validate each test section with the designated type schema. For instance of test includes ``type: script`` we will validate the test with schema `script.schema.json <>`_. If there is any error during the init method, an exception will be raised. Args: buildspec (str): Full path to buildspec file buildexecutor (buildtest.executors.setup.BuildExecutor): Instance object of class BuildExecutor used for accessing executors which is created based on configuration file executor_match (bool, optional): This boolean determines whether to check for 'executor' property in buildspec and see if it matches one of the valid executor names. By default this check is not enforced during `buildtest build` however this is relevant when loading buildspecs into cache via `buildtest buildspec find` Raises: ExecutorError (buildtest.exceptions.ExecutorError): Raise exception if there is issue with buildexecutor, or buildspec is not resolved to file path. If buildspec is a directory path we raise an exception InvalidBuildspec (buildtest.exceptions.InvalidBuildspec): Raise exception when buildspec is invalid. """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if not isinstance(buildexecutor, BuildExecutor): raise ExecutorError( "Invalid type argument for 'buildexecutor', must be of type BuildExecutor" ) self.buildexecutors = buildexecutor self.executor_match = executor_match # if invalid input for buildspec if not buildspec or not isinstance(buildspec, str): raise InvalidBuildspec( buildspec=buildspec, msg="Invalid input type for Buildspec, must be of type 'string'.", ) self.buildspec = resolve_path(buildspec) if not self.buildspec: raise InvalidBuildspec( buildspec=buildspec, msg=f"Unable to find file: {buildspec}" ) if is_dir(self.buildspec): raise InvalidBuildspec( buildspec=self.buildspec, msg=f"Detected {self.buildspec} is a directory, please provide a file path (not a directory path) to BuildspecParser.", ) self.recipe = load_recipe(self.buildspec) if not self.recipe: msg = f"Unable to load buildspec file: {self.buildspec}. The file appears to be invalid" raise InvalidBuildspec(buildspec=self.buildspec, msg=msg) # validate each schema defined in the recipes self.validate()
[docs] def __str__(self): return "[buildspec-parser]"
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "[buildspec-parser]"
[docs] def _check_schema_type(self, test): """Check ``type`` field is a valid sub-schema and verify ``type`` + ``version`` will resolve to a schema file. Args: test (str): Name of test in ``buildspecs`` property of buildspec file Raises: InvalidBuildspecSchemaType (buildtest.exceptions.InvalidBuildspecSchemaType): If there is no match with ``type`` property in test with available schema types """ # extract type field from test, if not found set to None self.schema_type = self.recipe["buildspecs"][test].get("type") # if type not found in section or not a valid type , raise an exception since every test # must be associated to a schema which is controlled by 'type' key if not self.schema_type or self.schema_type not in schema_table["types"]: msg = f"Schema type must be one of the following: {schema_table['types']}. " raise InvalidBuildspecSchemaType(buildspec=self.buildspec, msg=msg)"Test: '{test}' is using schema type: '{self.schema_type}'")
[docs] def _check_executor(self, test): """This method checks if ``executor`` property is not None and executor value is found in list of available executors. Args: test (str): Name of test in ``buildspecs`` property of buildspec file Raises: InvalidBuildspecExecutor (buildtest.exceptions.InvalidBuildspecExecutor): If there is no match with ``executor`` property in test with list of available executors """ # extract type field from test, if not found executor = self.recipe["buildspecs"][test].get("executor") if not executor: raise InvalidBuildspecExecutor( buildspec=self.buildspec, msg="No 'executor' key found in buildspec" ) match = any( [ True if re.fullmatch(executor, name) else False for name in self.buildexecutors.names() ] ) if not match: raise InvalidBuildspecExecutor( buildspec=self.buildspec, msg=f"Unable to find executor: {executor} in {self.buildexecutors.names()}", ) self.logger.debug( f"Executor: {executor} found in executor list: {self.buildexecutors.names()}" )
[docs] def validate(self): """This method will validate the entire buildspec file with global schema and each test section with a sub-schema. The global validation ensures that the overall structure of the file is sound for further parsing. A buildspec is composed of one or more tests, each section is validated with a sub-schema. The ``type`` field is used for sub-schema lookup from schema library. Finally, we validate loaded recipe with sub-schema. """ f"Validating {self.buildspec} with schema: {schema_table['global.schema.json']['path']}" ) custom_validator( recipe=self.recipe, schema=schema_table["global.schema.json"]["recipe"] ) # validate all test instances in 'buildspecs' property. The validation # consist of checking schema type, executor name and validating each section # with sub schema for test in self.get_test_names(): "Validating test - '%s' in recipe: %s" % (test, self.buildspec) ) self._check_schema_type(test) if self.executor_match: self._check_executor(test) self.schema_file = os.path.basename( schema_table[f"{self.schema_type}.schema.json"]["path"] ) # validate test instance with sub schema custom_validator( recipe=self.recipe["buildspecs"][test], schema=schema_table[f"{self.schema_type}.schema.json"]["recipe"], ) f"Validating {self.buildspec} with schema: {schema_table[f'{self.schema_type}.schema.json']['path']}" )
[docs] def get_test_names(self): """Return a list of test names from a buildspec file. The test names are defined under the 'buildspecs' property""" return self.recipe.get("buildspecs").keys()